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Two: Eyes That Burn


I got out of the truck as soon as it pulled over and look over to the driver's seat where my friend made her much slower way out.

"Thanks again for doing this man."

Sin grunted and locked her car door then turned to face the building we were parked in front of, a Starbucks cup in hand.

"So, it's finish then? This is it?"

I turned to the large structure which now held all my dreams. It had been an old warehouse until a few months ago after I'd purchased it from the previous owners. After weeks of construction, hours pouring over various invoices and a huge chunk of my savings poured in, we were finally here.

"Yup." I said proudly. Above the front door, a sign holding the name of the club winked out at us. I winced at the name 'X-Tasy' but I hadn't been able to come up with anything better and Sin had insisted on calling it that. I'd decided against using neon lights but again Sin was trying to convince me otherwise.

"Nice man. Alright. What you need done today?"

I was planning on opening next weekend so I needed to put the finishing touches on the place. My liquor orders were arriving today; I was interviewing workers tomorrow as soon as Chantel sent me the list she'd promised. She said she knew a couple of people that would do a good job and help make this club everything I wanted it to be.

"Well, the drinks come today so Imma need help taking some of that shit to the cellar and arranging them in the bar. While we wait, you can help me hang up the paintings and all the other shit I got in yo trunk. "

"Decorating. Cool. "

I forgave the one worded, less than enthusiastic replies because Sin looked like she had a long night. It was just a little past ten A.M. and this nigga still had that 'just woke up from sleep' face.

"Boy you look like shit."

Sin shrugged. I smirked. "Working late?"

I asked even though I knew that was probably not the case. She grinned at me and I was struck by how fucking fine she is.

"In a manner of speaking."

"Nigga you ain't shit."

I shook my head in exasperation but there was a smile on my face as I regarded her. I was grateful as hell she'd gotten her tired ass outta bed for me. Reconnecting with Sin was one of the best things about moving to Atlanta. We'd been friends back in Chicago and I'd practically lived at her parents house for the later part of my teens. I'd missed her when she'd left after high school and it was the first time in almost six years that we were living in the same area again. We were practically like sisters, or bros or whatever, but that why despite the fact that I thought she was attractive as fuck, nothing was ever going to happen between us. Sin didn't go for my type anyways.

"Yeah yeah. Just let me finish my coffee then you can put me to work."

I jog ahead to unlock the doors with my key and allow her to follow. I was dressed in my oldest pair of faded blue jeans and a flannel shirt over a tank top. Clothes that I wouldn't mind messing up. Not that there'd be any work that'll mess up my attire today but I'd been wearing things like this all through the renovation and I didn't mind for a few more days.

Five hours later, Sin and I cart the last of the crates down to the basement.

"Fuck!" Sin exclaims when she drops her end on the floor and bends with her hands on her knees breathing heavily. I still had to take out all the bottles and stack them into the wooden wine shelf I'd installed earlier but I was beat right about now. We'd been at it since we got in doing from one thing to another. I wasn't breathing as heavily as Sin but I was certainly tired.

"No offense man but I don't think I can do any more right now."

Neither did I. Before I could reply, we heard noises upstairs.

I frowned. I wasn't open yet an didn't have any employees. I definitely wasn't expecting anyone. I looked at Sin and she shrugged so she wasn't either.

Habit nearly has me reaching for my side but I tamp down on the impulse. I wasn't going to find anything there. I was done with all that.

Instead, I jogged upstairs to see what was up. My face broke into a smile when I spotted Chantel standing in the middle of my LED dancefloor looking around. Today she was wearing a tight nude color, sleeveless sundress and strappy black sandals with wedge heels. Her hair was pulled up behind and her front curls were arranged to form bangs around her face which held the barest hint of make up. She must've heard me coming because she turned around and spread her arms wide. A slim gold watch winked at her wrist.

"This is fucking awesome nigga!"

I laughed and came up from behind the bar meeting her ass halfway across the dance floor and pulling her into a hug.

"I didn't know you were coming."

She pulls away and searches her large ass purse before pulling out a paper and waving it. "I had to come give you this. Names and numbers of the people I told you about."

"Aw shit man. Thank you. But you ain't have to come all this way. "

"I know. But I was done with my errands for the day and I thought I'd stop by and see the place before it starts crawling with motherfuckers. It looks really good Dom!"

I laughed again when she gave me another excited hug. After we pulled apart, she started to say something before she looked over my shoulder and her expression changed. I knew Sin was behind me without evening turning around.

I'd still been in Chicago when shit went down between these two. From what I've been able to gather they'd gone from almost dating to being sworn enemies in a matter of weeks. I still didn't know exactly what happened but I had a sneaky suspicion it had something to with Sin's hang-ups about labels and clothes but I'd heard Chantel bitch about everything from her dyed gold locks to the way she smirked so I may be completely wrong. Sin doesn't help by constantly provoking Chantel. It's exhausting being around them sometimes.

Personally, I thought they should just fuck and get it over it but nobody asked me. There was a lotttt of pent up sexual energy between them and I'm sure it was adding to their frustration with each other. My hoe ass friend would probably be all over that idea but I was dead sure Chantel would whack me with her large ass purse.

I wisely kept my mouth shut. Sin walked up to us and gave Chantel a deliberately slow once over.

“Looking good Chanty."

Chantel scowled. “Don't call me that.”

Sin only shrugged but her eyes didn't leave Chantel even though she was talking to me.

"I gotta go now bruh. My shift starts in an hour and Milo gon' have my mama on the phone if I'm late again."

She rolls her eyes and tear them away from Chantel long enough to clap hands and do that half 'bro hug' niggas like to do.

Her eyes went right back to Chantel. I couldn't really blame her but I'm pretty sure anyone else would have threatened with sexual harrassment by now. Thankfully Sin has a little more class when she talks to other girls. Apparently only Chanty brought her pervert level horniness out. Speaking of, Chantel was doing her best to pretend Sin wasn't currently drooling over her tits. I was grateful when my friend finally headed for the doors because the tension around them was both arousing and annoying.

Chantel wrapped an arm around my bicep and pulled me towards the bar but I saw her head turn to catch a last glimpse of Sin before she disappeared through the door. Well, at least there'd been no shouting match today.

Chantel demanded I make her a margarita and after consulting google (don't judge me, I smoke more than I drink), I manage to whip it up.

"It's a lil heavy on the tequila but good D."

“Thanks again for bringing this here.”

I wave the list she handed me in front of her.

“No problem. I highlighted my best recommendations in red but everyone on that list is dead ass.”

We spent the next thirty minutes calling people up to schedule meets for the next two days. I was running out of time and I didn't want to shift opening night again.

“I can't wait for you to open! Can I get the word out today?”

“Oh. Yeah. Thanks.” Chantel had volunteered to handle the promotion and invites since she had a large following on her Instagram.

“So... Your party yesterday. Who was that lil stud with mouth on her?”

Chantel gave me an amused look. “That wasn't even subtle. How long you been waiting to ask me bout her?”

I shrug but I'm low key embarrassed. Still what the hell. Her little ass had caught my attention since that fiasco last night and I wanted to know more about her. I roll my eyes at Chantel.

“Just tell me” She smirks at me. “Okay. Her name's Shawne Parks. I've known her since high school.”

“She's something else.” I said thinking back to her going up against that other stud last night, despite being almost 4 times smaller. It was equal parts brave and stupid not to mention very intriguing.

Chantel laughed. “That she is. That nigga crazy as hell.”

“Cute too. ” I ain't mean to say that out loud but it was true.

Chantel raised a brow. “Yeah and she's also super into fems and maybe a little stud phobic so forget it.”

“What? I'm just curious bout her that's all. Ain't you the one always on my dick bout making friends now that I have a normal life?”

“Yeah but I know you Dominique. First you go all hero and shit for her then you start asking me questions. I'm telling you now, Shawne don't date studs.”

“Good for her. ” I say uninterestedly and Chantel eyes me. “You gon' invite her to the club right?”

“I mean, I could but I don't even know if she'll co—”

“Do it.” Chantel sighs. “Y'all motherfuckers never listen to me.” She muttered under her breath.

“So you'll ask her right?”

“Yes Dominique. I will ask Shawne if she'll come to your party next weekend.”

I feel a thrum of excitement rise at the thought of seeing her again. I wanted to know about the fire I'd seen in her eyes. And just what else made her blood heat.

I should probably listen to Chantel. The last thing I need is to be chasing some hot studphobic chick with an attitude. Otherwise I may just end up getting burned.

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