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Chapter 8: Case 3

It was a beautiful morning, as Jaden, Tristan, Giselle and Rebecca sat around the dining table eating their breakfast. Gisele and Rebecca were talking about a sale that was going on and Tristan was complaining about the lack of excitement in their life.

“Dude! What? All the ghosts and demons and spirits have vanished?” he asked Jaden with his mouth full of cornflakes. Jaden just rolled his eyes at him and continued scanning the newspaper.

“No seriously, it’s been over a month and we don’t have a case yet”

“Tristan we will get one soon enough!” said Rebecca.

“Did you see something?” asked Tristan hopefully.

“No its just an intuition.”

“Alright how strong is it?”

“Oh stop pestering Tristan! It will happen when it happens”

“Meanwhile dude let’s put that Xbox to use.”

Tristan got up and followed Jude into the game room. Once they were gone the girls continued talking about where they wanted to go shopping first.

Rebecca’s phone rang and she answered it.


“Rebecca hi, its Trisha”

“Oh hi Trisha! How have you been?”

“I-I Rebecca can you please meet me I have something important to discuss”

“What’s wrong? Is Rob ok?”

“He is fine, please Rebecca I need to meet you”

“Sure where and when?”

“Today for lunch at the main avenue mall”


Rebecca hung up and looked at Giselle.

“Who was that?”

“That was Trisha, she is a friend”

“How come I don’t know about her?”

“Jealous girlfriend?” said Rebecca teasingly, “don’t worry I have eyes just for you”

Thump. The looked up to see Tristan had dropped a basket ball. He looked at Rebecca and Giselle and gulped while Jaden looked amused.

“You two? The both of you? Are you guys?”

“No! We were just goofing around!” said Giselle.

“Oh” said Tristan looking a little disappointed. Jaden hit him on the head and said, “get your mind out of the gutter!”

“We are going to the mall anyone interested?” asked Giselle.

“Nope I am good” said Jaden.

“I’m going to pass too”

“Ok see you guys later”

Both the girls went up to get dressed and he boys went out to play basketball. After sometime Giselle and Rebecca came out and called out to the boys, “Don’t wait for lunch”

“Have fun!”

After a while the boys went back in to freshen up.

Meanwhile the girls went to the mall to meet Rebecca’s friend.

“Trish!” Rebecca called out to a black haired petite girl. She turned around and both Giselle and Rebecca gasped in surprise.

“Trisha! What happened to you?”

“Rebecca!” said Trisha and hugged her tight and broke into sobs.

“Trisha what’s wrong with you?” asked Rebecca sitting down on a bench nearby. Trisha and Giselle sat down as well.

“Trisha this is Giselle”

“Hi” sniffed Trisha.


“Trisha stop crying and tell me what is wrong?”

“I am pregnant”

“Oh wow! Congratulations! Is that why you’re crying? Are you scared?”

“No well yes”

“Trisha you are confusing me now. Is Rob happy?”

At this Trisha started crying even harder.

“He thinks this is not his child!”

“What!” exclaimed Rebecca in outrage.

“Why not?”

Trisha took a deep breath and started speaking.

“Josh!” yelled Tristan.

“Yep?” he asked popping suddenly behind him.

“God Josh! How many times have I told you not to do that?”

“Well you called”

“Josh pal I am bored. I need to do something but what?”


“Haha very funny. You know we don’t have any cases right now”

“Oh stop cribbing join college or something. Now that you’ve stopped inhaling those vile leaves you should be able to get some sense into that head of yours.”

“Well said Josh” said Jaden walking in.

Tristan scowled at them and brightened up when he heard the car in the driveway.

“The girls are here”

Jaden went to open the door and Rebecca and Giselle came in. Rebecca looked really disturbed.

“What? No shopping bags?”

“Guys” said Rebecca solemnly, “I think we have a case to solve”

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