Chapter 6
The trial days went by in the blink of an eye. I spent them washing glasses and keeping the counter tidy. If necessary, they had me wait on tables, and Odin congratulated me on my elegant bearing and friendly manner with customers.
I have only my mother and her tips on how to behave and deal with people to thank for this. Her choice to categorise them based on prejudice and, consequently, not treat everyone equally was her business. In my opinion, that attitude was useless and derogatory, and I never approved of it or even partook in it myself.
I stayed until the end of the night, when I was asked to load the fridges and sweep the room. I gave it my best because, even if I don't stay, I want them to have a good memory of me.
From unofficial sources I heard that the big boss might delay further, lengthening my trial period. Although Athos called him often to sign important documents, he never showed up. How can anyone behave like this? The continuous absence of the owner is a lack of respect towards their employees or those in need.
"Jade!" Odin's voice resounds in the packed hall of people having a good time, bringing me back down to earth. I look up in his direction, fearing that I've made a mess without realising it, but he simply gives me a double thumbs up with that characteristic wide smile of his that calms me down. He wanted me to know that I was doing well; I immediately return the smile and get back to work. Every now and then you need a bit of recognition, especially during a particularly busy evening.
"He's here,” says one of my colleagues whose name is reminiscent of a cocktail: Margarita. I turn to her with a questioning look. "Kris is here," she whispers with an amused grin, the usual one she reserves for me since she doesn't like me.
"Good, maybe I'll get to meet him," I answer with fake malice. I can tell from her glare that she has something to say, but I turn my back on her and ignore her. Her childish behaviour annoys me, and I tease her just to see how she reacts. Most of the time I manage to shut her up and get her to annoy someone else.
I carry on with my work as if nothing had happened, as if the knowledge that at the end of my shift I will finally meet my boss does not agitate me.
I haven't seen a penny since I've been here, and this is really irritating me. Even though Athos reassured me that Kris would show up and stay for a few days before leaving for Athens and settle everything. Maybe I could now get what I'm owed and be on my way.
"Jade!" Odin's call jolts me again. As soon as I look up, his eyes lock with mine. Hands resting on the counter and face tense.
What have I done?
"Make me an Ouzo spritz as I taught you to," he requests, drumming his fingers on the dark wooden countertop. As he looks around to keep an eye on the room, I imitate him terrified. My heart has now shot up into my throat.
"Me?" I know who the drink he ordered for me is going to, and I don't think I'm ready to make it.
What if I get the wrong glass? What if I get the dosage wrong? What if I put too much ice in it? What if the lemon slice isn't cut the right way or the right thickness?
No, I mustn’t mess up, he might fire me without a second thought.
Well, that's what I want, isn't it?
"Move, I’ve got this." Margarita growls, shoving me off the bar and making me drop the glass I was holding. Odin turns around and blocks her.
"I asked her. Stay in your lane." he reprimands her in a harsh tone. I've never seen him like this. His sweet, boyish features have turned sour. His cerulean eyes glare at our colleague, who steps back and then angrily turns and vanishes around the corner.
"Come on, you're capable of it. I showed you. Just keep a level head."
"Okay," I sigh. "Worst case scenario I knock him by overdoing the Ouzo, right?" I ask hoping to see his frown fade to make room for one of his beautiful smiles.
“He might fire you,” he replies seriously, “but if you want to picture your version, it is admittedly funnier. I'd love to see the boss with a hangover," he chuckles. "It wouldn't hurt him to have a little distraction." Odin smiles mischievously, imagining who knows what hilarious scene. I grab the glass, pour in the liquor, and add water. Everything seemed to be going smoothly.
"When do I get to meet him?" I ask in a low voice. I grab a napkin and place it on the counter.
"Depends on that." He says, pointing at the glass. I frown, not quite understanding what connects of the two. "If it's too strong and you get him drunk, he might collapse and your rendezvous with him would be off. If, on the other hand, it's too light, he could walk out of his office, freak out, and fire you before you even show up." That being said, he grabs the glass and napkin and walks off towards the boss's office.
Oh shit, he's kidding, right?
It's finally closing time and Odin is walking the last customers towards the exit. I'll never get used to these hours, and frankly, I really don't want to. I still have a few glasses to wash.
"Jade, Kris wants you in his office." Margarita stands with folded arms and a scowl right in the middle of the corridor leading to the staff area, probably annoyed at having to be the boss's secretary. "Get ready to lose your job."
I decide to pay her no mind, take a deep breath and leave what I was doing to go talk to the boss. I knew this moment would come, but I didn't think it would trigger so much anxiety inside me.
Every night, before falling asleep, I thought about what to say over and over, how to behave politely so as not to come off as rude. In my head I imagined this moment and how, without any problems, I would explain to the man in front of me that I had no intention of continuing to work for him. The best outcome included him accepted my conditions without objection.
I pause for a few moments before his door, afraid of what I might find inside the office. What if this Kris is an old man with a smoking habit, or a tycoon who likes to smoke cigars profusely and make everything around him soggy? What if it's a woman? What if he's a complete bastard, in spite of the beautiful descriptions Athos has given me?
I build up all courage I can muster and, with my shoulders straight and head raised high, I raise my fist and knock on the door. I don't wait for an answer, and I go in, convinced that I'll be standing in front of a Prince Charming look alike: blond, well-combed hair, tall and with a gentlemanly bearing, just like a businessman who is used to being among people should be.
In front of me, on the other hand his pitch black, wild hair, blends almost perfectly with the rest of the furniture, which is also dark. He sits at his desk with one hand in his tousled curls and his elbow resting on the desktop. He wears elegant bracelets that cover most of his wrist. The other arm is stretched across the desk, leaving a tattoo on display: a full cross.
Oh, shit!
Suddenly he looks up and...
"Gesù Cristo!" I swear in Italian without even realizing it. I cover my mouth with my hand and try to avert my eyes from his, but I can't, he's too hypnotic.
"You?" he whispers bewildered. In front of me is the man I fear most, the one who ran me over and managed to make me feel guilty even though I wasn’t at fault.
We don't speak, we don't breathe, and we don't move. I am paralysed to find him in front of me. Of all clubs on the island, he had to own this one? The one where I work?
I'm trembling, I don't know why the sight of him has this effect on me, but I'm not going to stay here.
With all the strength I have left, I back away to get as far from him as possible. I can do without the money he owes me; he can keep it. I'll tell Athos that I can't keep up with the shifts, that it's too stressful a job, if he ever asks me for an explanation.
I put my hand on the handle to leave, but he stops me.
When did he move? How did he reach me in such a short time?
He's by my side and his grip hurts everywhere. My hand, my bones, my brain, my heart.
"You never called me," I whisper fearfully, reminding him of his threats. Although I wouldn't have answered if he had, I had some hope. I can't bring myself to turn around and look at him.
"I've been busy," he reveals quietly, like it's no big deal, like nothing happened. "You could have done it."
"The victim never calls their executioner. I was more committed to not dying from my injuries than thinking about contacting you and confronting you again," I retort with the hope of making him feel guilty. "Now leave me or I'll call my boyfriend and you'll have to deal with him."
"I can't," he explains with difficulty. His breath tickles the skin of my neck making me fantasize about why he's trying so hard. "Athos would kill me," he whispers against my cheek, causing a shiver to run down my spine. That sensation can only be tamed one way, and that's not good, not good at all.
Why am I having this reaction?
"You are now my employee and..."
"...and you're going to keep my paycheck to pay for the fake dent on your beloved Porsche that I allegedly caused after you broke the speed limit?" I turn to him, and his eyes are eating me alive. I have to resist him, I can't allow myself to be afraid, to be subdued by this sketchy yet charming man. He treated me badly and I only let him do it because he caught me off guard. But now I know him, I know who he's friends with, so Athos could give him a piece of his mind if he so much as lays a finger on me.
"That might be an idea." He stretches his lips into a lopsided smile, perhaps thinking he's being funny. He's sensual as hell and he knows it perfectly well, that's why he's toying with me, wanting me to fall at his feet. But I won't give in, now or ever.
I have to come to my senses, fight him before it's too late.
I shake my head and, with a fake smile, shove him away from me in order to leave the office. I don't run, I don't freak out, I don't want to attract the attention of colleagues who might talk. Like Margarita, who doesn't seem to have moved even a millimetre since I last saw her.
"Get back here immediately!" Kris's shout makes me cringe, but I'm not intimidated. I lengthen my stride past my colleague.
"This is going to be fun," she chuckles with her usual air of superiority.
I make my way up the stairs with complete peace of mind, and before I leave, I turn my head towards the hall, waiting for Kris to appear.
One... two... three. There he is, hot as the Sun.
He looks so majestic, with his proud posture, his white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the first buttons unbuttoned. His pinstriped trousers give him that touch of elegance and superiority. A tired but penetrating gaze reveals his weariness. Or perhaps his exasperation.
Am I the cause of it?
I place my hands on the handle and push open the door. As soon as the fresh air hits my face I realise that I have been holding my breath. I take a few steps to the right even though I don't really know where I'm going. If before I had agreed to stay only a week, now I regret that choice as well. I worked for him, he who didn't hesitate to mistreat me while I was injured, because of him might I add.
Suddenly I hear the door of the club slam and my blood freezes. I don't turn around; I start running as fast as I can towards Electre's house.
Or at least that's the intent.
"Stop!" His voice is close. Too close. "I said stop," he thunders before grabbing my arm. How did he reach me?
His grip makes me even angrier. His gesture triggers a fury in me that I can't handle.
"Let go of me or I'll scream," I threaten through clenched teeth.
"Please," he snorts in amusement. "Look..." I don't let him finish I take a deep breath and start screaming.
Kris yanks my arm until I'm slammed against his chest and covers my mouth with his free hand. His eyes are in mine, which glaze over as he looks at me.
"Shut up. Can we talk without acting like kids?" he whispers. The scent of his skin is just as I remember it. "I'm going to let go now, but don't scream." He slowly pulls his face away and removes his hand from my mouth, hoping to be pleased.
"You're not going to bait me this time, I'm not taking orders from..." and I square him in disgust.
"From whom? Who do you think you're dealing with?" I squint at the pain in my wrist. I didn't realise he was still clasping it in his hand. "Let go of me and let's pretend that..." I whimper.
"Stop it. Let's talk about this in my office like grown-ups and not on the street," he proposes pointing behind him. I puff out a laugh. I'm not going back in there. Not after I found out he owns the place.
"No way. I know exactly what you're up to," I blurt out with the conviction that he's the same as everyone else. Hints here, hints there and then he only wants to solve it one way.
He rolls his eyes and mutters something incomprehensible. He lets me go with a shove and then points a finger at me.
"You don't know anything about me or what I'm up to. But if you think you do, then go, run home and never set foot on my premises again." He doesn't move, waiting for me to give him my answer. With a quick wave of my hand, I sweep his from in front of my face.
I could let him have it without a problem, agree to go home without making such a scene, but that wouldn't be right, it wouldn't be like me. After what he did that afternoon, he deserves all the rage I'm capable of.
"I'll go with you, but only because I left my bag in the club and not because you're making me do it," I state, trying to get him to see that that's the only reason why I'm even entertaining the thought of heading back inside.
"Oh my goodness." Kris turns around, spreading his arms and bringing them to his forehead. Next thing I know, he starts walking towards the club, leaving me alone in the middle of the street. He takes a few steps before stopping and turning around again.
"Will her royal highness follow me, or does she expect me to bring her purse out here?"
"That wouldn't be a bad idea. You finally figured out how to address me," I mutter, flashing a victorious smirk. His head leans slightly to the side as if he heard what I just said. I hope not. Perhaps I do, maybe then he'll send me off without replying.
"Did you say something?"
Come on, just laugh it off and get it out of your system.
"Has anyone ever told you that you're arrogant?" I cross my arms over my chest looking like I'm offended by...I don't know, everything?
"Of course," he replies as if he doesn't care. "They do that a lot, and I like hearing it because, guess what? I don't care."
"It must be a distinguishing trait of yours."
He resumes briskly walking back towards his club. I can see the contours of his muscular body perfectly as he sinuously moves under the streetlamps. A pleasure for the eyes, a torment for sanity.
He doesn't pay any attention to Odin who, with a quick glance, hopes to get an explanation as soon as we enter the club.
He fixes his cerulean eyes on mine, which I hold up without a problem. I don't owe anyone anything after having an argument with my boss, least of all him.
As soon as I walk past him, Odin grabs my arm and corners me.
"Don't worry, he just didn't like the drink. We're considering whether to opt for summary dismissal or flogging in the public square," I smile, trying to reassure my friend, but with bad results. Nothing... I guess he doesn’t get my sense of humour.
"Stop talking nonsense. Hurry up and join me," thunders the boss. I smile at Odin's astonished expression as he still waits for my explanation. I shrug and do as Kris says. I dodge my colleague and, in complete silence, walk down the stairs pretending to be at a fashion show, while everyone's eyes are on me. Except for Kris's, whose back is turned with his hands resting on the counter. From his posture, he looks tired, exhausted, angry, and it's certainly not my head injury that's to blame. I'm sure there's more to it than that.
Margarita sensually moves her lips, and, in response, Kris's head turns towards me. As soon as his eyes land on my body a rush of adrenaline shakes me. I look him straight in the face as I walk the last few steps towards him feeling my excitement rise as he watches my curves with those dark eyes.
I stop a few steps away from him and take a bow. I smile at his wrinkled face, fixing it well in my mind. This is how I want him to look at me, he doesn't have to understand me. He won't find me submissive this time.
Am I being brazen? Absolutely. Am I behaving like a child? Of course I am. Can I remedy that? Hell no, he's the one whose arrogance brought out this side of me.
I walk down the corridor to his office, but don't go in. I cross my arms over my chest, waiting for him to make a move. Out of the corner of my eye I see him walk towards me. His hands in his trouser pockets make his torso look even more sculpted than it really is. He walks past me and opens the door, demanding with his gaze that I comply, for the umpteenth time, with his wishes.
I do it, mostly because I want to talk to him, spit in his face, and everything else I could not do that day. I feel like showing him all the anger I have been accumulating because of the damage he has done to me.
I take a few steps towards the interior of the room, finding it too dark for my taste. I hadn't noticed it before. Kris is enchanted for a few moments before he closes the door behind me with a strong push and returns to his seat. He waves me over to the chair in front of him, but I don't comply. This time I choose to stand.
"Eleni... Jade, don't complicate things for me." I widen my eyes finding his statement nonsensical. I bring my hand to my chest and stretch my neck to let him know I didn't quite understand his words.
I'm complicating things? Is he serious? Well, maybe he won't like my silly behaviour.
"I don't know what Athos sees in you," he whispers, shaking his head before lowering it and shuffling some papers around. "You don't know how much he begged me to hire you."
"He doesn't have to see anything in me, and if it's such a huge inconvenience to you that you gave in to his insistence, I can always ease your burden and leave. We can agree to tell him that I'm no good, or that I responded badly to a customer who was alone at the counter fiddling with a glass of water, or, I don't know, that I snapped back at the big boss when he put his hands on me.” I emphasize my speech with a wave of my hand. I don't know why, but he seems to be pretending to listen to me. "Pay me for the days I worked and..."
"What are you talking about? Pay you?" he interrupts, pointing his eyes into mine, uniting us like never before. My breath gets stuck in my throat. His eyes really are quite unique.
"What you earned isn't even enough to pay for the call from the shop."
"I guess you've already done the math," I grumble, looking away.
"Leave me all your details, the real ones. We'll talk about the rest as soon as I have the estimates in hand."
"No," I begin. "You can ask Athos for them anyway." If he thinks he can dictate the terms, then I want to be able to decide them too. He snorts an "I can't" in that warm tone I hate.
"Eleni... Jade... Goodness, I don't even know what your real name is." He bites his lip and closes his eyes.
"No, you listen to me." I point my finger at him. I move closer, stretching across the desk until I'm a breath away from his face. "Let me work until I pay off that damn debt, which I can't explain to anyone why I have, and then that's it. Hold off as long as you can to shorten my stay here. If you need to, hold back all my salary, let me work overtime, use me to... do your house cleaning or whatever. Then we go our separate ways. Like nothing happened."
He's literally hanging on my every word, incredulous at what I'm saying.
Maybe he thought he'd won, that he'd be able to assert himself and continue to dominate, but I'm going to win. I can feel it.
"You have the day off tomorrow. But don't think that..." He restrains himself from continuing as he shifts his gaze from my eyes to my lips and then looks further down at the neckline of my blouse.
"What?" I humour him using a sensual tone. I add to the dose by biting my lip. I want to see how far he goes.
"That I'll give up so easily. If you're not registered, you can't work. Not here, not anywhere else," he replies. I clench my jaw. I turn away from the desk and walk out of his office. I nonchalantly grab my things and leave. If he wants me to, I'll work and pay off the damn debt on my own terms, otherwise he can forget about the damage. Forget about me.
I leave the club proud of myself. Shocked by what I've done, but proud, nonetheless.
I look left and right, searching for the right road to take back home.
It's going to be a long walk.