Chapter Six
"Only a day to go that far?!" Eren yelled surprised.
Canada smiled. "Yeah, planes were the fastest. They were pretty much big metal birds that we could fly." He said remembering an airfield. "Bi-planes were made out of wood and cloth, then later, more modern planes were made of metal. And close to the time
the titans came they were powered by jet engines instead of propellers."
"World war?" Krista asked worriedly.
"Ja, those vere some bad days." Gilbert sighed looking blankly at the fire.
"We'll talk about those later." Canada said. "They'll take a while to explain."
"How were the planes controlled?" Armin asked fascinated.
"The pilot would control it with the control stick which controlled the ailerons and rudders." The blond explained recalling a memory of the first time he flew a jet. It was one of his favourite memories of messing around and seeing what the new machine could do.
"That sounds like it would be so much fun!" Connie said excitedly.
"They were amazing." The Canadian said with a small smile. "It's getting late, we need to get up fairly early tomorrow. I'll take first watch, who would like to join me?"
"I will!" Armin volunteered quickly.
"Okay, ve'll do two shifts vith two people for each." Gilbert said. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Vho vants to take the next shift?"
"We will." Krista and Sasha volunteered.
"Okay, we'll wake you up in two hours." Matthew said standing up. "We'll use the tallest tree as our lookout point. There probably won't be any titans, its night and cold, but it's better to be safe than sorry."
Armin nodded and followed him up the tree while the others bedded down. Canada sat down on one of the thicker high branches and offered a hand to Armin who was still climbing. They didn't use their manoeuvring hear because they didn't want to use gas out of combat.
"Thanks." Armin said taking the Canadians hand. He settled down on the branch and looked around. They were very high up. The moonlight lit up the countryside as it reflected off the snow covered ground. Canada could see mountains a couple of kilometres away that he couldn't see earlier because of the snow. The snow had almost stopped falling and the wind died down to a gentle breeze. The trees had sheltered them from the brunt of the storm. "Wow, it's beautiful."
Matthew hummed in agreement looking up at the stars. "I really miss living out here."
"How long has it been since you've been on your land?" Armin asked.
"A decade or so." Canada said. "It's hard for a nation to be away from their land for a long time." He couldn't imagine how Gilbert feels or how any other nation that was trapped in North America after the titans came.
"Have you seen any other nations?" The younger blond asked.
"We kept in touch for a while, but we haven't seen any other nations for quite a long time." Canada said. "We do know that there are people living outside the walls and there could be another set of walls in Europe. A lot of them could be living over there."
Armin nodded remembering the map. "Are there people living around here? You can feel them on your land?"
"Not around here, but there are some people living way up north." The elder scout said. "I haven't gone up the them yet. Haven't got permission, not that I really need it, but we'd rather stay on good terms with the higher ups."
"Why hasn't anyone noticed that you haven't aged?" Armin asked.
"We normally keep to ourselves unless Erwin wants something." Canada shrugged. "People don't really notice us much."
The rest of the time was spent quietly talking about many different things and how they worked. Armin was eager to ask and learn and Matthew was happy to explain.
"We should wake up Krista and Sasha." Canada said, Armin nodded. Matthew slipped off the edge of the branch and dropped a few feet before catching one a dropping again. The younger blond followed him down climbing more carefully.
Matthew landed in a crouch on the snow covered ground. He looked around, everyone was sleeping peacefully. The Canadian smiled looking over at Gilbert. His hair blended in perfectly with the snow. Armin jumped down next to him with a loud thump. He tensed waiting to see if he woke anyone up, but no one moved.
"I'll wake up Sasha, you wake Krista." Matthew said. He quietly walked over and knelt down next to her and poked her shoulder. Sasha jumped up, startled looking around.
"Oh, hi." She whispered scratching the back of her neck.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." The blond whispered back.
"It’s okay. I've always been pretty jumpy." Sasha said walking over to where Krista stood running her eyes. They started up the tree.
Matthew walked over to his sleeping bag and took of his cloak and jacket. He laid down next to Gilbert. The albino blinked awake and yawned throwing a arm around Canada and pulling him closer.
-----❄"We're doomed."❄-----
The next morning the sun rose and Gilbert was already up and making breakfast. Matthew yawned and rolled over. He smelt something that smelled good and opened his eyes. Canada rolled onto his feet and grabbed his jacket.
A few of the scouts were already up and waiting for their breakfast. Once they were finished they packed up and mounted their horses and started towards the mountains.