Jaden’s P.O.V:
It was 8.00 p.m now and we had all the preparations under swing. I think I knew why Philip was lingering here too. I mean, Aileen and her mother’s reasons of course were crystal clear but if Philip was a truly evil person then he wouldn’t have lingered on after his death.
I was worried about Rebecca and Giselle. Giselle was at a continuous risk of some malevolent spirit invading her body and Rebecca somehow was vulnerable to Philip’s ghost, for reasons best known to herself. About an hour later we heard Christine yelling, “Untie me!” Only the voice belonged to a older girl. Tristan spat out the water he had been drinking. I asked Rebecca and Giselle to stay back leaving them with charms and instructions on what to do incase Tristan and I were unsuccessful.
Tristan paled and said, “Are you saying we might die?”
“Don’t worry I will try to not let anything happen to us”
“Yeah that is re assuring!”
Both of us entered Christine’s room.
“Untie me now!” she demanded.
“No we won’t” I replied calmly, “not until you answer some questions.”
No reply.
“Aileen?” Christine’s head jerked up in astonishment, “you know who I am?”
“Yes we do. We also know what happened to you and I am really sorry that you had to go through that” said Tristan.
I took Mr. Martin aside, “Sir if at all she refuses to leave I will need to perform an exorcism you need to be ready. No matter what she says you need to remember that at this moment until I say so she is not your daughter.”
He nodded gravely and the both of us returned inside. Tristan was still trying to coax her into telling why she hadn’t moved on but she kept her lips shut and only smiled eerily at him. He looked at me in frustration.
“Aileen do you know what your father did to Christine?”
“He is not my father!” she yelled and started grinding her teeth.
“Ok do you know what your father did to her? He did the same thing that he used to do to you over and over again!”
“No!” she said continuing grinding the teeth.
“Aileen you being inside Christine makes him hurt her you need to leave!”
“It wasn’t my fault” she said and broke down.
“He told my mother I teased him, I tempted him! My mother hated me, she wanted to beat me up but she didn’t have to he did it all by himself.”
“Is that why you killed your mother too?”
She shook her head, “I didn’t kill her, Philip did, once when he was forcing himself on me mom caught him and from then on there were constant fights, my mother tried protecting me but it was too late” she cried.
“He killed us all, he killed us and then killed himself.”
Tristan looked at me with his eyebrows raised as if to say wow! I wasn’t surprised, I had figured out that much.
“I don’t want to be here anymore” whispered Aileen, “There are too many malicious souls here but you have to make sure people know that it wasn’t my fault. I didn’t kill anyone, I wasn’t a disturbed girl” she sobbed.
“You are not going anywhere” said Tristan, only it wasn’t Tristan’s voice. I turned to see Tristan and his grey eyes were now completely black.
He smiled eerily at me and then proceeded to push me out of the way and went to grab Christine. I went to grab him from behind and regretted it instantly. With an unnatural amount of strength he threw me against the all.
“Don’t touch my daughter!”
He threw Mr. Martin aside as well.
“Rebecca! Giselle come in with some rope!”
It took Mr. Martin, Giselle and me to get Tristan in the chair. The terrified housekeeper had fled. Rebecca quickly tied him up and now we had both Christine and Tristan sitting face to face. Tristan hissed and spat at Christine while she cowered in the corner.
“I want to go” wept Christine. “I really want to leave!”
“You wont go anywhere you tease!” said Tristan darting his tongue out and licking his lips.
“Philip why did you hurt Aileen?” I asked rubbing the nasty bump on my head. He laughed like a maniac and said, “The voices told me.”
Rebecca looked at me in confusion. “The problem was” I spoke aloud for everyone’s benefit, “Philip was not a bad man. What the Rogers didn’t realize was that they were living in a haunted home. The spirits of the disturbed prisoners were here egging Philip to hurt and rape his teenage daughter, they whispered to Dorothy, Aileen’s mother that she was a liar. The only person who tried to fight the voices was Aileen.”
Christine a.k.a Aileen looked at me in surprise and I smiled kindly at her. She looked uncertain but then realization dawned on her and she cried harder.
“Oh God, oh my God”
“Tristan a.k.a Philp looked at me with remorse, I sighed and said, “you guys need to move on, leave Christine alone, let her live her life. Aileen you do realize that Christine got hurt because of you?”
She nodded and said, “I am sorry, I never meant for it to happen to her, no one should have to go through it”
Then she took a deep breath and said, “I will leave but people have to know, they have to know I was not wrong.”
“You have my word” I said.
Christine’s body shuddered violently and I saw a blur of light, it shimmered and then it was gone. Christine had passed out and Mr. Martin went to check on her, untying her quickly.
I turned to Tristan a.k.a Philip and he snarled at me. “You need to get out of my friend’s body” I said.
“Make me”
I sighed I wanted to avoid an exorcism at all costs but if he wanted one I would give him one.
“Look Philip what happened while you were alive was probably not your fault you have a chance of redemption, now either you leave on your own or I exorcise you and send you to the depths of hell
”He seemed to think it over and I hoped that he didn’t choose exorcism.
“Alright” he spat out and said, “she isn’t here anymore anyway.”
I felt my anger boil and almost pulled out my weapons but then remembered that the reason I wanted to avoid exorcism is because he had possessed Tristan’s body and I could end up hurting Tristan.
Tristan shuddered and slumped forward.
“He is gone only temporarily” said Rebecca, “I can sense it”
“A few hours are all we need” I said rushing forward and untying Tristan. I threw water on his face and woke him up.
“Mr. Martin you need to move out of this house, get it cleansed and blessed by a priest then move in again”
“I have no intention of doing so I am going to buy a new house. I will however still get it blessed and then put it up for sale.”
I nodded and helped Tristan out of the room. We quickly gathered our stuff and offered to drop Mr. Martin to a hotel nearby. Mr. Martin quickly packed all the bare necessities and called for his housekeeper who came in cowering. We had two cars now so Tristan and Rebecca offered to drive
Mr. Martin to the hotel. However I wanted Tristan to rest.
We dropped Mr. Martin. Christine and his housekeeper to the hotel and Rebecca promised him to come in with Giselle and have a talk with Christine. He accepted her offer gratefully.
We all went home, none of us in the mood to talk and everyone passed out as soon their heads touched their pillows. I woke up to the incessant ringing of my phone. I glanced at the clock, I had slept for 14 hours straight!
“Mr. Martin is everything alright?”
“Please I need you to come here quick!” I hung up without asking anything calling out to the others.
Only Rebecca was up while Giselle and Tristan weren’t even stirring. Both of us left immediately while I barely had time to brush my teeth and rushed over to the hotel where Mr. Martin was staying. We went up to his room after the receptionist spoke to him.
As soon as we knocked he opened the door.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Christine has locked herself in the bathroom and isn’t opening. She has only been crying.’
I looked at Rebecca and asked her, “Do you sense anything?”
She shook her head and said, “No”
“I think you should try talking to her”
She went to the door and knocked, “Christine? Honey open the door. I know that you are scared and confused but maybe talking to me can help”
She knocked for some more minutes and after some more coaxing Christine came out. Rebecca led her to the bed and made her sit.
“What’s wrong?”
Christine glanced towards her father and me.
“Guys” said Rebecca, “could you give us some alone time? Girl talk.”
Both of us walked outside and shut the door behind us. We both stood there in awkward silence as we waited for them to finish their girl talk.
Rebecca’s P.O.V
Christine wouldn’t stop crying.
“Christine what is wrong?”
“I- I am sore down there and it really hurts” she sobbed. I felt my heart squeeze.
“Christine I am so sorry I wish we could have done something to help you. Do you know what happened back there?”
She nodded and said, “Dad and Martha explained”
“Look I know how you feel right now but it was not your fault, you can never think that way ok?
“How can you know what I feel?”
I took a deep breath and said, “I went through the same thing Christine. My step father was a- well lets just say he was not a very nice man”
Christine looked at me with her eyes wide. “Now I can tell you what to do for the soreness and give you some medicines and you should be alright. But in order to heal completely you need to put this behind you, ok?”
She nodded and I smiled at her, “Now that’s a good girl, besides you can call me up anytime you feel like talking.” For the first time I saw a genuine smile on her face.
I took her to the bathroom and asked her to soak herself in hot water, I gave her meds for the pain. I opened the door and asked the men to join us in. Christine was clean. Dressed and had stopped crying.
After spending some more time with her we decided to leave.
“Wait take your cheque”
“Oh there’s no rush” said Jaden.
“It’s alright I can never thank you enough for saving the only family I had left. What do you think happened to the mother’s spirit?”
“She left” I said, “about the same time as Ayleen. I felt it”
Mr. Martin nodded, “well I will need your services again when I buy a new home you need to check if there are any spirits present” Both Jaden and I laughed and we left.
“So” said Jaden, “our first cheque as Paranormal Investigators huh?”
“Yup and there are many more to come” I smiled at him and we bumped our fists as we left for home.
Tristan’s P.O.V
Jaden and Rebecca came in all excited about our first cheque. I was really happy too, while they were gone I had been doing a little work of my won. I had called Priscilla and told her what had happened and she agreed to reveal to the press the true story about the Rogers.
“Good thinking” said Jaden.
I smiled and said, “I still can’t understand how could I have been so stupid to get possessed”
“Well he was a sneaky bastard it wasn’t your fault” said Giselle and
I smiled at her.
“Congratulations!” bursted in Josh.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhh” yelled all of us in unison, “quit doing that!”