Chapter 7
Today I woke up with the urge to go to the beach. The beautiful private pool is very inviting, but the sea is irreplaceable. The sound of waves breaking on the sand, the smell of the salty air and the sound of the wind are nothing short of miraculous.
Electre has accepted my proposal to spend the day together without anyone interfering in our conversations. I'm happy because, since yesterday, Athos hasn't left her alone for a second. Even this morning they spent hours on the phone talking about what they might do in the next few days. She assured me that there would be no sign of him, and I believe her, also because she knows that I could take it very badly.
It was enough for me to find out about his incursion into my life to put him at the top of the list of insufferable people, and although it's his right to have information about his employees, nothing changes the fact that I hate busybodies. Besides, I don't need a lawyer. He has to learn to mind his own business when it comes to me.
We calmly walk towards the beach. All we have to do is walk down the little road that runs alongside the apartment complex and we're in our own little paradise in no time. I like the way it looks; I have always admired it from afar, but in person it has a completely different effect. It looks like a quiet little place, not at all lively. Just what you need for a little rest.
Also included in the rent of the house is a gazebo on the beach with four sun loungers adorned with beautiful pearly white cushions. There are beach towels hanging from each of them, not to mention a kiosk in the corner offering a wide selection of drinks, snacks, and ice creams. You can also order lunch, which can be taken to the adjacent tables or directly in the gazebo. Everything is beautiful and luxurious.
"Unfortunately, the sea is rough,' grumbles Electre, throwing her backpack onto the sun lounger. Sulking, she looks at the dark horizon and the waves crashing on the rocks nearby.
"Come on, let's enjoy what little time the clouds will allow us. I'm afraid we won't be able to spend all day here though." She turns towards me and gives me a smile, the special kind, full of expectation. I'm sure she thinks I've recovered, that the disappointment that drove me to run away from home has passed, but it's not like that. Maybe I don't think about Raffaele anymore, but the rest is still there.
We take off our tank tops and denim shorts and shove them into our backpacks.
"How on earth did you get those bruises?" she exclaims, startling me. When I notice my side full of purple spots from the accident, I shake my head to let her know I have no idea and position the towel to lie down.
"Giada, now that we have some time to ourselves..." she starts, but immediately interrupts. I hear her sighing and moving on the bed, so I turn towards her, convinced I’ll find her gaze on me, waiting for some confession. Instead, all her attention is on her mobile phone. She types a message, then freezes it and hides it under the sheet.
"Are you okay?" she asks after finally looking at me. "Is something bothering you or are you..."
"Everything's fine," I confirm. What on earth am I supposed to tell her? With Enea everything was great, with Kris... Well, I don't want to talk about it for any reason.
"Did you get to meet Kris?" I close my eyes and sigh, trying not to let her see my sudden annoyance at hearing that name. I don't want to ruin my day off.
"I know he's back from Athens and I was wondering if you had met him." I ignore her, pretending I didn't hear her because I definitely don't want to talk about him. I look away, hoping that's enough for her not to continue. "Giada!"
"Not today, okay? I don't want to hear or even think about him." I warn her, flashing a smile. "Not now, not ever," I add under my breath.
"I take it you've had the pleasure of meeting him. He's cool, isn't he?" Maybe she's expecting to get a positive response and start salivating at the mere thought of being able to talk about him. Delusional. I'm not interested, full stop. "Brown eyes, wild black hair. Never fixes it, prefers to keep it unkempt. He always has that mysterious air of someone who has something dark to hide, like a torrid and frightening past. Not to mention those perfectly sculpted muscles,” she continues, listing everything I unfortunately couldn’t help but notice myself. I can confirm his air of mystery, for the rest, who cares.
"Electre, please." I roll my eyes showing all my exasperation.
"Just think, the first time I saw him I was in the bath. He burst into the bathroom..."
"Aren’t you head over heels for Athos, or did I miss something?"
"Yes, but I still have eyes. And he's really handsome. He has that kind of beauty that makes you all wet," she giggles.
"Ele!" Okay, he's really handsome and I'm sure his closeness wouldn't make me indifferent, but...
She's always been explicit, but this is too much. Especially if the subject in question is my boss, and....
"I'm going to take a refreshing shower," she huffs, pretending to be offended as she gets no response from yours truly.
"Didn't you get wet enough talking about him?"
"No, you idiot. I just want to get dried by the Sun while it's out, it's something I love." She gets up and walks away. When I turn around, I can't tell which way she went, but it doesn't matter. I close my eyes and let myself be carried away by the light breeze that tickles my skin and gives me some well-deserved peace.
Even though the black clouds in the distance are torn by lightning, it's still sunny and warm here.
"Hi!" My friend's shout comes sharply to my ears, but I don't give it attention. Maybe she greeted someone she knows.
"Agápi. Easy, you're all wet." No! I open my eyes wide and turn in the direction of the voices and, to my amazement and irritation, I find Athos approaching shirtless.
It's not possible. Today?
Ele practically leaped into his arms, and he held her close, his hands under her bottom, while he stared at her, bewitched, proud to have conquered her. He presses a kiss on her lips, which she reciprocates with zest worthy of a soap opera: she wraps her legs around his torso, smile on her lips and whimpers, proceeding to throw her head back; he takes this opportunity to kiss her generous breasts. Finally, he releases her from his arms and sets her down, not without vigorously rubbing her against his private parts on her way to the ground.
Eww! When are they going to get their act together?
"Hello, Athos." I greet him rudely, hoping to break them up.
"Hi agápi," he retorts. He walks past my friend and stands in front of me, kneeling down only to mess up my hair. "Everything okay? How's it going with Kris?"
There he is, with his unbearable eagerness to know everything! I glare at him, but his expression doesn't change.
I'm not going to tell him anything about it since he already knows too much, and I don't want him to butt in any more than he already has. I'm not going to tell him that the man who caused the accident, the one I was afraid of that night, is his beloved friend and my boss.
Or I could and...
I close my eyes and murmur a positive response in the hope that he won't investigate further. When I open them again, I find a mischievous smile on his face. His eyes focused on my small breasts, covered by a tiny costume. Instinctively, I cover myself with my arm, hoping he will stop and look at my face. "They're adorable, tiny and... too adorable," he exclaims voicing his thoughts. "Can I touch them?"
"Are you a pervert?" Athos smiles as he gets up and reaches his girlfriend.
Because she's his girlfriend, right? Or is she just someone he decided to have fun with?
I turn around and hear him complaining to Electre about my behaviour. She, in response, bursts out laughing revealing that this is nothing compared to how I was a few months ago.
I can't blame her, the social context I find myself in now is quite different from what I was used to. The closest thing I have to my previous life is what goes on in the club where I work: wealthy entrepreneurs who spend their earnings on expensive parties just to show off their wealth. Accompanied mostly by trophy wives or, why not, younger mistresses.
Is this the case with Athos and Electre?
I grab the headphones I had put in my backpack and connect them to my phone. I'm not going to risk listening to their conversations, wasting time talking about work or my life. I came here to relax.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the two lovebirds heading towards the kiosk.
Maybe they will lock themselves in a booth and stay there the whole time, leaving me alone.
Ready to say goodbye to their company, I lower my eyelids and try to relax. But apparently my plans are not going to be fulfilled: a laugh makes my eyes widen.
Unnoticed, I turn towards my friends and freeze. My brain short-circuits for a few moments. I can't process what I'm seeing. Kris is here. And he's bloody hot as he smiles at his friend. His mouth looks like a painter's drawing as he opens it to form that sweet, mischievous smirk that makes him irresistible to us mere mortals.
I repeat, he is a God in the flesh.
What? Did I call Kris sexy? And what's with all the praise anyway?
"Jesus Christ!" I exclaim and all three of them turn to me. Their questioning looks are squaring me while I do the same to my boss. He is stunned. Maybe they have set a trap for him like Electre did for me. It seems I can't go a day without hearing from him or worse, seeing him. I'm destined to have him around.
"Hello to you too," he says in a mischievous tone. I shake my head, close my eyes, and let out a big sigh. I'm not going to keep staring at him like he's the only thing worth looking at, like his presence is okay with me. I lie on my stomach trying to completely extricate myself from them and, if possible, pretend they don't exist.
I am trying to convince myself that I will be able to relax anyway, when I feel someone sit on the edge of the bed and then lie slightly on top of me. He rests his chin on my shoulder and removes the earpiece from my ear.
"Giada" Athos whispers. I open my eyes to see if I should tell him to go to hell or if I can regain my privacy somehow. My friend chats with Kris like he's a long-time friend, oblivious to the fact that her 'lover' is next to me. Or on top of, if we really want to be picky.
Or maybe she trusts me so much that she doesn't care.
"What do you want?" I ask in a cold and irritated tone. I don't like the direction the day has taken. I find myself surrounded by those I wanted to avoid. "Have you come to apologise for prying into my private life?"
"Loquacious," he huffs quietly. "Look, we got off on the wrong foot. I got carried away and came across as a first-class busybody, I know. But when Ele revealed to me how she felt about you when she was in Bari... well, I felt threatened." I widen my eyes because I never expected such a revelation. "Honestly, I still feel that way."
Someone threatened by me? That's a good one, sounds like a joke.
"That day, when she phoned me asking to help you, I confronted her about it and forced her to tell me everything. I only looked you up because of a fear of mine."
"I know what I'm about to tell you may not do much good, but you're special to Ele and I wish we could get along. What do you think? Could we start over?" he asks placing his hands on my back and beginning to massage. He is gentle in his movements and that freaks me out.
"Did she make you come here for this?" I hardly manage to ask.
"I asked her if I could come over and let us have some alone time to clear the air. She doesn't know I'm jealous of you. I'm actually ashamed of it." His hands are more confident now as they rub against my back. I mumble because what he's doing is seriously pleasing me.
"Smart." If this is his way of apologizing to me, he should do it more often, maybe on a weekly basis, then yes, I could forget his behaviour.
"And why aren't you jealous of your friend instead?" At my question, Athos pauses for a few moments and then resumes more decisively, perhaps angry at what I said. "If I was a mere parenthesis, he could fill up a few chapters."
"No. I trust him completely."
"What about her?" I get a shrug in response that has nothing pleasant about it. I hold my breath and open my mouth wide to muffle my annoyance. "She's head over heels for you, you know that, right?" He strokes my arms, stretching up to my hands masterfully. He moves up and then down again to the middle of my back, rubbing his knuckles on my spine. This man wants to slaughter me, render me defenceless.
"Just because she's talking to a man doesn't mean she's hitting on him." With an unexpected gesture, he runs his hands over my hips and back up, stretching far beyond what's allowed. With his forefinger he tickles the skin left uncovered by the fabric of my bra, as if trying to attract Electre's attention.
"Athos!" I call back to him.
He moves his hands away making me feel the emptiness. Although that touch tickled my soul, it's a gesture that... What? He didn't do anything wrong; he didn't overdo it; he just grazed my breasts while massaging me. Did it bother me? Oh God, with everything I'm going through I don't know anymore.
I was surprised when he started touching me again. I thought he was done asking questions, apologising, torturing my back.
He doesn't move. His hands are still on my lower back.
"I know. I'm not some kid on his first fling," he says without disguising a slight offense. "Why does everyone keep thinking that?"
Maybe someone pointed out their age difference or made him think that could be an issue in the long run.
"I didn't say that."
"Do you want to know what he likes? You might need it." He says too close to my ear, implying God knows what. "Don't get the wrong idea, but I'd like Electre all to myself and you..."
"Me?" I ask in the same tone as him. I rise up on my elbows and look him straight in the eye.
"Hey, calm down. You don't need to get mad. I was just..." He runs his hand through his hair, unsure of something that's also not quite clear to me. "Believe me when I tell you that I love Ele and I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, that she makes me feel good in a way I didn't think possible. I just... I'm jealous of you, that's all, and I don't like that." I wrinkle my forehead, continuing to not understand the reason behind this feeling of his. "It may sound silly, but I'm afraid you're going to take her away from me."
"That’ll never happen," I say, shaking my head. "There is nothing but close friendship between us and what happened in Bari will never happen again. It was just a one-off occasion."
It seems strange that I should have to reassure a big man, who physically has nothing to envy anyone, about my feelings towards his girlfriend. Athos looks up at our friends and sighs.
"Fuck, Giada. I love her. She makes me feel alive and every time she looks at me I feel reborn."
I manage to murmur a fairly choked "Good for you." but I'm still shocked at what he said.
"Does she know?"
"Does she? She'd laugh if she knew I lost my mind the moment I saw her at the club on the bay. I tried to keep her away, any way I could. But when you showed up, I knew I couldn't resist or waste any more time." His words are incredibly sweet. Knowing that he wants her, that he could make her really happy, cheers me up.
"I won't stand in your way. I have no reason to. Believe me, Athos." I doubt he was seeking my blessing, but he seems to have made his peace with it. He shyly releases a lopsided smile and gets up from the bed to join his beloved. Even though she's conversing with Kris, he wraps his arms around her waist to pull her to him and kiss her passionately. I smile, finding it all really sweet.
Kris, on the other hand, looks away slightly annoyed. He turns to me and gives me a shy little smile. Now it's my turn to look away and go back to lying on the sunbed. I squint and, as if attracted by a magnet, raise my head just enough to peek.
It's absurd, I want to watch him, see what he does, pick up on the details that tell me about him.
Needless to say, he is a man who exudes charm from every pore. He knows he's attractive and does nothing to prove otherwise. He is proud of himself and what he is. Handsome, intelligent, good at business, maybe even single and looking for a woman to have fun in bed with. Or start a family.
What are you thinking? Would you like to be that woman? Come on, he's too good for you.
I bite my lip as I watch him sip his drink, fantasizing about his lips touching my skin.
Oh, my goodness, he's your boss! The one who left you on the street after running you over, what the hell are you thinking?
“The heat is getting to me,” I mutter covering my face. As soon as my attention returns to Kris, I find his eyes locked right into mine. He smiles and raises his glass slightly in greeting, then turns around again when Athos puts a hand on his arm.
Did he notice me?
He nods and all three of them come towards me. Well, Kris is the only one who doesn't come very close to my bed, maybe he prefers to keep his distance.
Or maybe he's completely indifferent to me, how should I know.
He puts the glass down on the coffee table and starts to undress. I can't believe it, he's undressing in front of me, and I can't take my eyes off him.
Bloody hell.
Slowly he takes off that damn polo shirt that has kept his pecs covered until now, preventing me from being able to admire his physical perfection.
What am I thinking? He's my boss, he's the one who... Oh hell, just shut up and admire, enjoy this moment like it's the only one.
His muscles tense and contract in so many ways I didn't think possible. His physique is nothing shy of perfection, exactly as I had imagined. A true Greek god with a smooth amber complexion. On his forearm is that damned cross tattoo that has tormented me for nights on end. When he starts taking off his trousers, is a breath-taking sight. He's got thighs like a footballer. I have never seen anything so perfect, harmonious, attractive, and divine.
I would love to feel those muscles above, below, and around me. Feel how they contract as he grabs me, squeezes me, lifts me up and...
"Holy shit," I curse under my breath, biting my lip. I close my eyes and sigh, calling myself a fool for the thoughts I'm having about him, about a man I don't even know. He might be a no-good crook given that tattoo. Maybe it's the signature sign of the local gang or something. He's too perfect not to be part of some gang, he's got too many clubs to be a simple businessman. I could look into it, ask Athos or Electre or maybe Odin or...
No, I need to calm down and cool off the boiling spirits Kris inflamed. I can't keep thinking about him. Besides, I hate meddlers! Why would I stoop so low just for a little testosterone.
Enough is enough. I get up and, leaving my mobile phone on the deckchair, I head towards the shore to try to clear my mind of all the thoughts that crowd it. I shake my arms to stretch my shoulders and reach the crystal-clear sea.
I wince as the water splashes and cools my hot skin, but I don't stop, I want to freeze and not feel anything. I can't let anyone into my heart, or in this case, I don’t want anyone in my bed. Especially if he thinks I'm a fraud.
"Jade!" I ignore Electre's screams and don't turn around, even though I know full well she wants to stop me.
But at her, "Fuck, Jade!" I turn around to tell her not to bug me and let me soak in just for a moment to cool my hot spirits.
"Get out, don't..." That's all I hear. A strong wave hits me in full force, knocking me off balance. I end up underwater with no chance of getting back up. The current is strong and it's dragging me. I only wanted to get my feet wet.
I think I'm doomed when something grabs my arms, pulls me upwards and, before I can breathe again, squeezes me. I channel as much air as I can, coughing from the ingested water.
"Are you okay?" A rough, worried voice rings very close to my ear. I let go, my head falling onto his shoulder.
Am I okay? No, my head is spinning, and his grip is the only thing keeping me afloat. This has never happened to me. I've always ignored rough seas, always swam in high waves, but there seems to be little shoreline here.
"Hey," he calls back, stroking my face with his hand. I squint my eyes trying to collect myself. I look up finding his mouth inches from mine. His lips are so beautiful and perfect. "You've been drinking." His breath tickles my wet skin, causing me to shiver all over. My whole body quivers. He makes me quiver.
"Yes," I whisper, startled by his gesture. "Why?" My eyes move to his finding them fixed on my lips.
"You disappeared suddenly and... I thought you were drowning," he reveals with an edge to his voice.
When his eyes rest on mine I find my doom. I want so many things right now, like zeroing in on him and kissing him like there's no tomorrow, losing myself and letting him take me wherever he wants.
"Jesus Christ," I curse in a whisper. "I'm an expert swimmer, how the fuck..." I open my mouth only to screw it up. I have to, I can't afford to give in to weakness.
"Sure, and I'm the prince of a planet named after me." I smile at his joke with the hope that I've amused him but he, like every time, snubs me by letting me go.
"I'd appreciate it if you'd put the top piece of your costume back on." Then he tosses me the bra. I don't catch it, I just let it fall to the surface of the water a few inches from me. Incredulous. I hadn't realised it had come undone. I cross my arms over my chest to cover myself. "This place is frequented by many of my clients, and it bothers me that one of my employees is showing off..." He points to my breasts. "All that." I wrinkle my forehead and reach out to grab my bra before the waves take it away. I lower my gaze with a sense of shame that I can't explain, because no one has ever managed to make me feel this way before. I usually don't care what other people think, but him... I latch on to his every word.
"And I'd appreciate it if you'd stop using my name to swear like a sailor. Even if you do it in another language, the meaning is the same." He turns and heads for the shoreline. "Get out before the lifeguard arrives." I am fascinated by the muscles in his back that contract with every movement, as if even the simple act of walking serves to train and inflate them even more. He walks the last few steps, unaware that he has caught the ravenous eyes of the ladies sunbathing. They have all turned to look at him with one common thought: having him just for themselves.
I close my eyes and shake my head finding this pathetic. I wanted a day to myself, in peace and quiet, away from all kinds of problems, but instead things never turn out as I hope.
With a bitter taste in my mouth, I go along with Kris's wishes and put on my bra and then get out of the water at the call of my friend who asks me how I am. I pretend not to have heard her.
I throw myself down on the sun bed and close my eyes, pointing my face to the sun as if nothing was wrong. I hope they leave me alone because that's the only thing I want right now.
"Kristòs, have you found a name for the new club?" asks Athos.
Oh God, did I hear right? Kristòs? Is that your name? That's why he gave that lecture about my swearing.
"Not yet." I barely turn around and see my boss drying his hair. I feel sorry for what happened. It wasn't my intention not to notice the unfastened bra. It must have been Athos rubbing my back.
"Jade, you could give him a hand since you’re so creative," Athos continued, earning a slap on the gut by Electre. "What?" he whispers to her. "I was only trying to initiate conversation. Why do you always have to hit me?"
"Because you don't know when to bite your tongue." She then walks past him on her way to the booth. He follows her, calling her back with cheesy nicknames.
"Jade, do you want something to drink?" shouts Athos. I smile unwillingly.
"No, thanks." Those two manage to make even Kristòs smile as he turns to look at them. He shakes his head and then chooses to approach me. He makes his way through our backpacks resting between the beds and tries to sit down.
I admire his determination in wanting to deal with me, even when I'm up to all sorts of mischief.
He bends over to spread out his beach towel, which had folded in the wind, and reaches for the glass on the table.
"So, your full name is Kristòs?" I bite the inside of my cheeks to keep from laughing. I've never heard such an unusual name before.
"We haven't been able to introduce ourselves properly, even though you work for me."
I have to agree with him on that. We got off on the wrong foot and, between commitments, never got the chance.
"Do you want to start again?" He extends his hand towards me. "I'm Kristòs Princekaris, the owner of the bar you work at and a few other bars in Athens, no big deal."
"A millionaire," I snort quietly. I don't look at him, I pretend not to care. Also, because I don't really care. He could be the poorest man in the world, and I would look at him the same way.
"A successful entrepreneur sounds better," he corrects me, chuckling. It's adorable when he does, when his voice changes pitch. He is adorable when he smiles and two small dimples form on the sides of his mouth, accentuating his frown lines. Maybe his definition could make him sound better, but that doesn't change anything: he must have a few million in the bank.
I take a deep breath and, trying to be polite, I humour him in his presentation. It won't hurt if I try to get to know him.
"Jade Kastis, I'm a nomad." I fire off the biggest lie of the century. Maybe that will explain my weariness towards revealing my identity for the job. I don't shake his hand; I don't want to indulge him to that extent.
"A nomad. Interesting." He doesn't retract his hand, instead grabbing mine and shaking it firmly. A shiver of pleasure runs down my spine. He seems to be one of those men who takes what he wants at any cost, and I don't know whether I like that or if it bothers me.
"Nice to meet you, Jade. If that's even your real name." Annoyed, I turn to him and glare at him. I try to pull my hand away, but his grip is strong. While I'm getting irritated, he's having fun. I sit up and tug on his arm, but the only result I get is to bring him closer to me. When I realise that my knees are touching his bed, I am stunned. I can't believe he managed to drag me so close.
"I want to make one thing clear," I whisper harshly, "you're not my father, you can't tell me what I can or can't do, especially if it's my day off." I pick up the conversation regarding the scene just now. I hate people who give me orders outside of the work environment.
His gaze narrows and I can safely say that his mood has changed. He tugs on my arm again, but doesn't let go of me, instead stroking my wrist with his thumb.
"Believe me, if I were your father you'd be on my lap, and I'd be giving you so many spankings that you'd get over being so foul-mouthed and arrogant." He says it so slowly and in such a sensual tone that it causes me to shudder just thinking about it actually happening.
"Of course, Daddy." I smile, watching him from under my lashes. He flinches uncomfortably for just a moment and bites his bottom lip. Then he opens his beautiful mouth to answer me, but my phone rings. I grab it with my free hand and, to my amazement, notice that it is Enea calling me. In a breathy voice he asks me if I can go and give him a hand because a cruise ship is about to dock, and the place is full.
"How far is it to Fira from here, on foot?" I ask Kristòs in a whisper.
"About forty minutes."
"Okay, give me half an hour and I'll be there." Without waiting for an answer, I hang up. I pull my arm back with ease, paying no attention to Kristòs and his astonished look. I get up and gather all my things into my backpack. I put on my denim shorts in a hurry.
"Where are you going?" he asks only after I button up my shorts. "You won't make it to Fira in half an hour."
"Don't worry, I'll find a ride."
"You can't." I stop and wrinkle my forehead. "I mean, you can but... I had arranged for us all to go out for dinner," he reveals, startling me. I didn't know anything about it. I shake my head and shrug as if I didn't care.
"You tell them that I have to run. My fiancé demands me," I lie, but it's for the greater good. Mine, of course. "It's been a pleasure, Kristòs Princekaris." I sling my backpack over my shoulder, and as my eyes settle on the small table where his glass sits, an idea flashes through my mind. "May I?" I don't wait for his permission; I grab the drink and bring the straw to my lips as he watches me in astonishment. I smile mischievously as I swallow the sip of iced tea. "Thank you." I turn and walk away.
I take the first steps and, by chance, run into Electre and Athos. With a worried look they ask me for an explanation that I don't give, dismissing them with a simple: "I have to go." I don't know if they believe me or not, but it doesn't matter. I know they're wondering what happened, why I'm running away like this, or if my running away is related to the fact that they left me alone with Kristòs.
"Do you want the car?" my friend shouts. I answer with a wave.
No, but I'd like my bike back.
I mentally curse Markus and his delay in returning my bike. It would take much less time, but instead I have to walk. Fortunately, I have my phone and all of my favourite music with me, so the road feels less tiring.
Suddenly something catches my attention. A sports car pulls up beside me and stops. As the window goes down, I bend over to see who’s driving. Maybe it's the usual tourist who got lost. To my amazement I find Kristòs.
"What do you want?" I snap, rolling my eyes. Although his presence irritates me, I don't turn away from the window. Surely this can't be an accident, it's impossible.
"Do you need a ride?" he asks with a friendly smile. I glare at him, imagining what might happen if I accepted.
"No," I reply dryly. I start walking again, hoping he'll leave me alone. But of course, he won't. Kristòs turns off the engine, gets out of the car and joins me, standing in front of me.
"Do I have to remind you what I'm capable of when I'm told no?"
I wrinkle my forehead and laugh. I'm used to these warnings. Raffaele used the same tactic to spice up our encounters.
"Let me take you to where you need to go," he proposes. I shake my head and try to get past him, but he grabs my arm. "I said I'll take you."
"I said I don't like being bossed around." I tug on his arm and free myself from his grip.
"I'd appreciate a ride together." His voice is warm and comforting this time, and it confuses me. What the hell is he doing? Why does he want to be nice to me all of a sudden? Maybe he wants to see who "my boyfriend" is?
"That is, if your ladyship pleases." I turn around to find him with his hand on the handle, ready to open the door for me. In his last words, however, I find arrogance and a desire to offend me.
"Fuck off, Kristòs." I don't know what he wants or what his intentions are, but I just can't take it. There's shock in his eyes and that's what unsettles me. He looks away, bewildered. I turn my back on him and start walking again with a knot in my throat that I can't explain. I try to dampen it by biting my lips, but it doesn't work. Maybe this time I really screwed up; I went too far in telling him off. After all, he was only trying to help me, even though I told him several times that I didn't want to.
The roar of the sports car brings me back down to earth. He's pulling away.
What the hell is wrong with me? In the end, he's my boss, he just wanted to be nice and start again. Obviously, I've ruined everything.
After about ten minutes of brisk walking and a bit of running, I get to the harbour and get straight to work, trying not to think about the consequences of the words I addressed to Kristòs. It was hard though, since his face kept presenting itself before my eyes.
Against all expectations, time flew by, and I didn't realise that it was night when I finally finished my shift.
I didn't have a free second to allow those thoughts to stagnate in my mind.
"Jade, you saved my life. I swear..." Enea places his hand on his chest at heart level. "I swear I'll give you a hefty tip." I know for sure he will, I can trust him. I smile as I finish clearing the last table to join him.
"You're free tomorrow, right?"
"For you, always," I smile. He hands me a cold beer which I accept with gusto. I take a sip and feel like I'm reborn. I know I shouldn't drink, but right now I feel the need to.
"Tomorrow at lunchtime another wave of tourists is expected. I think we'll be able to close by 17:00. At least, I hope so, I'm seriously tired after today." He continues to sort out the last few things behind the counter. He loads the dishwasher and covers the ones that just came out with a cloth.
"Can we sort out your payment tomorrow? That way I can write you a cheque and..." I shake my head and, like the previous time, ask for cash.
"Sorry, but I hate banks and everything that has to do with them. I prefer to manage my earnings and savings myself." This is what I led them to believe. Instead, the truth is only one: my family could find me, and I don't want to run that risk.
"Whatever." He raises his hands in surrender. He can do nothing but accept.
After taking the last sip of beer, I get up from the chair, grab my things and say goodbye to Enea with the promise to come back tomorrow for lunch, and not to need a ride since I have the bike he lent me. Even if he turns his nose up at my statement, he gets over it and accompanies me to the door which he then locks as soon as I leave.
On the way home I have plenty of time to think. From my affair with Raffaele to what happened with Kristòs. I don't want to fall into the hands of someone who turns out to be no different. I don't want any kind of involvement. I just want to work to support myself and live my life as I see fit. Nothing more.
When I finally get home, I run to have a shower. I've been in my swimming costume all day and the saltiness was pulling at my skin. I hope I don't meet Electre or Athos and receive some big speech about my behaviour.
After the shower I finally slip into bed and, with a tired smile, I grab my mobile phone to send a goodnight message to Enea.
"I arrived home safe and sound.
Thanks for the chat and good night.
See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow."