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Three: New Beginnings

Shawne's POV.

I hate my job, is all I can think as the latest Karen to question me about my dress choices for “decent young lady’ walks away with her ugly ass nose in the air. Wyatt was lucky he paid well, I grumbled for like the millionth time since I started working here two years ago. Talking to people is the worst part about my job which is ironic as hell because I'm a car salesman... Or woman. Either way, I spend the entire day doing one of my least favorite things; trying to convince rich white people to trust me. Oh the price we must pay for the bread.

After she left, I headed to the back section of the garage where we kept the ‘mom cars’ so I could have some me time with my phone. I have a clear view of the main show room while being hidden from sight so I can pretend to work in peace. I lean back on a Subaru and fish my phone outta my pocket. There’s several texts but I only respond to a handful. I pointedly ignore those from Angie opening Cleo’s which asks to know what I want her to pick up for dinner and Chantel’s inviting me to some club's opening night. I text Cleo about Pizza (I may have an addiction, don't fucking judge me) and text Chantel a 'Hell no'. A minute later she was calling my phone. I rolled my eyes but picked up.

“What you mean hell nah?” Not even a hello. And mudafuckers called me rude.

“I mean exactly that. Hell. Nah. I ain't tryna party with you after what happened last time.”

She snorted. “Um, hello. It ain't my fault you did stupid and covered yourself in chilli sauce in front of yo girl. Charging at niggas like a bull and shit. You know for all your angry testosterone you might as well be a man.” 

“Fuck you bitch! Imma stay home and play Call of Duty with Buggarbuck889 on my Xbox.” Chantel's laughter rang in my ear.

“That's what you'd rather be doing? Playing video games with thirteen year olds instead of turning up muhfuckers your own age?”

“Um. Yeah.”

I peer over the car to make sure I'm not needed. “I'm working right now Chantel.”

“Oh come on Shawne. Some real ass people are gon' be there. It's gon be lit as fuck, tell me you ain’t tryna miss that!”

“I dunno ma─”

“Pleaseeeeeee?” She whines and I groan. “Bitch stop making me bed your dumb ass. Y’all muhfuckers ungrateful as fuck. I'm giving you all access pass to what's dead ass gon' be the hottest shit in town of Friday and you got the nerve to─”

“Okay! Okay! Jesus Christ! Shut up already. Damn.” She gave a little squeal and I yanked the phone away from my ear. When she spoke again her voice was all sweet and perky once more. Psychopath. I sigh.

“Where and when?”

I whistled when she told me the location of the club. “That some real swanky digs Chantel. Who this friend of yours? 6lack?” I'm only half joking because knowing Chantel, it could actually be. Bitch was so connected she might as well be a fucking extension. I’d met a ton of IG Celebrities and models through her. Musicians wouldn’t be that big a stretch.

“Nah although he could maybe show up if he's in town. Ion know. I’m not his calendar nigga. I did put the word out to every muhafucker down to party so trust me. It’s gon’ pop. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow at seven okay? Byee!” And with that she hung up, without answering my damn question!

I glare at my phone and consider calling her back to argue but my name is bellowed from the front at that moment so I rush out to handle business.

I didn’t think about the party until after work the next day. I’m dead ass standing in front of my closet for almost an hour looking for what the fuck I was gonna wear. I don’t usually bother but after the last ‘episode’, a nigga was feeling a lil bit insecure. I wanted to look cool and shit but not like I was trying to hard. I finally decide on some black jeans and a blue and white striped baseball shirt that totally match my white Nikes with their blue laces. I put on the most expensive jewelry I owned, a chain with an ‘S’ and a slim men’s watch and I was ready to ball. I was supposed to meet Cleo at the club and I’m already running late. Some part of me isn’t sure I should go at all, but hell. What else do I have to do on a Friday night? Maybe I could even find me a girl to bring home. I just hope to Christ Nae’s stupid ass wouldn’t be there to ruin shit. Even the mere thought of the flea-headed bitch made me scowl.

I call an Uber (which was not cheap let me tell you) and get there around eight. From the outside, the place doesn’t look like much; medium sized parking lot with a decent number of cars already in, a large neon sign that flashed ‘Xtasy’. I snort at the name and if not that Cleo was probably already waiting for me inside, I woulda gone straight home. There’s a line outside but it isn’t long and it moved quicker than any other club I’ve ever been to. The moment the huge bouncer lets me through the doors I change my mind. I fucking love this place.

It is spacious as fuck. There’s enough room for bar, a huge dance floor and a raised area with poles (Thank God for strippers) and a whole corner where people can sit at tables and booths. The ceiling’s hanging lower than I would’ve thought looking at the building outside but I soon realize there’s another floor upstairs. Figures. 

I text Cleo while heading to the bar to get me a drink and scope out the bodies on display.

Boy are there fine asses to look at, and most of them were shaking to the beat. I started to order a beer but change my mind to Hennessy when the cute bartender tells me my first drink is free. No way am I wasting that shit on Budweiser.

There’s a lot of people and its not even ten yet. The music is a little louder than I like, but fuck it, if its quiet at a club then no one’s having fun and these mudafuckers definitely were. I can tell this place is going to be packed in a few hours. It would probably make it much less fun. There was only so much sweaty strange bodies rubbing against me non-sexually that I could take. Cleo texts me back to meet her upstairs and taking my drink, I heard over there.

To my surprise, there’s another bouncer at the top landing and he doesn’t let me pass as easily as the one outside. I was getting ready to argue with the mudafucker when Chantel came to take me inside.

“It’s okay Gary. She’s with me.” I smirk at the guy. “Nigga you built like a whale on steroids and yo mama named you Gary?” He glares at me and I cackle while Chantel drags me through the door muttering apologies.  

“You are unbelievable.” She says when we get through but I notice she was kinda laughing too. I’m too distracted by the totally different atmosphere in the room to reply. While upstairs was all party lights, monochrome and loud music, this space was more chill. It looked more like a game and smoke room than a club. The bar here is much smaller and I wonder if I can get another free drink if I hide to finish this one. It kinda reminds me of Chantel’s place at home and I’m not really happy about the similarity but I gotta admit, it’s cool.

The crowd here is smaller and I notice with a sudden rise in alert horniness, strictly women. Studs, fems and everything in between but everyone in here definitely had a vagina. No way I wasn’t going home with some tonight.

“Okay. I gotta hand it to you Chantel. This place is dope. Who the fuck owns it?”

“Um… A friend of mine. I can introduce you if you want.”

“Hell yeah I want. I take it they’re female and lesbian.”

Chantel smirked. “Gee. What gave you that idea?” I snorted. “There’s a pride flag painted on the wall and I’m pretty sure this is pussytopia or something.”

Chantel laughed. “You did not just say pussytopia.”

“Well shit! That’s where it feel like I’m at right now. Where’s Cleo?”

“Getting her ass kicked at pool.” Chantel pointed to the pool table where people were gathered and we headed there. Sure enough, Cleo was there with her cue stick scowling at the balls.

I opened my mouth to curse her in greeting when I recognized the person on the other side of the table. It’s that super stud nigga! It’s not like I forgot about her but I’ve been trying not to think about anything that happened at Chantel’s party that evening. She’s wearing some black dress pants and a short sleeve vintage shirt in blue-green colors. A really iced out looking gold chain circled her neck putting my little necklace to shame. Her golden brown dreadlocks are tied back from her face and I faintly wonder if they’re real or just a good extension job. A half grin forms on her lips when she catches me staring at her and it reminds me of Cleo when she’s trying to be cute. I scowl fiercely in return and her grin drops. Satisfied of asserting my assholery, I turned to Cleo and pointedly ignored her. I know she’d ‘helped’ me or whatever but I hadn’t fucking asked for a knight, shining armor or otherwise. This lil nigga was fully capable of taking care of herself thank you very much. It wasn’t the first time I’ve gone head to head with Nay and it definitely wouldn’t be the last. Her stepping in just embarrassed me more than anything else. Wasn’t about to have her thinking she was some hero or shit.

I refuse to check, but I get the sense she watching me as I banter with Cleo and Chantel. The longer it goes on, the more irritated I become until I drain my glass and excuse myself to get another drink.

“Can I get you a drink?”

I turn and there she is, standing right next to me. “Oh hell nah. And you can’t stop staring at me too and try fucking minding yo damn business for a change. How bout that?” I’m fully prepared for her much taller ass to deck me, but she just holds up both hands. “Whoa there tiger. I didn’t mean any harm. I just─”

“Oh there you are Dom.” Chantel came up to us and wrapped a hand around super stud’s waist. She’s dressed a bit more masculine today so it looks kinda off with them pressed so tightly together but Dom didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she put an arm over Chantel’s shoulder and cuddled up closer to her. If not that I knew Chantel be like that with all her friends I woulda found it weird.

“I see y’all have already met.” Chantel said oblivious to the fact that I’d just been about to cuss her tall friend out.

“Something like that.” Is all Dom mutters. “Well Imma do it anyways. Dom this is Shawne. We go way back like when she was ten and used to eat dirt.”

“I did not eat dirt!” Chantel ignored me while Dom had that amused look on her face again. I scowled. “Shawne this is Dom. I met her what? Four years ago on a gig in Illinois. She didn’t eat any dirt with me but maybe she did as a baby. I don’t know but I can ask Sin.” “I thought you hated that nigga?” I ask and Chantel blinks. “Um. Yeah. Anyways. Dom is our resident club owner so feel free to drop by anytime you want.”

Two years of staring blankly at yapping customers is the only thing that keeps my jaw from dropping. Either this nigga trafficking drugs or women because how the fuck does that happen? I’m even more suspicious of her. Now that I know she can have me thrown out, I’m not that eager to mouth off though. Only thing worse than covering myself in snacks is being dragged out of a club by a bouncer named Gary.    

  After that terrible introduction, Chantel turned her attention to the bartender to order another drink. There was an awkward moment of silence between Dom and I before she finally broke it. “Look I really didn’t mean to offend you. I get the sense you didn’t really want my help last week.”

I folded my hands over my chest and glared at her, a hard feat to accomplish seeing as she was almost two heads taller than me. “Nope.”

“Okay. Noted. It won’t happen again but I’d like it if I can buy you a drink to apologize and we call a truce. Sound good?”

She stared at me solemnly as if my answer was important and I shrugged. I didn’t want to agree but I wasn’t angry enough to refuse either. Besides, she could throw me out in a heart beat. I sighed. “Why not.”

She stretched out her hand and after a beat I clasped it. I’m irritated by her larger hands. Does everything about her have to make me feel smaller than usual? To her credit, she doesn’t hold my hand uselessly like people usually do when thye shake girls. Her grip is firm and cool,withdrawing moments later.

“So. Can I get you that drink?” What the hell? What’s another free glass of Hennessy? 

“Sure.” I told her my choice and Dom turned to the bartender who was already at alert. She handed me my drink a moment later and turned back to me with a long flute filled with some pink concoction. I blinked. Dom sipped daintily at her before noticing my stare. “Something wrong?”

“Um. What’s that?” She grinned at me. “Pina colada. It’s like adult kool aid.” I stared some more and she just grinned harder at me then went back to sipping her drink. I shook my head and knocked back my own drink.

“So, how have you been?” She turned her head to look at me expectantly. All this eye contact is getting really uncomfortable for me so I idly scan the crowd. Once again I can feel her eyes on me. “Good I guess.”

“Oh yeah? What you been up to?” I shrugged. “Mostly work. Usual bullshit. You know?” “That’s wassup. How’s things with your girl though?” I frown at the total switch.

“What? What girl?”

“The one with the…” She makes a rude gesture alluding to breasts over her chest and I snorted. “Who? Angie?” “Yeah? You looked pretty pissed off with all of us when you stormed out. You giving her the cold shoulder too?”

I took a sip of my glass “Maybe. What’s it to you?”

Her broad shoulders shrugged. “Nothing. Just making conversation. You always bite people’s head off when they ask you shit?”

A group of bitches passed, giggling and sending flirty glances our way. I was definitely interested but for the first time, I had a feeling they weren’t looking at me. “Hi Dom.” One of the girls said as if to confirm my thoughts. I fully expected to be dumped while this nigga ran after some of the finest pussy at this party. Instead, she just flashed a smile and nodded at the girls. I saw more than one disappointed face when she didn’t take the bait.

“I don’t get it. What’s wrong with them?”


“The baddies you just totally curved. If you tryna be polite or whatever I won’t mind.”

“Nah. I can catch up with them later. I’m okay here for now. Except you want me to leave?” I mean I didn’t want her to stay but I did just agree to a truce so I shrugged. “It’s your Club nigga. Stand where you want.”

Usually this level of ‘rudeness’ would have elicited some attitude in response. Dom just gave me an amused look.

“I think I will.” She said instead and I snorted.

“By the way, since you asked. The red haired one looks a little too much like a Rico nasty copy cat. The dark one is trying to hard to be light-skinned. She’d look better if she stuck with her color of foundation and Chelsea’s a little too in a relationship for my taste.”

I snorted. “Well somebody’s picky. Jesus. It’s just pussy. Not a marriage proposal.”

She shrugged. “I don’t want just pussy.”

“Fair enough.” If I was gonna talk to her, I might as well ask the question’s that’s been burning in my mind since Chantel introduced me to her.

“So, I gotta ask the obvious question here. How does a young,… er… how old are you?” “Twenty six.”

“─Twenty six year old black lesbian own digs like this in Atlanta? Isn’t that against the law or something?”

Dom laughed. “Probably. But I had some money saved up, took some loans and basically sunk everything I own into this.”

Everything she owned was sure as hell more than everything I got. This place was surreal.

“What you do before then?”

“Just a couple of odd jobs. What about you? What you do?”

“I’m a sales person.”

“Oh cool. I─”

“You move from Chicago to start this place?” She pauses for a while before she answers me. “Partly.”

Well isn’t she miss cryptic. “Do you always evade when people ask you shit?” She blinked at me then a small smile creeps on her face. “Touche.” I executed a mock bow. “Why thank you. So you keep your secrets and I’ll keep mine.” Dom chuckled. She started to say something when I felt a hand wrap around my upper arm and full breasts press against my back. I turned to find Angie’s pouting face close to mine.

“You’ve been ignoring me.” I pull away from her a bit. “I’ve been busy.”

“Too busy to answer or return my calls? Yeah. I thought so.” She gave me a reproachful look. “Can we talk?”

“Um… we were kinda in the middle of something.” I don’t know why I’m drawing this out per say but part of me is wondering why Angie is even bothering with me. I mean like I said before, I’m not her usual type. Angie looks over at Dom and her irritation turned into something else when her eyes set on the tall stud next to me. For some reason, that annoyed the hell out of me. “Fine. Let’s go somewhere private. I’ll see you later Dom?”

Without waiting for a reply, I pull Angie away from her but can’t resist turning back. She’s standing there, one hand in her pocket while the other held her ridiculously pink drink dark eyes watching us go. Some part of me is jealous that she seems to find Angie so enchanting but somehow, I’m not sure its Angie she’s looking at.



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