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Chapter 4

It's been three days since the accident. The man with the Porsche hasn't contacted me, and I have no intention of contacting him, even though I have his number. Electre, on the other hand, is still blaming me for the missed appointment, as if the problem with her friend's car was my fault.

Or was it?

She stayed by my side, especially when she forced me to take the pregnancy test. I was so anxious I didn't even dare to breathe. Shortly after the result came out negative, I got my period.

I was also lucky on the work front: Enea hasn't noticed anything yet, too busy in the kitchen to take notice of me.

"You know, I still don't believe you," my friend begins, pointing her fork at me with pasta stuck between her teeth. Strangely, we had been eating lunch in silence, each with our own thoughts. I look up at her, waiting for some clue. So much has happened that she could be talking about anything. "I'm talking about the bike."

"I swear, I..."

"Enea lent you the bike." She brings the fork to her lips and then, with her mouth full, starts listing the various points that seem strange to her. She subjects me to this interrogation every day. The last time was while I was taking a shower, just to see if I would change my story. "But where is the bike?" she asks. She chews nervously with her eyes widened, waiting for my usual explanation.

"I got a puncture and left the bike at a garage. I'm sorry about the date with your friend, okay? It wasn't intentional. We can reschedule it if you want." She stares at me intently, trying to figure out if I'm lying or telling the truth. Sure, the damage goes way beyond the small, insignificant puncture, but I won't tell her that, even under torture.

"You know there's insurance? You'd bring it back and the cost of the repair would scale it," she informs me in a dead pan tone. She smiles and licks her lips, convinced she's fooled me. I shrug, ignoring her clarification.

"Alright, let's pretend I believe you." She shifts her focus back to the fusilli with cherry tomatoes on her plate. She pushes the vegetables aside to get free access to the pasta. She hesitates, gloating amusedly before continuing to speak.

"I've managed to extort my friend for another date, which, guess what, is tonight,' she reveals, smiling like a child. Up to the other day she was crying that he didn't want to go out with her, and now she's managed to get herself two dates in no time. I wrinkle my forehead waiting for her to continue. I know her well; I know perfectly well that she will have more to say. "And just in case, we'll go with the car." There it is.


"Don't you dare make excuses this time, Giada. I very well know that you have to keep a low profile in order not to be discovered, that you only want to think about work and blah, blah, blah... But not having fun, not having a social life, not feeling the slightest impulse to go out until late at night on the most beautiful island in the world seems too much. Besides, nobody knows you here but me."

She chimes in, convinced that I'm against going out. She's nervous, I can tell by the way she skewers the pasta, but I decide to leave her to her convictions. It amuses me to see her in this state when I know it's not serious. She drops her fork onto her plate and grabs my hand. Inevitably our eyes meet.

"Giada, don't worry, they won't find you. I promise." She finally finishes saying what was on her mind. She caresses the back of my hand transmitting all the warmth she is capable of.

"That's not the problem," I whisper, giving her a shy little smile. I rejoice that she cares about me this much, but really, the problem this time is not about being recognised.

"You've been here for a week and besides work you have nothing going on. You can't live like this. Not if you want to rebuild your life." These words hit my soul. She is trying to revive Giada the party girl, the one who never missed a chance to have fun and do whatever she wanted. Unfortunately, I don't want to be like that anymore, I don't want to exaggerate.

"I don't have anything to wear. Everything I bought isn’t appropriate for a night out. Having fun was not in my agenda for my time here." Now that I've revealed the real reason for my reticence, I hope she'll stop with the lecturing. I hate it when she's right.

"My wardrobe is always at your disposal, my love. You can choose whatever you want as long as I'm not already planning to wear it and you return it to me intact. That is, if you don’t find someone who wants to bite it off you and make you touch the sky; in that case I may as well get over it," she replies in a mischievous tone. I close my eyes, widening my smile. She is unbelievable. "After all, you can take whatever you want, whenever you want,” she reassures me. Amongst all her other qualities, she has always been exceedingly generous.

"All right. You win." Electre gets up from her chair, and lunges towards me, hugging me tightly. I hear her whisper words of gratitude. With her by my side, all my fears vanish. I don't know how she does it. She is my strength. "But we can't be out too late, I have to work tomorrow."

"I promise." Her cheek against mine causes me an unexpected emotion. It feels like this point of contact is burning hot.

"Sorry." She moves away from me very slowly, keeping her head bowed, reminding me I still don't know what's wrong with her. Maybe she felt it too, or maybe she's afraid she's being too intrusive and that it's bothering me. "Now go get ready to release the bitchy Giada I adore." She smiles at me and then walks away heading for the stairs.

"Electre, is everything okay?" I try to call her back, but she'd already made it to her room.

I clear up quickly and wash the dishes, leaving everything tidy. I don't like it when dirty dishes are left lying around.

I join my friend upstairs and as soon as I arrive in front of her room, I stop and look inside and find her busy looking for the right dress. Knowing her she won't take the time to put them back into her wardrobe; she’ll put them up to her body pretending to wear them and, if not satisfied, will throw them on the bed huffing. But she'll change her mind even after she's chosen it, after she's already put on her make-up or worse, halfway through.

"They all look good on you."

"I'm afraid he won't notice me," she whispers throwing yet another dress onto the mattress, just as I predicted. I take a few steps towards her, placing myself in front of the wardrobe. "I just want to be perfect, that's all."

"You are, even without all those frills and if he doesn't notice, he's got big problems." She scrutinises me as if I've said something stupid, but I genuinely mean what I said. She is perfect in everything she does.

"This, for example." I pull a killer little dress out of the huge wardrobe. Although the black lace joining the top to the puffy collar seems to make it chaste, the neckline is well accentuated given the perpendicular cut on the chest. The skirt comes down to mid-thigh with two small slits in the front.

Electre's eyes widen, and she holds her breath, bewildered by the dress I proposed.

"I'll wear that if you wear this." She turns to the bed and grabs a dress, or rather, a strip of fabric that would cover from the breasts down to mid-thigh. It’s pitch-black with a sash over the breasts and a shimmering hem. I swallow because it's not exactly the epitome of sobriety. "It's not over the top, quite the opposite."

I pretend to think about it.

"Okay." I shrug my shoulders, extending the little dress I picked out for her. She reciprocates the gesture and we both grab the hangers at the same time.

"You're going to do great with this,” she says. Then a mischievous smile appears on her face. She leans over and grabs a stunning pair of shoes, perhaps too high even for me. "Add these." She places them in my arms before turning and reaching for a jewellery box she keeps in the middle of her dresser. She pulls out what looks to be a Swarovski necklace but, when she unravels it, I realize it's some kind of garter belt. I wrinkle my forehead trying to understand how anyone could take pleasure in admiring a strand of glitter on my thigh. "It's something I recommend you wear under any little dress or dress with a slit. They love it here," she says hanging her garter over the heel of her shoes.

We went from: "I don't know what I'm going to wear" to "I have a clear idea of what you're going to wear" in less than ten minutes.

"I'm going to look like a prostitute."

"No, you’re not. It'll look great on you, and you'll find someone who wants to take it off too." Her victorious smirk irritates me and, as I close my eyes, she places her hands on my shoulders and forces me to turn around. She pushes me out of the room, letting me know she doesn't want me with her.

"You're going to wear that dress, aren't you?" I manage to ask before she closes the door in front of my nose. I remain there. I don't even have time to move before the door jerks open again.

"Remember to tie your hair in a high tail."

"I'm not the one who has to pick up your friend," I blurt out, then turn, lengthening my stride towards my room. What the hell.


"I'm here, I'm here. I'm ready."

I quickly walk down the corridor that divides the night area from the day area and join Electre, who’s been waiting for me in main hall. She looks sulky because she's late, her folded arms highlighting her mood.

"My friend has already called. Since we're late, he's waiting for us inside the club," she reveals in a cautionary voice, as if she's chastising me for falling asleep in the bathtub. I didn't do it on purpose.

"That is, if he doesn't leave first," I mumble, giving myself one last look in the mirror. Nothing seems to have changed since the evenings in Bari. After all, you can't change a 'slut'. That's how my father labelled me.

I look at my body and find something wrong with everything. Goodness, why must I always feel compelled to dress like this?


"Sorry. He might have some patience and actually wait for us for once," I mutter looking at my reflection in the mirror. I frown noticing a detail I had missed before.

"Hey, you didn't wear the dress I recommended." She's wearing one with the thinnest of straps that shows off her busty breasts and covers her long, slender legs like a cloud. She is simply magnificent.

"No. But you took my advice." She smiles and prepares to leave the house, leaving me dumbfounded. I shake my head and try to catch up with her, only to find that as soon as I get to the door, her garter belt drops from my thigh. With an angry gesture I pull it off. I don't care what Electre says, it's already the third time I've had to retrieve it. "Come on!" my friend's scream calls me back. I have just enough time to put the bloody thing on the countertop and leave the house.

In the car, Electre's mood changes completely. If she was angry with me before, now she seems to be agitated and, frankly, I don't know which is worse. She keeps babbling nonsense, moving from one topic to another.

"Can you tell me about this friend of yours?" I begin after a short silence. She's worse than a metronome when she's anxious. Apart from the fact that she would like something more and that he is the owner of the bungalow where we live, I know nothing about him. Not even his name, not even a hint of what he looks like.

"I have nothing to say to you except that he is incredibly handsome. Tall, dark, amber eyes... a real hottie. He's thirty-five years old and..."

"What?" I interrupt her, incredulous at her words.

"I know, there's just over ten years difference, but believe me, when I'm with him it doesn't matter." Ten? I've counted a good thirteen and that's not a few. Maybe I'm exaggerating if I say he could be her father, but this difference really seems a bit too much.

Like the difference between me and Raffaele.

"I don't know what worries me more. You thinking like an old woman or him thinking I’m a kid," I chuckle, teasing her. I adjust myself better on the seat, trying to keep my skirt from riding up more than it should or my top from coming down and revealing things I don't want to show off. Even though my breasts are small, I want to keep them safe.

"At thirty-five you're not old and at twenty you're not a kid," she huffs irritably, looking away from the road just long enough to give me a dirty look. "Also, why do you have to start being bitchy now?"

I let out a thunderous laugh, dragging her with me. I have no idea what I said that was so unseemly that it got her to call me a bitch. I only stated what I think about the age gap, which is also an opinion shared by most ordinary people. Nothing more.

A few minutes later we arrived at the club.

"Be careful," she says and adds nothing more. I shrug and take a deep breath.

I really don't know what she's referring to.

We get out of the car and walk towards the line of people waiting to get in. Electre takes me by the hand, intertwining our fingers, and, dragging me along, overtakes them all. She stops in front of the bouncer who looks at us as if we were yet another couple of young girls trying to get in without waiting their turn.

"Electre Cospiris, plus one. I'm... we're guests of Mr. Senesikos." The man in front of us looks at us as if he doesn't believe her words. He shakes his head and tries to dismiss us with a snort.

In Bari, all I had to do was hand over a wad of cash to get in without all this fuss.

"Come on, check it out," I interject, seeing him hesitate.

"Or do you want me to call him, and have you fired? I know for a fact that he's Mr. Princekaris' friend, best friend." she threatens. Intimidated, the big man checks the clipboard in his hand and, with a resigned sigh, lets us through.

"Thanks," I whisper hastily as I pass him. I hate people who feel superior for no good reason. He just had to do his job.

Entering the club, Electre prances around like a little girl who has made her greatest wish come true.

"It's a dream come true." Her eyes sparkle, her wide smile almost reaching her ears; I bet her heart must be pounding. She looks around, admiring every detail. She walks over to the balustrade in front of us and leans so far over that I'm afraid she'll fall off.

"Good thing you're not a kid in your twenties." I repeat her words from earlier, trying to imitate her voice. Even though I reach her, she doesn't listen to me because she's too busy looking around for her friend. She bites her lip and mutters a frustrated moan, stamping her foot on the ground.

What happened to the Electre I knew? The one who never submitted to anyone, who always had the situation under control?

I gloss over her behaviour to admire the place. It's really nice. A few characteristic objects reminiscent of the island are strategically placed in the best spots and, most importantly, do not weigh down the decor. Illuminated by LED strips set in the cracks between the wall and the ceiling, these decorations give the whole nightclub an intense atmosphere, but not at all in a vulgar way. Here and there are floor lamps that help to create a sort of see-through effect by the more secluded tables.

Definitely inviting.

"Where the hell are you?" she whispers, scanning every person in the room. I try to help her out by trying to find a guy who fits the description she gave me, but I struggle to find him. "There he is!" she exclaims, flashing yet another smile. She grabs my wrist and drags me down the staircase until I'm only a few steps away from the man. And what a man, might I add.

"Hi!" She greets him after drawing his attention with a tap on the shoulder. His gaze, surprised at first, calms down and he smiles from ear to ear. His cerulean eyes highlight his amber complexion.

But didn't she say they were meant to be brown?

"Hello, agápi," he says, returning the greeting. He leans towards her and leaves a tender kiss at the corner of her mouth that makes her blush like never before. "What are you doing here?"

This man makes quite the impression despite wearing a hideous floral shirt fitted into white linen trousers. The first few buttons are open, revealing a gold chain and well-defined muscles under his taut, hairless skin.

"I wanted to see you and introduce you..."

I square off in front of him, trying to find something sensible in his outfit, but nothing. Not even the espadrilles on his feet can save it. I raise my head again and find him staring at me in annoyance. His outstretched hand gives me a hint that he would like to introduce himself.

"You must be Ele's friend," he starts, but I block him by grabbing his hand. I nod as I tighten my grip. The smooth, warm hand reminds me of Enea'.

"Athos, this is Gia..."

"Jade. Nice to meet you." I interrupt her just in time.

Did she magically forget about the fake identity? To think, she’s the one who proposed it in the first place.

I use a neutral tone, careful not to let out any feelings. I am not the one he has to concentrate on, rather my friend. I smile to myself, thinking of their reaction if I were to urge them to hide in the warehouse and unleash their raging hormones.

"Jade," he repeats, slow and doubtful, casting a glance at Ele. He seems to be weighing up his next words. "Jade, stone of the same name which conveys courage, purity and honesty. I don't know why, but it suits you." He leans towards my hand not taking his eyes off mine.

Why did he say these words? Does he know my name? Has Electre revealed it to him?

As soon as his lips settle on my hand, my eyes swiftly shoot a glare towards my friend.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sweet little Jade," he murmurs, accentuating my name. I turn back to look at him fearfully.

"The pleasure is mine, Athos," I reply, slightly bowing my head. Although I'm flattered by his behaviour, even though it's obvious he's acting, my heart is pounding. He certainly flirts around with everyone, heedless of hurting the feelings of those who interpret that kind of attention as interest.

"I'm glad to see you've recovered," he adds, reminding me that it's thanks to him that Electre managed to open the door to my room and pick me up off the floor.

"Thank you. Also, for letting me stay at your place and helping Electre get me back into bed" I say as sincerely as I can. Wrinkles are drawn on his face, the kind that appear when you're thoughtful and sorry. His eyes move away from me to point elsewhere.

"Well," he says finally, "what can I offer you?" He turns away from me, making me feel uncomfortable for saying something I shouldn't have. Did I do something wrong? Did I talk too much?

"The usual for me. Thank you," Electre squeaks, taking a seat next to the man who looks at her in fascination.

The usual? I thought she didn’t see him as often as she'd like to.

"Do you really like that greenish, sugary shit?" he chuckles, resting his forearm on the counter and continuing to smile. Athos looks at Electre as if she were the only woman on Earth and she does the same to him. They completely ignore my presence at this point.

"Yes. Do you mind?" She bites her lip, holding back a mischievous smirk. Her face is so close to his that, if he wanted to, he could kiss her.

"Not at all." He moves a strand of hair behind her ear and then strokes her earlobe. He ran his thumb along the line of her jaw until he pinched her chin. He did it with so much sensuality that it made me wish I was in Electre's place.

"Jade. What about you? What are you having?" he asks without having the decency to turn towards me, too busy seducing my friend.

"A room. So, I can push you two in there and you can give free rein to your raging hormones," I state dryly, even though I'm telling the truth. I cross my arms over my chest and tap my toe on the floor, annoyed by their attitude.

Why did she have to take me with her if their intention is to be alone and keep each other company?

Even though Electre glares at me, Athos bursts out laughing, amused by my joke. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and draws me to him until my cheek rests on his chest. I feel him turn around and put his lips on my head.

What the hell is he doing?

"You're hilarious. I like you." Then he lets me go. Or almost. His hand crawls down my arm to my hand, where he demands to intertwine his fingers with mine. When he succeeds, he takes a step back and returns to squaring me as if he hadn’t yet fully scanned my body. "By the way…" The barely audible tone of his voice makes my eyes widen as my body quivers.

Has he gone insane? What does he think he's doing?

"Ele mentioned that you're looking for a job." He only lets go of my hand to stroke my cheek. A gentle touch, reassuring and not at all vulgar. "Have you found one yet?" He doesn't take his hand off my face, instead he keeps moving his thumb thinking he's instilling confidence in me, but instead he's just... turning me on?

This man is not my type at all, but his touch is making me tingle. It can't happen, I can't be with the man my friend is interested in.

What if he's a pimp? One of the men Enea was talking about?

I close my eyes and collect my thoughts because I'm not enjoying this at all. I open them again and begin to look around, finding a quiet and festive environment, not one where women of dubious morals entertain millionaires.

Although Electre has not denied her cousin's words on the matter, she is now saying nothing about her friend's behaviour.

"I work in one of the little restaurants on the harbour." I dismiss the matter in a serious tone, aimed at not letting him know that I might be interested in something else. If he thinks he can get me into some kind of shady business, he's got the wrong girl. Athos is very confident, he's not afraid of being rejected or being a tease in the eyes of others. He looks for my eyes, but I don't look at him because otherwise I'll burst.

"Is that really enough for you? Are you happy?" I see him lower his head to look at me through his lashes, "or are you looking for something more? Something that might satisfy you and make you feel good financially? On the docks the wages are low," he continues. He finally removes his hand allowing me to take a step back. I turn to my friend who is looking at me doubtfully.

"It is. I don't care about living in luxury, I want to be able to repay Electre for the hospitality." I reveal my discomfort. Even though my friend emits a whining cry and gives me a small slap on the arm to admonish me, my mind doesn't change. I can't stay with her and not contribute to the costs.

“I understand,” he mutters, wrinkling his lips. He seems to have taken offence.

"You could talk to you-know-who and get her hired at one of his clubs," Ele begins, laying a hand on his arm. Athos pretends to think about it and shortly after he nods, miming the arrival of an idea.

He turns to the bartender and mumbles a few quick words in Greek.

"Hey, hold up, everybody. What are you guys talking about? What is this job about? If it's something of dubious morality I don't even want to know about it," I warn, raising my hands. Even though my attire isn't exactly saintly, that doesn't mean I'm willing to do anything.

"There's nothing for you to worry about, we're not that kind of people," Athos explains without a shadow of offence, flashing me a reassuring smile when he meets my gaze. "Of course, the way we presented it, it can give off the wrong idea" he laughs amused and slightly embarrassed, "but I assure you it's not like that. I'm going to call him now and see if he's around so we can talk about it right away." He reaches across the counter and grabs his phone to call someone.

I'm not in the habit of listening in on other people's conversations, so I turn around feigning a sudden interest in the French door that leads outside. I want to see what the garden decor is like, whether it is reminiscent of the interior or is a world of its own. I take a few steps towards the exit and lean out, just to have a look. And that's when, without meaning to, my eyes go straight to him. The man who ran me over.

Oh, shit.

Perfectly styled hair, smooth skin and absent of any sign of imperfection. Not even his beard, which was present last time, is noticeable. Not to mention that unruly lock which falls on his forehead, making him sexy enough to make many people envious. He’s wearing a white shirt that perfectly wraps his muscular, tanned body.

Jesus Christ, he's handsome. Nothing but an arrogant and insensitive asshole, but a damn good-looking one.

He's leaning against the bar with an empty glass in his hands that he plays with without a care in the world, as if he runs the whole place.

How I wish I could be that glass. How I wish he would play with my breasts in the same way.

What am I thinking? What is wrong with me? I shake my head, feeling a strange sensation. Is it the desire to go up to him and talk? Is it anger? Annoyance at seeing him again? The thought that he's blissfully sitting on that stool while I have to find a second job to pay for the damage he's caused to the bike makes me absurdly angry.

I would like to join him, stand in front of him as Giada D'Agostino, the daughter of the biggest businessman in Bari, and smack him in the face for the pain he caused me that day, insult him in front of everyone, tell them what he did to me, grab the ice bucket, and pour it on him just for the way he dared to treat me.

As soon as I take a step in his direction, he moves to the side, brings his hand to his butt, and grabs the mobile phone he keeps in his pocket. As he brings it closer to his ear a hand grabs my arm and makes me turn around. Electre's probing eyes scan me, impatient to know what I'm doing. I swallow in fright.

"Ele." I greet her using the same nickname Athos gave her. She rolls her eyes. She hates her name being mispronounced by diminutives.

"Who are you looking at?"

"No one," I answer quickly. Maybe too quickly. She crosses her arms over her chest, tilts her head to the side and squints her eyes. She doesn't believe me and this time I'm afraid I don't stand a chance. She takes a big breath and steps outwards.

"Who..." she starts out loud, but I block her.

"Okay, okay," I whisper, pulling her behind the wall, away from curious eyes. I sigh and give in. I have to tell her everything. "Remember that missed date with Athos you always hold against me?" She nods, but tilts her head the other way. "Over there: the one who caused the delay is sitting at the counter of the outside kiosk."

"What do you mean?"

"I know, I lied. I didn't want to tell you that some guy ran me over and took off after threatening me, because I know you'd go ballistic and move heaven and earth to find him."

"What problem would there be with that?"

"I know, I was wrong not to tell you and that it sounds surreal, but I swear, that's what happened."

"Where is that asshole?" she asks in a tone I don't like at all. I look in Athos' direction, hoping for a helping hand in case things escalate. After all, he's a man and he's the owner's best friend.


"It's the one in the white shirt sitting at the corner of the bar playing with the glass," I reveal, turning towards her, terrified.

Electre clenches her jaw and, without further ado, leans in to check. I'm ready to snap, to hold her back, to convince her not to intervene and leave him alone, but instead she bursts out laughing. She asks if I'm sure I'm okay because there's no one at the counter who fits my description.

What, is she blind?

I lean over to her side, checking to see if she might have missed him, but to my astonishment I have to agree with her. He’s not there.

"I don't know what's happening to you, but if you've told me another lie, you'll pay for it dearly. Now come, Athos is talking to his friend, maybe something will come out of this." I close my eyes and sigh. "Maybe he can introduce you. I know he's a really busy guy."

"I don't know if..."

"If? What now?"

“I already have a job and... you got me one... I can't leave it,” I stammer in a fit of anxiety. He didn't specify the job description, I don't know what it is, I don't know if... Man, I don't want to get myself into a situation I can’t handle. Even though the place seems fine, it could be hiding some shady business, and honestly, I don't want to put my life in more danger than it already is.

"Jade, you'd be working here. The pay is great, not to mention the tips. Enea’ isn't adequate for someone who wants to fend for themselves."

"I still think it’s enough for me," I reply hastily. Of course, who wouldn't want to work in a place like this, but that's another matter. My friend's eyes narrow, revealing her annoyance at my hesitancy.

"At Enea’, why didn't you deny the pimp story? Is it him?" I ask through clenched teeth pointing at Athos. I'm sick of all this mystery, of things only being half-told.

"Have you gone mad? No one here is talking about prostitution or anything like that," she retorts in a harsh tone. Her widened eyes terrify me. "I won't allow you to denigrate those who want to help you like that."

"Then tell me the truth, what do you do? You never told me. You came in here without waiting in line and said you knew..."

"Why, didn't you do the same thing in Bari? You used to rub up against the bouncers to get us in, but there wasn't a second when I doubted you. I met Athos by chance, in a club where I hosted an event. Because that's what I do, I'm in P.R. Talking about this and that, it came out that I was looking for a house and he offered up the flat."

Now that I know everything, I'm satisfied, but also slightly embarrassed. Or worse. I didn't trust her, and I didn't hesitate to accuse her of absurd things. I will never forgive myself.

"Jade, trust me. I would never go against certain principles; I would never sell my body for money."

"Sorry, it's just... what if the guy..." I point outside now, hoping she'll understand that I'm referring to the man in the accident. "What if that was a regular customer? Maybe one of those guys who spends a lot of money, and the boss chooses him over me? I wouldn't want to have to serve him a drink and smile at him or worse, get fired because I slapped him."

A simple 'sorry' for the things I accused her of would never suffice. "Electre, that day was really hard."

"There's no one out there," she thunders angrily. I can't believe it. I shake my head in exasperation. I close my eyes and take a step backwards, moving away from her. "Either you're misremembering it, or your brain sees him everywhere because he's become an obsession," she continues.

"I'm going home" I whisper softly, with a sudden wave of anxiety taking over my body. I turn to walk away from her and join Athos, but I am blocked.

"If this guy really is here, if you happen to see him again, just point him out to Athos and he'll take care of it. He's the owner's best friend." I nod, unconvinced by her words. "Now, let's see what Athos says, have a drink and, if you really want to leave, I won't hesitate to go with you. But now, let me introduce you to Athos properly."

"He's not hitting on me, is he?" Her face is but a millimetre from mine. Her eyes, staring into my soul, make me incredibly uncomfortable. I feel like a complete idiot. I swear I don't know what she sees in me, I'm a terrible friend, now more than ever.

"That's just the way he is," she defends him using a soft little voice.

"He's a flirt."

"I guess so, but I really like him and, I'm going to sound like a fool, but I want him in my life. I'm not thinking about marriage of course, but I'm not looking for a one-night stand either. I want something more with him."

I smile, thinking to myself that she’s being silly.

"Unfortunately, he's busy and can't see us." Athos' voice brings us back down to earth as he approaches us, hands in his pockets and proud bearing. "But he said you can start whenever you want. Odin, the head of the employees, will keep an eye on you until the boss returns from his business trip. Then you'll assess how to proceed together. What do you say?"

I say that he is more hopeful than I am. I didn't tell him I was looking for another job, I didn't say to proceed with the phone call, I didn't...

"I say you're putting too much hope in me, and I don't think I can do it. I mean, it's a beautiful place, but I already have a job and..." I have just enough time to shrug my shoulders, and Electre is standing beside him and whispers something in his ear that seems to infuriate him. He points his green eyes at me, but his intense gaze is a consequence of Electre’s words, not my reluctance in accepting his job offer.

"Where is he?" He turns to Electre, who answers with a shrug. Immediately he turns back to look at me angrily. "Has anyone been bothering you?"

I blink and hold my breath. Did she really just tell him?

"Because if so, you have an obligation to report it to Odin who will arrange for his removal. Kris doesn't like such behaviour on his premises, so, don't hesitate."

"No, Electre misunderstood what I said." I cast a glare at my friend to admonish her. "Maybe my mind played a trick on me, no need to worry. Thank your friend, both for the opportunity and the time he spent, but..."

"Honey, no one spends time in vain. At least stay for the trial period. If you're comfortable and can handle everything, you can stay, otherwise you just made a little extra money."

"Fine." I give in. Eventually, I'll have enough money to afford the room rental. "I promise to abide by every rule I'm given."

"Rules," he snorts, sporting a truly infectious smirk. He manages to reach my face with his hand and strokes my cheek. "He doesn't have rules. More importantly, he cares about his staff and wants a quiet life. If you feel well, you'll work well and so will others, meaning he won't have to lift a finger. That's all." He goes back to pinching my chin before tapping the tip of my nose with his index finger.

"Alright." Athos turns to walk back to the counter followed by Electre, but I block her. "Can I ask you one more thing?" He pauses and proceeds to sit on a stool. He looks at me and waits for me to speak. I have to ask because, if she doesn't want to tell me, I’ll make him spill the beans.

"How much to rent the room?"

"We'll discuss that later; enough business talk now. Let's have fun," he says quietly. Then he raises his eyes over my shoulder and broadens his smile "Ah, there he is." He raises his arm, moving it to show himself. "Odin!" he shouts, heedless of the customers watching us. "This is Jade and from tomorrow she will be your colleague."

"Oh, that's nice!"

I turn around to face my doom.

Holy shit.

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