Ha Na's phone rang and vibrated. She grabbed her phone from her pocket, glancing at the caller. It was a call from her aunt.
"Hello?" She answered in a soft tone. "Yes, Aunt Caroline?"
She could hear a little bubbling sounds from the other side of the phone before her aunt answered back. "Ha Na dear, can you come over to watch over your cousin?"
A smile appeared on her lips, thinking how much she loves and adores that little kid so much.
"Of course, Aunt Caroline." Ha Na nodded cheerfully before hanging up as soon as they said goodbyes.
She went out of the house informing Elisse that she'll be back in few hours and borrowed her car.
After a half an hour driver, she arrive in front of her Aunt's house and took a glimpse of her little cousin with Aunt Caroline in front of the house, waiting. Ha Na parked the car, before getting out and ran towards them.
"Hi Aunt Caroline." Ha Na greeted her Aunt and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Glancing at the figure behind her aunt, she bent over to see her cousin who was so shy by his aunt's presence.
"Hi again little one." Ha Na greeted her nephew who was already blushing furiously and hid behind his mother.
"Son, you've met your cousin many times already yet you still get shy around her." Aunt Caroline laughed and pushed her son towards her in a gentle manner.
"Mom will be back okay?" Her Aunt said before leaving.
However, Ha Na noticed something from her Aunt's expression, though she couldn't tell what. Ha Na pressed her lips together, snapping out of her thoughts as she felt someone tugging the edge of her shirt and looked to see her little cousin looking with a pout on his lips and big doe eyes making Ha Na giggle at his cuteness.
"Come on, little one. Let's go." Ha Na held his cousin's hands tightly as he nodded.
"Look at you being stubborn again." Elisse groaned but the more she declines, the more her bestfriend whined to force her to do things that she absolutely loathe.
"Yah! Min Ha Na! I told you, for the last time, that I'm not good with kids!"
"You are!" Ha Na grinned playfully and swaying Elisse's arms back and forth. "He said he likes you a lot!"
Elisse rolled her eyes knowing that it's not true.
But that little werewolf is just pissing me off! She mentally hissed. Elisse wanted to tell Ha Na but she knows that Ha Na doesn't know that her own little cousin is a werewolf. Wolves and vampires could never be in good terms when it comes to Elisse's vocabulary. She loathe those beastly creature even though werewolves and vampires are in good terms now. She hated werewolves just as much as Ha Na hates vampires.
"I just need to go somewhere." Ha Na whined again while gripping Elisse's arms.
"Where are you going again, anyways?" Elisse grumbled, crossing her arms getting a bit suspicious at her best friend's behaviour.
"Just somewhere!" Ha Na simply said.
"Aunt Ha Na?" A little soft voice called from behind and both looked to see Ha Na's cute little cousin.
"Aunt Elisse!" The little boy squealed, arms opened widely. Elisse's instinct unintentionally gave in to give him a welcome hug where he jumped in her arms.
No matter how much the vampire blood runs in her, Elisse couldn't deny the fact that she still love kids. Whether they are humans, vampires or werewolves.
"See?! You like him too!" Ha Na teased and Elisse shot her a death glare.
Ha Na grinned and left both of them, yelling. "I should go!"
"Alright..." Elisse murmured and look to see Ha Na's cousin grinning at her.
What should I just do with you, little wolf?
She groaned.
"You really like me huh?" Elisse smirked at the little kid. He cheerfully nodded with a smile written on his lips.
"Fine." she sighed, putting him down.
"Let's go play, Jungkook."
After Ha Na left the house, she went to Yoongi's house who texted her non-stop that he wanted to see her, even saying he missed her so badly. Ha Na thought that it's kind of sweet of him to do something like this and she liked him being clingy.
All the things he does, she likes it.
The man she's seeing is her man. She wanted to tell everyone that but she just couldn't bring herself to step up. It made her feel like a coward and guilty towards Yoongi. Because first, her parents never approved of her dating and were against of her dating someone unless that man receives permission from them. They don't trust people that much anymore because of the stupid era they are living in. Second, the moment Elisse led her eyes on Yoongi, she immediately disagreed of her dating him. Ha Na doesn't even have a clue why, and now, they are dating in secret for 3 years and they really like each other.
Although there are times where Ha Na's feelings gets mixed up. She would get confused whether he really likes her or not—more like a doubt. Or even questions herself whether both of them are serious for each other or not.
Ha Na let out a heavy sigh as she knocked on his door revealing a man with messy hair and written on his face was sadness with a pout present on his lips. When he looked up, his face suddenly glows into a smile showing his gums and teeth before pulling the girl into a tight embrace.
"Baby..." He murmured, snuggling on Ha Na's neck. "I miss you so badly."
"I miss you too, Yoongi." she whispered back, stroking his hair.
"Why didn't you come back yesterday?" He asked while pulling away from the hug and looking at her eyes.
"I was in tight position, you know." She rubbed the back of her neck.
"Is it Elisse again?" He sighed looking down, clear and evident disappointment on his expression.
"It is." Ha Na nodded, guilt shot through her and sighed. "I'm sorry, Yoongi."
She wanted to apologize to him in so many ways. She wanted to tell him how sorry she was that she can't even properly introduce him to her parents even until their death even though Yoongi already introduced her to his parent's grave.
"It's okay." He forced a smile but Ha Na exactly knew her boyfriend's inner self—that how much he deeply wants to meet her parents already.
"Let's get inside."
Was all Yoongi could ever say. Their relationship was after all a secret.