“All the world's a stage and all men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances. And one man in his time plays many parts.” — As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII)
Klein ran up to the man, who was seated on his comfy chair, holding a twirling scalpel between his fingers, with one leg carelessly dangling over the other. The other cop, however, had lost all blood on his face. Winter's cut lip oozed out blood, which fell as thick drops on his white shirt, staining it.
The pallor of his cheek, and his exposed chest looked pale against the dimly lighted surroundings. Walsh's head was telling him how Xavier was a raging lunatic and that his friend, Jase, was getting more and more involved with him, which he had to warn him about.
“Thank you for answering me, Mr. Winter. My work here is done. Excuse me, gentlemen.” He hastily stood up from his chair, scooting out of the room, his blood pounding in his head. What could lead a person to be this insane? And was there a scalpel on his person all the time? Without second thought, he had exited the building, not even looking back for a last glance.
On the other hand, Klein was on his knees, dabbing Xavier's wound with a handkerchief he just pulled out of his pocket. The other man's expression clearly gave away his resent for being tended.
“What the fuck were you thinking, Winter? Are you fucking insane? Damn Jesus Christ, look at how much blood you lost!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, while the amused CEO threw back his head, chuckling at this sudden outburst.
“Come on now, Jase. It's nothing I can't handle. Stop pretending to care, would you?” The man had this tinge of venom slipping in through his words which made Jase get up from the floor, and forcibly tilt his head to the side, dabbing the wound to stop the profuse bleeding.
“You have no right to speak, god dammit! What makes you think that I pretend the care?” He glowered down at the person who was looking at him, with a placid expression plastered on his face.
“All I know is you think that I killed my wife, Jase Klein. And killers, don't deserve being taken care of.” He squared his broad shoulders, shrugging a little bit as Klein huffed, and titled his chin up to face him.
“Couple of days ago you were dying to prove how you didn't commit the murders and now you're forcing me into believing that you did. Have you lost it, Xavier?” Klein's eyes held a dark recklessness to them, half shaded with the dark atmosphere of the room.
“Get out of my house. Get out of my sight.” He gave Klein a hard shove backwards, but the man didn't budge even an inch. Xavier seized his hand, making him lose touch of the handkerchief which fell on the floor.
“Why do you want me to run away so bad? What have I done?” The cop's voice went from angry to vulnerable, as Winter forced himself not to look him in the eye, as he took a sharp inhale of breath.
“Go home, Jase.” He breathed out impatiently, each word cut off with an immediate haste to present the other. Abruptly, Winter stood up from his chair, making an effort to get out of the room.
“Talk to me!” Klein shrieked, grabbing his hand which a force that forbid him to take even a step ahead, stopping the man in his tracks. Winter whirled around to face him, as Klein grasped his shirt collar, holding him still.
“Hold your horses, Jase Klein. I told you not to get that near me. Now, back off.” Winter stared at him, his eyes as cold as the first snow on December, freezing Klein for a moment before he got his senses back again.
“What if I won't? You've had your way ever since you were born, weren't you? This time you don't.” The determined cop stood his ground, his feet fixing themselves on the wooden floor, refusing to move.
“For the last time, Jase. Go home.” His voice was full of the uncanny premonition of a danger which was supposedly arriving Klein's path, but he paid no heed to him.
“What do I have to do? Do I have to be richer? Fairer? More handsome? For you to…” He trailed off, his voice crackling at every word he spoke, hollowing his heart. That, however, caught Xavier's attention.
“For me to what?” His tone grew sterner, as the cop reached for the other man's face, running his hand all over the perfect contours, which were now hooded with the absence of light.
“For you to love me.”
(A/N : Stay at home, stay safe!
Your Dominant, GREY.)