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She's Daddy

Shawne Elle
21.0K · Ongoing


Past events have made Shawna Parks into the person she is today; a young prettyboi stud with acid in her mouth, a chip o...

Romance18+EroticSexTrue LoveFemale leadDominant

One: The Party

“This party lit as fuck yo!” Cleo, my best friend yells from beside me before moving her hips in an off beat hip bump and waving her hands like she just didn’t care. I did.

“Boy calm yo ass down. I actually wanna look attractive to bitches.”

I mean, I agreed with her about the littiness of the party but some things were just not to be witnessed by the eyes of motherfuckers that never signed up to tolerate your bullshit and her so called ‘signature move’ was one of them. She called it a double whip but it looks like she was holding out an offering to some deity and being electrocuted. Slowly. I still don’t understand how any mudafucker could shake so badly while doing it so slowly as well. Cleo scoffs.

“Oh please. I don’t need to try to pull females. They know I got it. You on the other hand.” She smirks at me and I snorted. Like I wasn’t the finest piece of premium shit on this side of planet earth. “Bitch please. I’m the looks and brains of this operation. You just here to make sure nobody beat me up. Now cut that shit out. You look like someone put an eel in your pants and asked to to ride the back of a drunk kangaroo. Behave! There are bitches here.” Cleo snorted “Bitch, they bitches everywhere.”

“I know Cleopatra the Third.” I smirk at the glare she shoots my way for using her full name. People really out here naming their kids with roman numerals but okay. “But some of these bitches practically naked!”

I find them out in the packed room with my eyes and they weren’t hard to spot. For one thing, they walked around the room in very tiny bikinis and heels serving drinks and cocktails to various guests. Cleo laughs at my staring but doesn’t reply. My gaze whips over to her when I heard the telltale signs of a lighter being clicked. Kinda like spidey senses being tickled. She’s right there dragging on a blunt that I stare at with almost as much awe as I stared at the women earlier. Honestly, if I had to choose between weed, food and pussy… I suppose logically food would have to win but I dead ass could not imagine living without the other two. They mean so damn much to me. So, so much. I lick my lips.

“Yo Cleo─”


“Man C’mon─”


“You don’t even know what I wanna─”

“I ain’t giving you my weed mudafucker.” I scowl at her and she gives me a deadpan stare. “Maybe next time you won’t clown your bestest friend Cleo about her admittedly improvable but definitely cute dancing.” She gives me a little glare. I sigh. So we were gonna have to do this the hard way huh? I stand there for a moment and let her re-spark her blunt. Before she could pull on in I swipe it from between her lips and held it triumphantly between my fingers.

“What the fuck bruh! Why the fuck would you do that?”

I shrugged “Yo ass was being greedy.”

“And yours is gon’ be kicked all the way down to Florida if you don’t give me Shaniqua back!”

I snort at the latest name for her roll and take a deep draw. I love the first hit I get from a good blunt. That mild buzz that tingles at the edges of your mind as the smoke fills your lungs and starts your journey to being fucked up. I let out a stream of smoke into the air above our heads. Or above my head. Cleo was several inches taller than me at five seven, what she called normal people height so the smoke ended up more in her face. Instead of the angry outburst I was expecting, Cleo looked at something above my shoulder and her eyes unfocused. I turned my head to the side to catch this girl with a fat as hell ass twerking to the Tyga song playing out the speakers. For a moment, I too was distracted from my objective of getting high and irritating Cleo. It was what I liked to call an asstounding moment.

“Damn. When Chantel throw a party she do not play.”

“That I don’t.”

I only just barely refrained from jumping at the voice that came up behind us but Cleo didn’t and I took great pleasure in pointing and laughing at her ass. She just scowled at me and greeted the new comer with as much dignity as she could muster after flailing like a little bitch.

“Chantel.” Cleo glanced at our host and did a quick double take. “Damn girl. You looking hella fine tonight.”

I could not agree more. Chantel was dressed in some kind of flowing lavender kimono style robe tied loosely about her waist. A dark purple bikini flashed underneath accentuating her brown skin. Her thick curly hair was loose and framed her face. Chantel Browning was a fine as fuck but then everyone who had eyes already knew that. She also threw the best parties on this side of Atlanta. I’ve been in a club where YK Osiris shut the whole place down and I hadn’t had as much fun as I usually did at one of Chantel’s things. She was one of my more classier friends and by classy I mean rich enough to afford some things I could only still dream of. We’d gone to the same high school and even though we never really ran in the same circles we’ve always pretty much kept in touch. At first it was because of the whole ‘only black lesbians in high school’ thing but I dead ass like her energy and I guess she likes mine cause we see each other often. Not as much as I see Cleo though, that nigga pretty much lives with me. Chantel is a model (not surprising considering the nubian goddess look she has going for her) and she’d only just gotten back from an almost two month trip abroad. Cat walks and shows and shoots and things that blew my fucking mind. Not for the first time, I wondered if I should change my line of work and start modelling as well. I do after all got a lot of that pretty boi vibe thing going for me and it definitely looked like it paid better than Wyatt’s Automobiles. And yes, the place is as fucking pretentious as it sounds.

Chantel flashed her pearly whites at us and I felt Cleo shift beside me. I managed to hold back my smirk. Mostly. “Thanks baby girl.” If Cleo was light-skinned like I was, I’m sure she would have blushed. She could always talk smack about ‘pulling bitches’ and ‘fucking hoes’ but throw a pretty shawty in her face and she turns to a shy mess. Its kinda endearing if a teensy bit pathetic but of course I don’t tell her that.

“You can eye fuck the strippers all you want. Just remember the no hands rule.”

Cleo and I both held up our hands to prove they were, indeed, stripper free.

“Speaking of strippers.” Cleo dropped her hands and tried to find some of her cool while I returned to my blunt.

“Who the lil mama with the ass?” We all turned back to the twerker who was now grinding on another girl in clothes just as tight as her own spandex.

“Who? Brittany?” Cleo nodded eagerly. “She gay? Bi?” I mean, judging from the way she was grinding on the hottie behind her…?

Chantel laughed. “Almost everyone in here is. Well. At least all the females but the straight niggas chill too.” She gave Cleo a look. “You gonna go over there and talk to Brit?”

Cleo fumbled again and grimaced. “I mean, maybe you could gimme her number and I’ll hit her up later?” She looked hopefully at Chantel who shook her head. “She’s standing right there bruh. If you want her number go ask for it.”

Cleo looks to me. I shrug. Shawty was fine but I wasn’t all that interested in her. There was someone in particular I was looking for. I hadn’t seen her yet but I was sure she’d be around here somewhere.

“Tell you what. I’ll go introduce y’all. Brit is actually kinda nice.” I snorted because that was probably code for ‘she won’t laugh in your face if you drag your bum ass over to ask for her number’. Chantel’s eyes snap to me and I gave her my best innocent look before drawing my blunt and minding my business. “Look. Why don’t I take you over there and introduce you─”

“Yo. Hold on. Before you attend to Ms. Smoothless─” “Hey!” Cleo protests but I ignore her. “─You seen Angie?”

Chantel makes a face. “Why the fuck you so set on that bitch? I already told you she a hoe.”

An image of Angie’s perfect tits bouncing wildly while I fucked her with my strap on flashed through my mind and for a moment I was thrown back to that hot, erotic moment. I just smiled at Chantel and she shook her head. “Ugh. Why do I even bother? You a hoe too. She’s upstairs in the game room. Have at it.”

“My humblest thanks.” I put in a short bow for effect and head upstairs to find my girl. “Remember to always use a condom. You don’t know where that coochie’s been.” Chantel calls after me and I raise my middle finger at her without bothering to turn back. I’ve been sorta ‘seeing’ Angie the past couple of weeks. She’s exactly my type; short, thick, always decked out in them tight ass clothes that showed off her figure with her make up fixed to perfection. Her personality wasn’t all that special but I’ve definitely been with dumber bitches. Chantel was right though; bad as she was, shawty a hoe and I know it. I don’t even mean hoe like fucks around a lot. I mean like bill you six grand for the weekend with a little extra if you’re coming with a friend.

Somehow, I’d talked her into giving me the pussy for free. Good thing too since I didn’t have six grand to spend on a vagina that wasn’t even mine. Wyatt’s Automobiles unfortunately just don’t offer those kinda benefits but I make a mental note to suggest it to Denny, my Branch manager when I go to work on Monday. Chantel thought I should get in a relationship with someone a little less ‘hoe-ish’ but I didn’t want a damn relationship. I want Angie to bounce on my dick with her boobs all up in my face and she does. Who the fuck cares if she’s not exactly the bring her home to your mama type? Chantel could go suck it. I smoke the rest of my (formerly Cleo’s) blunt as I climb up the stairs. Upstairs is a little less packed than downstairs. Chantel’s apartment is so cool. It has this open aired, modern concept with all the polished hardwood and monochrome steel but its the designing that makes it pop. Its so… diverse. On one hand they’re are warm, homey feminine things like her plush couches and feathered throw pillows downstairs with the dope ass electric fireplace and her pictures hanging all around. But then there’s also this bachelor pad feel to it and it shows once I get upstairs.

There’s a huge television mounted on one side of the wall with bean bag littered in front of it. All the bean bags were occupied, mostly with couple pairings and some niggas were playing Call of Duty on the wide screen. The other side of the open space holds a pool board and another table filled with snacks and drinks. That’s where I find Angie, standing with some other bad ass bitches and saying something they were all paying attention to. Shit. Her parse didn’t really like me. Apparently they didn’t understand why their homegirl was ‘wasting her time with a broke nigga like me.’ I’d told Sierra, the friend, that I’d show her if she spread her legs. Weirdly that hadn’t made our relationship any better. Coco spots me first and must’ve whispered something to Angie because she turned and was suddenly facing me. I ignore the other bitches and focus on her and goddamn she’s fine. I don’t give a shit that she’s ‘a hoe’. At least she a first class hoe. Angie does effortlessly what the bitches behind try so hard at; look sexy.

She’s five four, the same height as I am but decked out in those high ass stilleto’s, she’s much taller. Her hair today is some sort of reddish copper that falls straight down her sides and she’s wearing a tiny black dress that seemed to be made entirely out of straps. I was definitely liking the aesthetic even as I winced at the thought of how uncomfortable it must be. Could she breathe in that thing? Weren’t her feet killing her? And most importantly, how the fuck was I gonna get that damn dress off?

She smiled coyly at me and I forgot all my questions and let my libido pull me forward making sure to put in that cocky swagger I know looked good on me. Her friends roll their eyes but Angie is definitely feeling it so you I ignore em.

“Wassup ma.”

I walk right up into her personal space till she’s pressed up against me and slide my arms around her waist settling my fingers on the swell of her ass. I can feel bits of soft skin in between the cloth straps and its fucking hot as shit. “Hi daddy.” She whispers in my ear and tilts her head town to kiss my neck. My arms tightened around her in response.

Angie and I started with the offhand dm I’d sent to her about a month ago. She’d replied with ‘lol you’re cute.’ and after a couple of dates and hot ass sex on multiple occasions, here we are. We weren’t really a thing so Chantel didn’t need to worry that I would go cuffing her. I doubted Angie really wanted to date a stud anyways and I sure as hell didn’t want my girlfriend selling pussy (No hate but I just don’t) so our casual arrangement was good as hell. I hadn’t seen her in a week though and my body responded to the feel of her here in my arms.

“Where you been.” She pouts on those full lips (how I adore a woman with full lips) “I’ve missed you.”

“Oh yeah?” She nodded and made a small ‘mhmm’ sound that was probably meant to turn me on. It did too.

“I was working baby. But I’m here now so wassup? You wanna do something?” I allow my eyes drop to the fantastic view of cleavage that was exposed by the straps to indicate what the 'something' was. Her nipples poked at the strap over her titties and I licked my lips; I was really starting to like this dress. Angie giggled. “Maybe.” She nipped at my jaw and her hand covertly slid low to my feel down my pants. “You packing?” Oh hell naw. I enjoyed fucking with a strap but I sure as hell wasn’t one of those studs who liked to walk around with a plastic dick hanging outta my vagina. “Nah. But if you gimme a minute to hit up my friend we can go over to my place.” I was eager to get my hands on her again.

Angie gives me a huge smile and tells me to hurry and hurry I did. I didn’t bother to text Cleo. She’s wasn’t gonna respond so I head downstairs to look for her instead. It took me a minute but I eventually found Chantel and she pointed me to my raggedy ass friend who was busy with a pretty ass girl. I was almost impressed. After informing Cleo of my plans and managing to steal yet another blunt from her (I’m slick like that), I raced upstairs to find my girl for the evening.

I found Angie but she was not the way I left her. My whole mood changed the moment I spot who it is. I don’t got the energy to dislike a lot of people cause life is short and shit but Naysha Cooper is one of the few mudafuckers I actively hate. The bitch is constantly looking for ways to piss me off. We’d grown up in the same neighborhood and she always seemed to be in some sort of competition with me. It’s not just in my head even! If I get one toy, Nay gotta go cop it too. I get new shoes, she gotta buy those exact same sneakers too. I like a girl, she gotta constantly try to move in on that bitch too. Angie wasn’t mine but I didn’t appreciate having to fight that dread headed orangutan for her attention especially since I know the real reason Nay ass always sniffing around her. Nay was all up in my girl’s space almost as much as I’d been earlier. Angie wasn’t leaning into her like she had with me but she wasn’t fighting her off either and my annoyance grew. I stomped over to them.

Nay smirked at me. “Shawna.”

“Naysha.” She scowled at the use of her first name and I roll my eyes because if a bitch is gonna use my government name why she gotta be mad when I use hers? “Me and Angie here was just talking bout you.”

I don’t really care so I just turn to Angie. “You ready to go?”

“Bitch you don’t hear me talking to you?” I continue ignoring her and take Angie’s hand. We started to walk away when that fuzzy ass whale grabs my damn arm. I snap and turn getting all up in her face.

“You bout to get fucked up real quick if you don’t get yo meaty ass hand off me. Walking around looking like prime ribs with extensions.”

Nay snarled and knocked me back. I untangled myself from Angie so I could face her properly. Her ass is a lot bigger than mine but there was no way I was backing down. She always tryna get in my lane and expects me to cower and shit. Well big surprise mudafucker cause no fucking person is gonna bully Shawna freaking Parks.

“You better watch yourself Shawne.”

“Or what? Tell me Naysha. What’s yo wannabe thugga ass gonna do about it? Jump me in my bed later tonight?” She couldn’t touch me, at least not right now unless she wanted to get herself thrown out. Chantel didn’t tolerate nobody fighting in her crib. Later well, I could call the cops on her ass if she did try to jump me.

Nay makes to grab for me and someone steps between us placing a hand on her big ass chest. I would have said the new person hit a boob but Nay didn’t have such things. She’s part stupid and part gorilla.

“Whoa there nigga-chan. Ease up a lil alright?” Nay immediately push away from the hands. “Nigga don’t fucking touch me!”

“I hear you Bubba but you was about to put hands on someone else so you can’t be too upset now can ya?”

I back away from the tall ass stud that towered over Naysha. As you might have guessed by now, Nay is a big girl but this nigga a fucking brick house man. Where Nay is tall and wide, this nigga tall and well, built. Naysha growled and pushed against the hand pressing her down. She was trapped between Super Stud and the food table behind and despite her efforts, Super Stud wasn’t budging. Seeing she couldn’t pound through this problem, Nay changed tactics.

“What the fuck is your problem man. Is she your bitch or something?”

Her beady little eyes look over at me and she smirks. “Is that is Shawna? You sucking her little dyke dick?”

That perhaps more than anything else Nay had said today pissed me the fuck off and I didn’t even think about what I was doing. I just flew at the twat and rammed my whole body into her gut. Nay grunted and toppled backward over the table. The stupid bitch reached out as she fell, grabbing me and Super Stud by the shirt and pulling us down with her.

“What the─ Shit!” I hear Super Stud curse before we all hit the floor, the table crashing over with all its contents spilling on us.

“Get the fuck off me!”

Nay struggled underneath me and before I could do anything else, she shoved me off her. She was pulling herself to her feet when Chantel came drawn by the noise. I looked up to see my friend’s fuming face. The music had mostly stopped playing and everyone was gathered around us. I could see flashes from phones and hear laughter from a couple of people.

“What the fuck is wrong with you niggas!”

“Sorry Chanty. Things just got a little heated there for a second.” The tall stud looked at the mess around us and winced. “I’ll cover the dry cleaning bill on your rug.”

“Fuck yeah you will! How the fuck this even happen?”

“She started it.” Nay whined like a four year old and pointed to me.

“Wh─ Me? Nigga you grabbed my hand and tried to stop me from leaving. Fuck you mean I started this. Imma smack that extra chin of yo face if you don’t stop capping shit.”

I glared and Nay and she glowered back at me and took a menacing step forward. Her crusty ass mouth opened again but Chantel cut her off.

“Both off you, shut it! Dom. What happened?”

Super Stud, of course her fucking name was gonna be Dom *rolls eyes* gets on her knees and springs to her feet. “The lil one’s telling the truth.” Little one? Who the fuck was she calling lil one? I almost kicked the bitch if not for Chantel’s still mad ass.

Chantel points at Naysha. “Out.”


“I’m not fucking playing Nay. I remember warning you to fucking behave. Go before you piss me off even more. I’ll talk to you later.”

Naysha glowers once more but shuts her yap and sulks towards the door. I start to get up and slip on the messy floor. I hear a few new giggles at that and eye the mudafuckers responsible. My mood sours even more when I spot Angie trying to hide a laugh as well. Well fuck her then. And not even with my dick!

A hand shades darker than mine appears in front of me and I look up to see the tall stud standing there looking down at me. She is mostly covered in cheese dip but her eyes are warm and her mouth, the only part of her face not holding sauce, is surprisingly full. I’m stuck on her mouth for a moment because like I mentioned earlier, I love me some full lips to suck on. It’s weird thinking that when they’re on another butch woman though. A half smile forms on those lips and pulls me out of my staring. I’m thrown right back to being pissed off. Ignoring her hand, I get on my feet by myself. She drops her hand with a frown that I also ignore, stalking past her instead. Her hand reaches out to grab me and this time, I notice it in time to back away.

“Oh hell naw. Nigga I know you ain’t tryna touch me after what just happened.”

She wisely drops it.

"Sorry I just—"

"Forget it."

With that, I stalk my ass away from the scene heading downstairs. People stare when I walk but no one stops me. Cleo gapes when she takes me in.

"Not. One. Word." I grit out at her before storming the hell outta that place. I didn't think I'd be partying again for a long ass time.

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