Ha Na started to get goosebumps as she tightly wrapped her arms around her little cousin while he kept on whimpering.
"Who are you?" Ha Na shuddered.
She couldn't see the figure's face but when the moon shone light on him, there stands, a man who is pale yet tanned. His eyes were the colour of brown mixed with black, just like a normal person and is wearing a black tight sweater. It calmed her down thinking the man could not be a vampire nor a werewolf although she's still in doubt. However, her stomach coiled in nervousness when they had an eye to eye contact with her heart beating faster.
"Is something wrong? I could hear voices from way up there." The man asked pointing at the direction he was in.
Ha Na's eyes widened and felt her cheeks getting hot, avoiding his eye contact.
"Nothing." She bluntly responded and shivered.
The man noticed the woman's behaviour, and spoke out some reassuring words. "Don't be scared. I won't hurt anyone."
His reassurance and voice calmed Ha Na down sending chills down to her spine yet she couldn't help but remember her parent's words not to trust anyone.
"What are you doing here by the way?" The man asked, starting to converse with the two trembling human and werewolf.
"We..we—" She gulped, couldn't answer properly as she doesn't know what to answer.
First, she don't know this stranger. Second, why the heck would she tell this stranger that they're running away from the vampires because the little kid that she’s holding is a wolf. And third, damn he looked attractive in Ha Na's eyes that she couldn't even speak a single word.
The man didn't wait for her answer as he sat next to them and looked at them lovingly. "Is this your brother?"
Her eyebrows furrowed at Jungkook who pulled away from the hug.
"Who are you?" Little Jungkook asked the man. The man was taken back but immediately smiled at the adorable kid especially to Ha Na.
For a moment there, Ha Na's heart skipped a bit again.
"Me?" The man pointed at himself, grinning widely. "I'm Park Jimin."
Ha Na could feel her saliva at the surface of her mouth forming just by looking at the hot stranger. She tilted her head, furrowing her eyebrows as she tried to remember something. Why does his name sounds familiar? She shook her head in disbelief. Her mind has been wandering around that she couldn't remember anything and just panic at all times because of them trying to run away.
Then Jimin looked back to Jungkook who was happily smiling at him. He offered for a shake hand to the kid who gladly accepted it making Jimin giggled at, probably, this little kid's cuteness.
"My name is Jungkookie! You and Noona suits each other!" Jungkook blurted out making Ha Na choked her saliva, feeling her cheeks warming up again.
This little kid! Ha Na scowled.
"Really? Are we?" His lips curved into a smirk before laughing. "If that is so, can I eat some ramen with you?"
"Of course!" Ha Na's little cousin happily replied.
The food was just enough for both of them and Jungkook being clueless about it made Ha Na retorted. She looked at Jimin who was waiting for her permission with a smirked on his lips.
"Can I?"
She couldn't help but just nod anyway. She doesn't even know this stranger yet he's asking for food.
The rest of the night was spent talking and laughing with each other. Having fun with the little kid as well. All Ha Na knew was that this man is Park Jimin and nothing else.
Ha Na started to wonder. Is he lost?
Elisse frustratingly run her fingers along with her hair as she walked inside a small hotel and making her way straight to the front desk.
Calm down, no one will notice. She mentally said over and over again. She needed to be calm especially in this situation. But she couldn't help but think of Ha Na and Jungkook. She couldn't help but think of any possibilities for them to get caught.
"How may I help you, Ma'am?" The young employee politely asked with a smile on her face breaking Elisse's thoughts.
"I would like to book a room." Elisse told her in which the employee nodded in return. She pulled out her wallet from her pocket, and froze when she smelt something.
"Excuse me." A deep voice called from behind and leaning on the table beside her.
She halted midway, almost stopped breathing and put her wallet back. Fuck. She mentally cursed. It's the smell of a vampire. A group of vampires.
"We're here by the orders of the King." The man said pulling out the badge that the King gives for emergency purposes. "You see, the news about putting an end to the werewolves has come. We need to do an inspection here."
The young woman looked at them and at first, being hesitant. Then she finally nodded. "Alright. Let me guide you, Sir."
Another bloodshed.
"Please wait for a moment, Ma'am." The young woman informed Elisse and she nodded in response.
But there's no fucking way for me to stay here. Elisse mentally hissed.
As soon as they left the reception area, she immediately made her way out. Elisse can't even find a single place for them to stay because the whole nation is in chaotic situation now. If she can't find one, Ha Na, Jungkook and her will be in great danger. But today is not the right time for them to transfer as well.
She went inside her car, driving back to the place where Ha Na ran off, grabbing her phone and immediately called Ha Na but she wasn't answering.
"Pick up, Ha Na..." Elisse started to panic as she bit her nails before dialling the number again. "Pick up. I need to know where you are."
The last time Elisse knew, Ha Na ran off to the forest with Jungkook just like what she told them to do so while she finds a place for them to stay. At least that way, vampires won't be able to notice and smell them unless there are vampires living in the forest as well. But Elisse was sure that there wasn't any—or so she thought.
She stopped her car on the side of the road where she could see the forest. She walked through the massive trees, passing a lot of little animals. It doesn't scare her whether a boar or tiger attacks her any minute. She's a vampire after all. But those two, a human and a little werewolf, she doesn't know if they'll be able to make it through the night. Hence she regretted telling them to run in the forest. It was a mistake.
Elisse breathed heavily looking for them in this wide forest until she saw a little smoke in one place. She immediately ran to it to see Ha Na sleeping peacefully until—
"Jungkook?" A gasped left her lips as tears wailed down her cheeks covering her mouth as she watched a whole shocking scene.
Her eyes made contact with little kid's eyes, asking for help. His eyes pleaded for help but she couldn't shout, nor barge in. She couldn't speak, and she felt like a coward watching the kid. She couldn't even move at all. He tried to form out words as Elisse could barely see it. He was calling for her silently, asking for her.
"Jungkook..." she silently sobbed, still covering her mouth from being too loud. "I'm s-sorry."
But then this smell—it so familiar. Elisse eyes narrowed, sniffing the familiar scent yet her eyes soon widened. It's him?
She snapped out of her trance when she noticed the figure moving away, going to another direction. It was going to Ha Na, lying on the floor without any clue.
Ha Na—no. Not her...
This time, with adrenaline rushed, Elisse ran as fast as she could, away from them in just a matter of seconds before shouting and yelling at the top of her lungs to at least gather the figure's attention.
I can't let you hurt my Ha Na.