Chapter 5
An enormous headache kept me from sleeping all night.
After Odin's arrival, Athos decided to buy us a drink to celebrate my change of mind and the start of the trial period. Only he didn't stop at a single bottle. When it comes to partying, I have to admit that the 35-year-old can handle it.
Odin proved to be a sweet guy, although his 'size' could be misleading. To be honest, I feared the worst for a moment when I noticed a similar build to the guy from the accident. Even the shirt was identical.
He's a few years older than me and he's easy-going, friendly, and funny. We bonded immediately. I think I'll have no problem working with him.
I have an appointment with him this afternoon, even though the club is closed. He's going to introduce me to the environment and assess where I will best fit in, as I have little experience. Well, 'none' would be the appropriate word, but we played it cool.
Athos recommended that he keep an eye on me, given what Electre spilled to him, and Odin, being a good employee, gladly accepted. I just hope he doesn't overdo it.
I carefully get out of bed, as even the slightest movement causes surges of pain in my temples.
"I will never drink champagne again. In fact, I will never drink on an empty stomach again." I repeat it to myself, almost like a mantra. I don't even have the strength to go to the bathroom to clean myself up, given the way my room is whirling. I’d better down a painkiller first.
I head for the kitchen, but when I hear Electre's voice fill the room, I stop by the door. She's talking to someone, probably over the phone, so I lean over to peek.
"I don't know, she seemed pretty shaken up for just being a vision. Even if she only mentioned what happened, she was really upset. I wouldn't want her to meet him at the club," she whispers. Suddenly a shirtless Athos appears. He very quietly sits by her side, grabs her hand, and brings it to his lips to fill it with little kisses. He runs all the way up her arm until he reaches her lips.
Was I so drunk that I didn't notice he was staying here?
"All customers are registered," he reveals pulling away from her to grab his cup and pour himself coffee. "If anyone has a record or anything, they're not allowed in."
Electre rolls her eyes and snorts as if the matter touches her personally.
"Does that apply to us too?" Athos nods. "So, you know everything, both about me and..."
"Agápi," he begins, brushing past her again, "if it makes you feel more comfortable, I'll check for myself. If he was there yesterday, he can be there tomorrow or the day after. I'll ask the employees if they remember anyone matching your description." He caresses her cheek with infinite sweetness. "They won't find him, rest assured. I'll..."
"What?" I blurt, coming out from my hiding spot. They turn away in fear when they hear me, but I don't care. "Did you tell him everything?"
"Jade..." Athos stands up, ignoring the fact that he's only wearing boxers and has a killer body. He reaches for me and extends his hands in an attempt to touch me. I know exactly what he wants to do, physical contact is essential to convey confidence and make me trust him, but I don't want him to touch me. He can't do it on command or, at least, when it suits him. I step back, preventing him from touching me. He's not very happy about that, but I don't care. I don't want his hands on me. Full stop.
"Listen to me. You and I barely know each other, and, on our first meeting, you lied to me about your name; so, explain to me why I shouldn't have feared you would do the same to the rest of us?"
I shake my head, indignant at him prying into my life.
"And she told you everything, didn't she?" I turn to Electre, who is watching us. Her gaze doesn't match mine, as she looks away in fear. Where's the determined girl who was lecturing me yesterday?
"Oh great, thank you very much. You're a really good friend," I say performing a round of applause. "Did you also tell him about the mishap that brought me here in the first place?" I raise an eyebrow to mark my words. Her eyes are glistening, but I don't care.
I turn to him, giving him the same look.
"How dare you?"
"How dare I do what? Inform myself about who planted themselves in my house? Who I had to break down the door for, fearing she'd be hurt since she'd been locked in for days? Who, after all, showed up with a different name and insinuated nastiness about my work without knowing me?" he replies with wide eyes.
"Guys, please," Electre whines. Even though I have a crazy headache I don't give in and face them.
"You could have left it alone," I hiss, looking at him crookedly.
"Sure, and blindly trust anyone I meet along my way! Do you think I was born yesterday? Do you think, at my age, I give every person I meet the benefit of the doubt?"
"Look, let's just leave it at that, okay? I still don't understand how we went from going out to accepting a job at the club where we just wanted to have a good time." I look away taking a deep breath. I cover my face with my hands because I want to shake my head, but I can't afford to. "It's all so absurd."
"Agápi." With a step he's in front of me, placing his hands on my neck, forcing me to look into his eyes. I grab him by the forearms trying to pull him away from me, but I can't, he's too strong. "I got you covered. Just take it easy and give me a few days to study the situation well. Now that I know everything, I'm on your side. You can trust me."
"Giada, Athos is a lawyer and..." I blink, incredulous by what is happening. He's begging for my trust, all whilst she's defending him.
"Stay out of it," I say through clenched teeth trying to free myself to no avail. "It's my choice and I don't..."
"I know and I fully agree with you, that's why I want to help you. And I'll do it, whatever it takes, I promise." He brings his face closer to mine until our foreheads meet. His warm breath irritates me. He's too close for my liking.
Who does he think he is, the hero of the situation? The only one who can keep me safe? I don't want anyone else involved, maybe he hasn't figured that out yet.
"Athos, thanks for your concern," I whisper with all my remaining calm, "but no."
I manage to free myself with a tug. I back away a few steps to avoid further contact. "This has already created too much trouble and I don't want any more."
"That's not the point, Giada. When Electre told me you needed help and told me what it was about… I saw the same situation in my best friend’s life. Instead of receiving help and avoiding the biggest mistake of his life, he was abandoned by those he trusted. From that moment on, I vowed to myself that if I ever heard another such story, I would fight with all available means. And now I'm here and I just want to prevent it from happening again, since I have the chance to help you." He moves towards me, slowly, like a predator with its prey.
I let him move closer, bringing his hands over me, this time laying them on my bare shoulders forcing me to look at him.
"You are not and will not be alone. Whatever you need, you can count on me, on us."
"We're only talking about a marriage, not any other injustice you might need a lawyer for. I don't know what kind of trouble your friend was in, but I just ran away from home." At my words, his eyes widen. "I don't need protection; I just need it confirmed that my name is Jade Kastis and that I was born in Athens on August 30th, 2000, to nomadic parents. No one needs to know that I am Giada D'Agostino, that I was born in Bari, and I am the daughter of the most famous businessman in Puglia. That's all."
"What happened with that man? How did you introduce yourself to him? What if he's a private investigator hired by your parents to find you and bring you home?" Electre raised her voice, convinced that this way he would listen to her. "I'm sorry Jade, but I... I can't accept what they've imposed on you. Get over it." Without waiting for a reply from me she gets up and goes to her room. Athos sighs, letting me go to join her.
What just happened? Was it real or did the headache create this hallucination?
I'm standing outside the club where I'll be working, or at least I think I’ll be working. That is, if I don't pull off an epic disaster. I hope this week of probation goes by quickly and the guy from the accident doesn't show up again. I'm just here for extra money and to keep Athos and Electre happy.
Odin's voice makes me wince. I'm happy for his arrival, at least it distracts me from unpleasant thoughts. I hold out my hand which he shakes without hesitation, and I smile at him.
"I almost didn't recognize you dressed so casually, my only tip was the blond hair," he begins. "I just ended a call with Athos. He was pretty insistent on certain points." He rolls his eyes, fills his cheeks with air and then huffs out an infectious laugh.
"Really?" I chuckle amused by his manner. "I hope there’s nothing I have to worry about."
"Oh, yeah. I mean no, nothing to worry about." He scratches the back of his head without losing his smile. "In some ways he and Kris are identical, but don't worry, you'll see that you'll fit right in with us. We're like family." He then pulls out the keys from the fanny pack he carries over his shoulder, allowing him to open the place.
Poor naive guy, he doesn't know that after the trial week I'll be leaving here.
"The only drawback is Kris’s absence so, for now, just settle in, try it out, see how you get on and, as soon as he returns, you'll talk about the paperwork. He's in charge of that stuff, not Athos." Odin keeps smiling as if he doesn't know how to do anything else. He has a kind soul that I liked immediately.
"Alright," I reply with a nod before following him into the club.
"Nice neon yellow tank top, you look good in the dark" he says after a few moments. He chuckles in amusement, convinced he's made the joke of the century. "We do have uniforms, but they're not neon, sorry." He walks past me, going down the stairs and jumping behind the counter. He then laughs to downplay it. "You're going to have to get used to stupid comments and people hitting on you all the time, sorry." He turns some lights on illuminating only the parts that seem useful to him in order to show me around.
"I wouldn’t be so sure," I whisper looking around. This place looks completely different to me. The decorations that I found fitting last night now seem out of place.
"I don't believe you. I think you have a line of suitors outside your door."
He smiles, inviting me to follow him. His cerulean eyes are intense, his boyish features accentuating them. He proudly wears a tuft of very blond, almost white, hair, which he keeps gathered up in a headband. The sides of his head are completely shaved. Dressed in sweatpants and a Marvel T-shirt, he gives me the impression that this meeting was not planned. Or, that he miscalculated and arrived late. Alternatively, he didn't take it seriously and Athos scolded him. At the end of the day, despite the perpetual smile on his face, I find him adorable.
I'm not really dressed to the nines either. The fluorescent tank top isn’t really appropriate for a job interview.
"Come on, I'll show you around the place, then we'll decide what you can do." I comply with his wishes and let him show me everything that I’ll have to learn to know my way around. We spend hours alone, with no one to interrupt us. He continues to tell stories of this place, of how he met the owner and his best friend, Athos. How, when he found himself short of money, they didn't hesitate to include him in the workforce, accepting him as a member of the family. He owes them everything.
He takes me to visit the ‘magic terrace’ which is unfortunately closed to customers because it is still being renovated; it has a magnificent view over the caldera.
He explains all the technical aspects to me, shows me where the various products are and how the most popular cocktails are prepared. He lists the various tasks and the unpronounceable names of the employees. He confirms Athos' words on the customer issue: they are all registered and no one can enter if they have a stain on their criminal record.
"Kris is demanding in some ways, but you'll soon realise he does it for the sake of peace and quiet. So far we haven't had any problems."
"It's a nice environment. I noticed it right away. You understand each other with simple gestures, without too many words."
I sit down on the stool at the counter where we were stationed the night before. I move my hair over one shoulder and rest my head on my hand. Tired, I watch Odin pour something into a couple of glasses and then hand me one.
"I can't complain. But now, please, tell me something about yourself. Why did you choose Santorini as your destination? Athos barely told me anything, he was hermetic."
I'd like to know what he said too.
"Let me guess, you came to see her and fell in love with this magnificent island."
I smile and shrug my shoulders. If that's what he wants to believe, I won't be the one to disprove it.
"And why did you choose to colour your hair like that?" He brings the cocktail straw to his lips, takes a sip, and sets the glass down on the paper napkin. I instinctively touch my hair, moving it to my other shoulder.
"I wanted to do something extravagant and went for a rainbow," I reveal, trapping a strand between my fingers, bringing it under my nose, pretending it's a moustache.
“Extravagant would have been colouring your whole head, not just the back of your head. You can't even see it this way," he giggles, biting his lip. He's right, but that would have drawn too much attention and that's not what I want.
"It is for me, and I find it to be quite enough." I grab my glass and imitate his gestures. Unlike him, I don't keep staring as I fill my mouth with this liquid that looks like water. I look away, losing myself in distant memories of nights out in the most famous bars in Bari. So many evenings spent drinking, waiting for the bar to close just to hit on the bartender and have the last drink of the night.
"That's a shame, they would look good on you," he whispers.
I put aside the strange feeling that his words are aimed at an approach that is beyond professional and swallow the bitter drink that has started to burn my mouth. I close my eyes waiting for the taste to fade.
"Is this your first time drinking one?" he asks in a soft tone.
I nod biting my lips. "It’s strange, maybe straight alcohol is too strong for me."
Odin manages to snatch the glass from my hand. I open my eyes and see him adding soda and a slice of lemon. He stirs with a straw and hands it to me again.
“Lighter variant: Spritz, Ouzo and lemon. That's what Kris prefers to drink." I nod and make it a useful piece of information. If I ever need it, I'll be able to take this drink with me to sweeten my boss. "Taste it and tell me if it's still undrinkable." I smile at his thoughtfulness and cautiously take another sip, finding it much better. I nod and thank him, hoping that's enough for him.
"Well, I think I've explained everything. Do you have any questions?"
"No, you've been very thorough. I just hope I don’t let anyone down," I say with a stuffed mouth.
"I doubt it. Worst case scenario, prepare this and you'll see it all works out." He raises his now empty glass and continues to smile at me. "For starters, you could think about cleaning glasses and keeping the bar stocked. Then, when Kris arrives, we’ll see about teaching you more."
"No problem, although I was aiming for the chief of staff position. I'll just have to deal with that until then." I take the last sip of my Spritz as he rolls his blue eyes. He's dumbfounded, as he didn't expect me to say something like that.
I set the glass down on the counter and get off the stool, adjusting my trousers and finally giving him some attention.
"Odin, I was joking." Only now does he recover.
"I fell for it like a fool. I have to admit, you were really convincing." For the first time all evening he fixes his hair. "If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to get a rush."
"Sorry it's just that I'm exhausted and this..." I clink the ice in the nearly empty glass, "doesn't help. Rather, tell me about Kris. Who better to enlighten me about my future boss than you?"
His eyes lock into mine and a dark veil falls over his face.
"What do you want to know? Are you interested in his love life too?"
"I've never seen him. I don't know who he is or what he looks like. I just wanted to know a little more, some funny anecdotes. That's all," I reveal, shrugging my shoulders.
"He doesn't have a very active social life. He mainly thinks about work. Since I've known him, he has opened two clubs and is about to open a new one in Athens at the end of August. He may stay for a few days or not show up for months," he explains, annoyed. "It depends on how often Athos needs him to sign the paperwork."
I nod and grab my glass, drinking the last remaining drop.
"I guess it's getting late," I mutter with my head slightly in the clouds.
"Do you want a ride?"
"Only if it doesn’t offend you" I say looking him straight in the eye. Now he's the one shrugging and shaking his head.
"I'm not offended so easily. I guess it's normal to want to know a little more about your future boss, right?" He tilts his head, waiting for my answer, which is slow in coming.
"Of course, you could have asked something about me since I'll be your boss for a few days, but I'll forgive you." When he sees a look of displeasure on my face, he bursts out laughing. I could have done it, it's true, but honestly, I don't care about anything more than what he has already told me. "Come on, let's go, it's getting late."
He's kind, another quality I like. I accept and he doesn't take offence if, once in front of the entrance to the residence, I don't invite him in and leave him with a simple: "thank you very much, goodbye". He gives me yet another smile and slowly walks away, not before recommending that I be punctual for the first shift.
I accept this veiled threat as well, nodding and rethinking my goal of staying only for a week. But I won't tell him now.
I walk down the small driveway thinking about everything that has happened to me so far. Minus the accident and the misunderstanding surrounding Electre and Athos' work, I can say that it's going pretty well.
As soon as I cross the threshold of the house, I turn on the light in the hall.
"Is this the time to come back?" I gasp in fright. Electre is sitting on the couch with her arms and legs crossed, wrapped in a pink organza dressing gown. She looks like my mother when she used to wait up for me whenever I came home late at night. She's missing the curlers on her head, or she'd be her spitting image. I smile to myself as my brain is picturing them having coffee together even though I know it's impossible, since when they met, they looked like they were about to kill each other. "Wow, what a satisfied smirk. So, you've had a nice day with blondie," she giggles. I take a deep breath and join her, throwing myself onto the couch.
"My dear Electre, if you only knew," I explain pretending that there was some tenderness between Odin and me. With the little strength I have left in my body, I turn to her, hug her, and leave a kiss on her cheek. This morning we parted badly, then I had to go to work and now it seems like nothing happened.
"He's such a sweet boy." I get up and head to my room to get my underwear and have a refreshing shower.
"Jade," she yells from the living room. "What happened?" I hear her footsteps approaching. Slowly, I turn towards her, fixing my eyes in hers and waiting. I'm good at teasing her with my gaze. "Don't keep me on my toes."
"Nothing, Electre. Nothing happened. We just got lost in conversation. That's all." I laugh, amused by her wide eyes and her anticipation over inexistent spicy details.
"I can't stand you when you do that," she huffs and runs to lock herself in her room, slamming the door. I don't know if she got offended over the teasing or the realization that nothing happened between Odin and me.
I shrug, dismissing her behaviour, and head towards the shower.
Tomorrow is a new day and I sincerely hope I refrain from drinking a single drop of alcohol.