“Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.” — The Tempest (Act II, Scene II)
Officer Klein quickly left the manipulative CEO’s office, searching for his colleague Walsh. Shortly after, he spotted him outside the office room, pacing up and down the well furnished floor. On hearing footsteps, Walsh looked up to find an agitated Jase headed his way.
“This guy killed his wife, Walsh!” Jase was quickly losing his temper, while Walsh furrowed his eyebrows.
“You can’t say that until we have solid proof, Klein. What’d I miss?” Walsh questioned him, as they walked down the broad hallway.
“I asked if he’s sad due to his wife’s sudden murder, and he told me that he’s traumatized.” Klein answered the other officer, who came to an abrupt stop looking Klein up and down.
“So, a man tells that he’s traumatized due to his wife’s demise, and you say that he’s the killer? For the starters, I thought you stopped doping years ago.” Walsh said, shrugging his shoulders as Klein cursed under his breath.
“For fuck’s sake, Walsh, allow me to complete the sentence! He said he’s traumatized because he thinks that he won’t get a blowjob again.” He looked at Ray for an answer, who closed his mouth, after opening it to say something.
“That’s it. We’re taking him in for a lie detector test. Tomorrow, you will pick him up at 8.” Walsh stated, as Klein held his hands up in surrender. He didn’t want to volunteer for giving than man an Uber ride, but he couldn’t disobey the officer.
After exiting the penthouse, both of the tired men went for a drink at a nearby bar to let out heat. They sat themselves at a private table with their chairs facing each other. One ordered gin and tonic, while the other said that he’d have scotch on the rocks. The waiter dutifully noted down the orders, and scooted away. Klein sighed.
“June Winter was tied to her bed with two handcuffs, was sexually assaulted and the murder was committed with a scalpel.” Jase mused, as the waiter served in the drinks and excused himself. Ray took a long sip from his scotch, nodding cautiously.
“Look, Jase, I know you think Winter killed June, but why would one’s husband sexually assault his own wife?” Walsh looked quizzically at Klein who swirled the liquid in his glass.
“I don’t know, Ray. I don’t have a good feeling about this Winter guy. Something is very eerie about him which I can’t quite put my finger at. This man can not be trusted. Whatever he says is probably another lie.” He answered in a grim tone, while Walsh stared at the amber liquid in his glass before gulping it all in one go.
“I hope everything will be alright after the lie detector test is done tomorrow.” He replied, and Jase took a long sip from his drink, slapping down a few dollars as the bill, walking away from the bar with Ray following him closely behind.
“I’ll be at his place at 8, then. And, you have to do some research for me.” Klein whirled at his friend, who nodded to his demand. What would he even do without Walsh? He didn’t know.
“Xavier Winter is his name. I want you to salvage out all possible information about him. About his past life, relationships, educational life, hobbies. From the size of his shoe to his favorite color. I need everything. Can you do it?” Jase titled his head as Ray scratched his chin before giving his friend a light punch.
“Consider it done, hotshot.” He beamed, before playfully saluting him and leaving the place with his car. Klein was left alone again. He wanted to meet with his ex wife, Elena but he knew it wasn’t the right time.
Elena and he have had a very messy divorce, but they were still friends. Friends in the sense that they agreed to hang out once in a while and talked to each other every month. He took his phone out to give Elena a call when a message flashed on his screen.
“Would be ready by 8 tomorrow. Don’t be late, Mr. Klein. I will be waiting for you. Don’t be late ;-)
Love, Xavier.”
(A/N : Do I hear lie detector? Oops. I love playing games with you all. The CEO is relentless, just like me ;)
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Yours, GREY.)