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Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

The mountains loomed over head. They were tall and capped with snow. At their base was a small forest of evergreen and oaks. The scouts galloped towards them. The sun was shining overhead melting the thin layer of snow left on the ground making it muddy.

"Are we climbing up those things or?" Jean asked with a yawn.

"There's a valley we'll go through. Won't have to climb too much." Canada called over his shoulder. "We'll get there in about an hour."

The temperature had risen along with the sun. By lunch all the snow had melted. They sat on the edge of the forest having a quick meal break. When they finished they got back onto their horses and trotted carefully through the forest. They didn't see any titans, but that didn't mean there weren't any around.

Matthew cautiously listened for any signs of titans. Inside the forest it was dark, barely any light shone through the trees. The dark forest wasn't very deep. The scouts could see the end of the forest through to the rocks where the mountain started.

The horse’s hooves clicked on the stone. Most of the path leading through the mountain was flat shale rocks. Some of it would break and crumble under their hooves and the horses hooves would slip.

"We might need to lead the horses when we get further up. We don't want to risk an injury." Matthew said to the scouts. They nodded and carried on. As they got further up the mountain the path narrowed. They had to ride single instead of side by side.

Spitfire slipped again and Canada decided it was time to get off. He dismounted and pulled the reins over her head. The other scouts did the same and they carefully led their horses. Gilbert waited for the others to pass to bring up the rear.

After another couple of hours of hiking they reached the top of the path. At the end of the path there was a large outcrop, big enough for them all to fit in. There was a wall of rock to the left and a small path to the right. It was a sheer drop off the side of the cliff and path. The path leading down was less than a meter wide. Matthew sighed and pet Spitfire as he looked around. She whinnied and leaned into his touch.

"Wow." Eren said in amazement looking over the countryside. As the rest of the younger scouts made it to the top they had similar reactions. Gilbert led his horse over to Matthew's side. "It's huge!"

The ocean was stretched out for as far as the eye could see. The sun shone down on it making the water look silver. Before that was a sandy beach with drift wood scattered about. There were no titans in sight.

"That's the ocean!" Armin said excitedly. "We made it!"

"Not quite, almost. Ve've still have to make it down to the shore." Gilbert said. "Ve'll be there by night fall."

Spitfire whinnied and pulled on her reins. Canada turned to pet her and to see what had spooked her. He looked to where her ears were pointing and gasped.

"Titan!" He called spotting one stomping towards them; it was blocking the way down the mountain. Matthew drew his blades and prepared for a fight. "It's blocking our way down. We're going to have to kill it." He explained calmly. The younger scouts nodded and drew their swords as well.

Canada ran straight towards the titan, Prussia right beside him. The red haired seven meter tall titan stared down at the older scouts. It was unaware of the other scouts that were trying to flank it. Matthew jumped and engaged his hooks and hit the titan in its shoulder. He reeled towards it as Gilbert did the same, but to the opposite shoulder.

The ugly giant looked down at the hooks in its shoulders and shook lazily. Matthew and Gilbert's paths were altered slightly because of the shaking. The blond landed on the titan’s chest and quickly unhooked letting himself fall before hooking again and swinging through the gap in between the titan’s legs.

The Canadian looked up the see Mikasa hooking into the titan’s nape. She reeled in and easily killed it. The titan fell to its knees and flopped onto the ground. The horses scattered and got out of the way. Matthew sighed in relief watching and as Mikasa stuck to the mountain side and hung there. Gilbert dropped down from where he was on the mountain and the other scouts stayed where they were.

Matthew felt another vibration in the ground and turned around. There were more titans coming up the trail. Canada looked over his shoulder to see if they could escape back down the mountain, but a titan was crawling on all fours up the path. There was a pair of Titans behind the crawler.

"What are we going to do?" Sasha yelled down taking in the situation.

"There's no other way down the mountain. We're trapped, we have to fight." Matthew called up. The scouts nodded and split off into two groups, one going towards the crawler and the others going to the group of titans. Mikasa, Armin, Eren and Jean followed Gilbert while Connie, Sasha and Krista followed Matthew.

The Canadian ran towards the crawler and waved his blades to get its attention. It looked at him and scuttled towards him. Matthew turned and ran away letting it follow him. Connie hooked into its back and edged his way towards the neck.

Canada was running out of ground and space. The edge of the cliff was nearing and the crawler was gaining on him. Connie climbed closer to the nape and stood up keeping is balance. He stabbed it in the neck and twisted his blade around in the flesh. Matthew slid to a stop inches from the edge. The crawler collapsed less than a foot from him.

"That was close." Connie said jumping down next to the nation. Matthew nodded. He looked over to see Gilbert and the other half of the scouts still fighting the group of titans, there were three left.

The rest of Matthews’s group was still fighting the pair of titans that had followed the crawler. Connie started running back towards the group and the blond followed him. Canada jumped and hooked into the cliff side to move quicker. He perched on the rocks waiting for a good angle on one of the titans napes.

The titans were too close together to get a good angle. "Spread out!" Matthew called dropping to the ground. Connie and Sasha went towards the wall of rock and Matthew and Krista went to the right.

The larger of the titans slowly stomped after Krista and Canada while the smaller one went after Connie and Sasha. Krista ran at the titans and hooked onto its shoulder. She swung up and cut the eyes while Matthew got its heels.

The Titan moaned and clutched its eyes as Canada cut through its Achilles. The titan’s legs turned to jelly and it fell forward. Krista zipped around it flying up into the air and hooking back into the nape. She came down quickly and killed it.

The nation looked over to Connie and Sasha. Their titan was lying on the ground steaming. The blond looked over to where Gilbert and his group were still fighting titans.

"Split up and help them." Matthew said. "Keep a close eye on your gas."

AN: So Hot Rod/Rodimus is going to be in the new transformers, but he’s got a French accent. It’s kinda weird, but I don’t mind it too much. Rodimus is my favorite transformer! I’m a huge G1 nerd and been meaning to read MTMTE.

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