Shining Waves
Started: September 2nd 2016
AN: I know snk/aot probably takes place in Germany, but shhhhh. This doesn't follow the cannon at all and will have little to no spoilers for the manga or anime.
Gilbert smiled as he opened his eyes and snuggled closer to Matthew. The first few rays of sunlight shone through the window lighting up the room. The Prussian untangled himself from his partner sadly leaving the warmth of the bed. Canada huffed and pulled the covers over his head and fell back asleep. The blond was never a morning person.
Prussia laughed quietly before putting on his uniform and exiting their room. He quietly shut the door and started down the hall. The torches that lit the hall during the night had burned out and no one bothered to relight them making it fairly dark.
The albino walked into the empty kitchen and started up the stove. He grabbed a kettle, filled it with water and put it on the burner. He made coffee and grabbed some fruit from the counter and started back to the room. Prussia walked in and sat the food on their nightstand. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Canada.
The Canadian was all wrapped up in the blankets and only his nose was showing. Gilbert leaned down and kissed the nations nose. It earned him a giggle and a poof of blond hair.
"Come on Birdie, time to vake up." Gilbert said.
"No." Matthew grumbled opening his eyes and looking up at the albino.
"I have fruit and coffee." He coaxed.
Canada grumbled and threw the covers off his head and sat up. "Fine." He said with a yawn. Prussia handed him a cup of coffee and the blond took a sip humming happily.
"So, vhat's on the schedule today?" Prussia asked taking a bite from a pear.
"Dita asked me to break in a colt he's been having trouble with." Matthew said grabbing an apple off the nightstand.
"I guess I'll vatch then." Prussia said. Canada finished his apple and coffee before getting out of bed to get ready.
-----❄"Potatoes are much more delicious when they're hot." ❄-----
It took the Canadian quite a while to get the horse out of the stall. He would bite and snap at him every time Matthew went to clip the lead into his halter. Finally he was able to trick the colt with a sugar cube.
"Vhat did jou say his name was?" Prussia asked as Matthew carefully groomed the horse.
"Glacies." The blond said finishing picking the horses hooves and moved onto brushing him. Glacies was almost pure white; he had a dusting of black spots in his back and bright blue eyes. It was a very unusual coat for the breed of horse.
"Feisty one isn't he?" Gilbert commented. Canada nodded. He finished grooming Glacies and unclipped him from the grooming stall and led him out to a corral. Prussia grabbed a saddle and bridal on the way.
Matthew tied the lead to one of the rails and gently put the saddle blanket on his back. Glacies looked back at him with his ice blue eyes. Putting the saddle on was a bit more of a battle, Glacies wasn't used to the weight on his back and would try to bite the nation every time he went to tighten the saddle. Canada didn't even bother trying to put the bit in his mouth. He unclipped the lead and tied it on either side of the halter making a makeshift bridal.
"Please don't break anything." Gilbert said from where he was sitting on the rails.
"No promises!" Canada laughed as he climbed onto Glacies. The horse took a second to adjust to the new weight, but when he did he started to buck and kick. Matthew held on tight until Glacies tired out. He started to ride the horse around the corral. Glacies didn't really respond to commands at first, but he did after a couple rounds.
The Canadian looked over to where Gilbert was sitting and noticed that he was looking back at the stables. He could see two people heading towards them. He could tell who they were from the height difference.
Matthew dismounted off Glacies and led him over to the railing and tied him to it. He climbed up and sat next to Prussia. Glacies head butted his side and whinnied. Matthew smiled and petted him. The horse was a lot less aggressive towards him and seemed to want attention.
"Matthew, Gilbert." Erwin greeted, Levi at his side. Glacies head butted Matthew's back almost knocking him off the railing. He reached into his pocket and gave him a sugar cube. "Still having trouble that one?"
"He's not too bad right now, but whoever he ends up with will have to build up a lot of trust before an expedition." Canada said. Glacies kept nudging his side looking for more snacks.
"We won't give him to a trainee than. He needs a more experienced rider." Erwin said. Matthew and Gilbert nodded in agreement. "Anyways, down to business."
"The recent expedition did not go well. The 104th trainees have seemed to have lost their motivation." Levi said.
"That's the squad vith the titan shifter guy right?" Gilbert asked.
"Yes, the brats aren't doing much except moping around." The captain said.
"They are going to be the next generation of leaders in the scout regiment. Right now they need a bit of a boost." Erwin said. "We would like you to take them to the ocean as well as teach them the history of the world."
"Ocean? Haven't been there in a while." Matthew said thoughtfully.
"Vhen do ve leave?" Gilbert asked excitedly.
"We'll have a briefing tomorrow to discuss that." Erwin said. "Meet in board room three at eight o'clock sharp."
AN: Anyone play Attack on Titan Tribute Game (Fang Lee)? I do! I am Jokul Frosti, if you have RC mod I will have a Jack Frost skin with ghoul eyes, if not then I look like Prussia. I normally play in US servers, forest III. If you see me, say hi!