Chapter Nine
They finally made it down off the side of the mountain without any missteps. At the base was a small forest of giant cedar trees. There wasn't much underbrush for titans to hide in.
"What kind of trees are these?" Krista asked looking around. There were birds jumping around the canopy that stopped to look down at them.
"They're cedars." Matthew said watching the birds. One swooped down and landed on his shoulder. He smiled and held a finger out. The gold bird hopped off his shoulder and onto his finger. "Hello little guy."
"Birdie's got a birdie." Prussia laughed as another blue coloured bird flew down and landed on Matthew. "Jou look like Cinderella. Jou're just missing a trio of rats."
The other scouts paused and gathered around Canada. "What kind of birds are those?" Armin asked watching the two birds jump around on the Canadians hand.
"A goldfinch and a mountain blue bird." Canada said. The two birds jumped off his finger and hopped along Spitfire's mane. She quickly shook them off and they flew back into the trees. Matthew smiled wanting to laugh, but afraid to hurt his ribs.
"I've seen the yellow one before, but not the blue one." Mikasa said still following the birds with her eyes.
"They don't go too far in land. There vill be a lot of thing jou guys probably haven't seen before inside the valls." Gilbert said starting off again. Matthew rode beside him and the younger scouts followed behind.
They could hear the waves splashing against the shore now. Canada could smell the ocean. Spitfire neighed and shook her mane. "Almost there." He said petting her neck. Gilbert looked over and smiled.
The ocean finally came into view. They could see shining patches of blue through the trees. The dirt underneath the horse’s hooves turned to sand and the ocean stretched out in front of them. Canada and Gilbert dismounted and led their horses. The younger scouts dismounted as well and knelt down to feel the sand.
Matthew watched a seagull fly over head towards the high rocky walls to the south of them. They were in a bay that had these cliffs on both sides.
"It's warm." Sasha said holding up a handful of sand. It slowly flowed out of her fingers and she grabbed more. Eren, Armin and Mikasa drifted closer to the ocean.
"It's so beautiful." Armin said looking at the waves lapping at his feet.
"Never thought that we'd actually make it here." Mikasa said kneeling down and putting a hand into the damp sand. She left a hand print that the water washed away.
"It's cold." Eren said putting a hand into the ocean. He cupped his hands and took some of the water. He took a sip and quickly spit it out. "It's so salty." He said making a face.
"Don't drink it. It will make you sick." Canada said walking over to the edge of the shore, Gilbert at his side.
"Going for a swim?" The albino asked.
"Not today." Matthew said. "Maybe, if my ribs are healed, tomorrow."
"How do we get the salt out of the water?" Armin asked scooping up a handful and letting it flow out of his hands. "It's not really drinkable right now."
"Ve'd have to boil it and catch the steam." Gilbert explained.
"That seems like a pain in the ass." Jean said walking over and putting a hand on his hip. The other scouts hand drifted over to the edge of the water. Their horses were playing next to the tree line.
"It is, that's why we brought water." Matthew said walking back over to the horses and calling Spitfire. She came trotting over and Canada took her saddle off. He winced as a spike of pain went through him. 'That was a bad idea,' he thought setting the saddle down and took her bridle off. Spitfire whinnied happily and nudged his shoulder before running off. The Canadian laughed quietly not wanting to put too much strain on his ribs.
"We're just letting them run around?" Krista asked worriedly petting her horse’s nose.
"They vill be okay." Gilbert said taking off his horses bridle. "They'll come when you call."
"Okay." The young blonde said starting to take the tack of her horse.
"We need to start setting up camp. The sun is starting to set, we don't want to be doing it in the dark." Matthew called. The scouts quickly started to unpack and set up the camp as Canada started supper.