Chapter Three
AN: Haven’t been watching season 2. Don’t really have an interest in it or the manga anymore…
"Are you sure you got everything?" Canada asked as Gilbert checked over his bags then his manoeuvring gear.
"Ja Birdie. I'm sure I got everything." Prussia said with a smile.
"Ready?" Matthew asked. The albino nodded and they started down the hall to the stables. The members of 104th squad were already there and readying their horses.
"Are jou taking Glacies?" Prussia asked raising an eyebrow.
"No. He needs a lot more training before he goes anywhere." The Canadian said opening the stall and taking out his horse Spitfire. She was a cherry bay with white socks on all four legs, black mane and tail with a diamond on her nose. She whinnied and nudged his shoulder. Prussia walked over to his horses stall. His name was Mondi and he was dapple grey with a black tail and mane. It took both nations only a couple of minutes to ready their horses.
Most of the younger scouts were almost ready but, Sasha was having trouble getting the bit in her horse’s mouth. Matthew handed Spitfire's rains over to Prussia and went over to help Sasha.
"Try rubbing his gums then tickling under his tongue." Canada said.
Sasha looked at him confused for a second, but did what he suggested. The horse easily took the bit. "Thank you! He's so stubborn most of the time. Jean normally has to do it for me; he has a way with horses." She said with a shy smile.
"He looks like a horse too!" Connie said as he led his horse past. Matthew and Sasha laughed.
"He kinda does." The blond said remembering an old animated movie about a horse.
------❄"You do you and I'll do me and we won't do each other... Probably."❄-----
It took the rest of the group another half hour to finish readying their horses and checking over their gear. They were now in a clump in front of the stables
"Hey everyone! Listen up!" Prussia yelled. Everyone turned to him. "Ve're heading out now! Mount up!"
Everyone quickly mounted their horses and they headed out of the scouting headquarters. They galloped through the forest until they reached the first town. People stopped to look as the scouts passed.
Matthew felt uncomfortable having eyes on him and he pulled up his hood. He noticed that a few of the other scouts had done the same. After a couple of minutes they were outside of the little village.
"So why are we going all the way around wall Sina?" Canada heard Jean ask. Gilbert looked over his shoulder to answer him, but Armin beat him to it.
"Because it will take less time; it seems counterproductive going around, but having to go through the districts and getting the military polices permission to go through Sina would take a lot longer." Armin explained. Jean thought about it and nodded understanding.
After a couple of hours of travelling and talking amongst themselves they had reached Nedly. The gate into the district was open as they road through. The younger scouts looked around. They'd never been this far north before. The town was structured the same, but the buildings were a different style.
"It's kinda cold here." Connie commented rubbing his ears.
"Jou might vant to vear jour hat or gloves." Gilbert suggested. Connie smiled remembering that he had them and reached into his saddle bag to grab it.
People started to line the streets as the words that some scouts were in town spread. Matthew looked at the crowds as they passed from under his hood. He didn't recognize anyone, not that he was expecting to. They'd had not seen any other nations in years.
Canada stopped Spitfire and dismounted to talk to a garrison member. They were going to open the gate soon. The blond got back onto his horse and turned to talk to the trainees.
"The garrison will open the gates within the next five minutes on our signal. There are no titans in sight currently, but keep a look out." Matthew said loudly enough for the scouts to hear. "Stay close and if we get into a fight, conserve your supplies."
The trainees nodded listening carefully. Gilbert gave the garrison the signal to lift the gate. Canada looked around again. His eyes wandered over the crowd lazily. He spotted a man with gold hair and blue eyes. Matthew immediately recognized him, but his attention was caught by the gate opening. He made a mental note to come find them later.
"Can't wait to be outside the walls again." Eren said with a sigh.
"Vell, technically jou're outside of two walls, not all three. So Jour not really outside the valls." Gilbert pointed out.
"Didn't think about that before." Eren said with a shocked face.
"Good job Jaeger!" Jean commented rolling his eyes.
The gate was finally open high enough for them to see outside. The horses stomped in anticipation. Gilbert let Mondi start cantering towards the gate, the others followed his lead. By the time they reached the gate it was fully open and the urged their horses into a gallop.
Matthew smiled as the wind hit his face and blew his hood down. He was happy to be getting closer to home; the boarder was only about a kilometre away. For a minute he wasn't worried about anything, but then he remembered where he was.
The Canadian did a quick sweep looking for any signs of titans in the abandoned city. Just as the garrison had said, there were no titans in sight. He didn't let his guard down though.
AN: I haven’t been too active on here lately. Been playing a lot of aottg and Flight Rising… Whoops.