“All that glisters is not gold; Often have you heard that told: Many a man his life hath sold, But my outside to behold: Gilded tombs do worms infold. Have you been as wise as bold, Young in limbs, in judgement old, Your answer had not been inscroll’d: Fare you well; your suit is cold.” — The Merchant of Venice (Act II, Scene VII)
As he stepped in Winter's penthouse, all he saw was him being on top of a woman, who was lying down on the couch. None of them even saw him enter. Xavier smirked at the brunette beneath him, as she threw her head back in appreciation. He then bent down, to kiss her as she looped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
Klein's jaw almost dropped to the floor. Elena and Xavier. What was this? Was this show the reason why Winter called him over? The brunette let the CEO have his way with her, as he opened his mouth, and she slid her tongue inside. The CEO inched closer to her, grasping both of her wrists with his hand, pinning her down.
Elena had taken the initiative, as she giggled and went forward to again land her lips on Xavier's. He got hold of her waist, pulling her off the couch, kissing her. Klein was still frozen at the spot. The last thing he wanted to see was this, but he stood there, gaping, not knowing what to do or what to feel or what to think. Was that the big news Elena wanted to give him?
Xavier cupped her face with his hands, as he shoved his tongue further down her throat. She moaned. His fingers worked their way to her lacy panties, as they slid the material apart. His fingers rubbed her soft spot, as she grasped his shoulder for support, moaning his name. Jase hadn’t seen her getting intimate in years and almost wanted to puke.
Winter dragged her with her legs, parting them, as he slid inside. She was all giggles, and she opened her legs for giving him better access. He looked up at her face, and went down. His agile self took off her panties in a jiffy. He placed his head in between her soft core, sliding a finger inside.
“Oh, fuck. Who is the guy you mentioned to me earlier? Xavier…don't stop. Stop teasing. God, I'm so close…” She moaned, as he slid another finger inside, humming to himself.
“He’s insignificant, darling. Let’s not ruin the moment, hun. Tell me how much you love me, Elena.” He breathed, panting as she whimpered beneath his touch.
“Very much…oh so much. But, do you?” She groaned, looking at the man for an answer, who just hummed.
He threw her legs around his back, inching in closer to her, as his tongue reached for her soft spot. He dug in, going in deeper in her sex, his tongue tantalizing and tormenting her. She reached for his head, urging him to go further, as he passed a comment about how nice she tasted.
Her fumbling hands grabbed him by the hem of the jeans he wore, as he worked his way further inside her wet core. He stuck a finger in again, as he took it out, licking it off with his tongue. “Ah, Winter. I….don’t stop.”
He smirked at her, pulling her face closer to his. He went in for one last taste, his eager tongue rubbing against her clit, making her groan in pleasure. His seductive gaze burned her. He darted his tongue out, licking his partner's lips, as he switched sides and both of them landed on the luxurious carpet with him on top.
His eyes shifted to the room for a second, as he wished to get up so that he could close the door, but he couldn’t. Jase was there, staring at him wide-eyed, his palms curled into fists. Oh no. Xavier cursed, as he hastily stood up walking towards the cop, who took a step.
Elena looked bewildered about the other man's presence, and started asking questions. Her cheeks were burning with shame and guilt at the sight of her ex husband in that room. Neither Jase nor Xavier paid any heed to her. Xavier reached for Jase's hand, but instead of Klein pulling him closer, he smacked him hard on the face.
The shocked CEO cupped his reddening cheek, as Klein glowered at him with tear brimmed eyes. “You…you are one fucked up son of a bitch.” He shouted, his words echoing in the room while the CEO closed his eyes.
“Klein…I…Let me explain. I can explain.” His blue eyes held pain for some unknown reason, and for a moment, he seemed vulnerable. The cop scoffed at that comment. What was there to explain?
“You are just some sick little pervert who plays with people and their emotions. A horny bitch who can't put his dick in line. Of all people, my ex wife? How could you have fallen so fucking far?” He quickly added, tears spilling from his cheek, as Xavier opened his mouth and closed it again. For a second, Klein could swear that he saw regret wash over his face, but then, he quickly restored his attitude.
“The novel which I was writing about a cop is over. I could send you a signed copy. And oh, I called you over to tell you that I didn’t need you anymore now that my novel is over. Thanks to your ex wife for supplying me with enough information.”
(A/N : Te amo