What happened?” asked Tristan as he approached our table carrying sandwiches and sodas. I grabbed a sandwich and placed the newspaper in front of him.
As he read the newspaper Mrs. Burke turned to me and asked, “Is he here? Is my Ben here?”
“Yes Mrs. Burke he is right behind you.”
“Oh! Tell him that I love him please. Tell him that I love him so much”
I looked at Ben and said, “Mrs. Burke he can hear you.”
“Tell her I love her too”
“He says he loves you too and he is sorry that he was mad at you over stupid gift.”
Mrs. Burke started weeping harder while Mr. Burke sobbed. Rebecca and Giselle had tears in their eyes too”
“Holy Schmoly!” exclaimed Tristan as he finished reading the paper.
“Yeah but before we go charging we need evidence!”
“I am a lab technician, I asked to be present during Ben’s autopsy but they wouldn’t allow me. I did manage to collect his blood sample by sneaking in at night.”
“Did you find something?”
“Oh yes I did which is why I was meeting up with Dr. Blake today. However he completely denies doing anything wrong.”
“What did you find?” asked Tristan.
“I found traces of anthracycline.” When all of us looked at him with blank expressions he said, “It’s found in drugs used for treatment of cancer, if given in large doses it could cause heart failure.”
Rebecca gasped and said, “But why were they treating him for cancer?”
“That is a very good question” said Mr. Burke furiously.
“You think they purposely induced heart failure in Ben?” asked Giselle, her eyes wide.
“Ok we know how now we need to find out why” I said.
“Tristan looks like you and I need to make another trip inside the hospital but this time we’ll need to disguise ourselves. I think they’re pretty familiar with our faces by now.”
“I will distract them so that they cannot destroy further evidence.” Said Mr. Burke.
“We’ll stay here with Mrs. Burke” said Rebecca.
“Thank you so much for helping us out” said Mrs. Burke. Ben tried unsuccessfully to wipe his mother’s tears and shivered from contact with him.
“You are welcome Mrs. Burke” I said softly and walked out with Tristan.
“Ok we need to make a quick detour to my place”
Once again all of us went our separate ways.
Tristan’s P.O.V
I felt like an idiot as I tugged on my black wig and fake moustache.
“Why the hell do you have this stuff at home?” I asked Jaden, I was beginning to question his sanity.
“Mom was a private investigator”
“Like us?”
“Well no by day she was a normal investigator, paranormal investigation was for night.”
“Ah that explains it”
“Let’s get going”
We got out of the car and entered the hospital. The guard stopped us and said, “Visiting hours are over”
“Well we aren’t visitors we are relatives of a patient.” Said Jaden tugging at his hat nervously.
“Well let me see your pass”
“They’re with me’ we looked up to see Mr. Burke.
“Oh alright sir” said the guard softening a bit, I guess he wasn’t going to argue with a grieving father. As we neared him Mr. Burke muttered, “first floor, the room is being guarded heavily.”
I still couldn’t get over what I had read in the newspaper, it was really shocking. We just needed to cross check one thing and then we would have everything we needed. We went to the room that held all the answers. Ironically, it was room no.15. There were two guards in front of it. We backed out and spotted a utilities closet at the end of the corridor. We opened it to see spare scrubs. Jaden and I shared a look and quickly changed into scrubs. We put surgical masks on our faces and headed toward room #15.
“Stop” said guard #1, “only Dr. Blake and Dr. Graham are allowed in there.”
Jaden and I looked at each other. The final piece of puzzle had almost fallen in place.
“Well” said Jaden “we are assisting him”
“No can do, it’s the mayor’s strict orders” said guard #2.
“Fine!” I yelled angrily, “but if he dies” I pointed to the figure lying on the bed, “you two will be held responsible. We had come to check on his vitals but we’ll let everyone know that you didn’t allow us.” I crossed my fingers behind my back hoping against hope they wouldn’t call my bluff.
“Alright but make it quick”
Jaden and I walked into the room and Jaden picked up the kid’s chart. He scanned it quickly and gave me a discreet thumbs up. He had apparently found what we had been looking for. He quickly took pictures of the reports and emailed them to his account just in case.
“What’s going on here?” we looked up to see Dr. Blake walking in.
“They told us they were assisting you”
“What? No one is assisting me! Who are you two? Tell me quickly or I’m going to call the police”
“You do that doc” said Jaden taking the mask off his face.
“You!” exclaimed Dr. Blake.
“Yeah me, now you were saying something about calling the police?”
He sighed in resignation and said, “I give up, my conscience has been killing me”
I called Mr. Burke and asked him to meet us in Dr. Blake’s office as well as to notify the police.
“How long has the mayor’s son been a patient of yours?” asked Jaden
“He is Dr. Graham’s patient, he is the nephrologist here. I am a family friend.”
“Well then how long has been a patient of Dr. Graham’s?”
“Since he was 10 years old. He was diagnosed with kidney failure about 5 years ago.”
Jaden and I looked at each other and just them Mr. Burke walked in with his lawyer and a police officer.
“So Ben was a perfect match for the mayor’s son?”
“Yes, they both have the same but rare blood group. O negative. We ran some tests and realized that
they were a perfect match. Jacob, mayor’s son was suffering from end stage renal failure and the mayor was getting desperate. He had offered us a lot of money! He didn’t want to ask for you permission and ask for just one kidney in case you said no” he said looking at Mr. Burke.
“And you didn’t realize that someone would question a neurologist following up on a nephrologist’s patient?” asked Mr. Burke with barely suppressed rage.
“He said he would take care of everything!”
“Why did you have to kill my son?” asked Mr. Burke, tears flowing down his cheeks.
“Well you would’ve notice if he was alive and one of his kidneys was missing”
That did it, I was longing to take a shot at him and he had provided me with the perfect opportunity. I punched him hard and was glad to hear a crunch. He doubled over in pain, tears flowing down his face.
“Tristan!” said Jaden as the officer held me back.
“You make me sick” I spat at him.
We went out of the room as Mr. Burke and his lawyer pressed charges and the officer read Dr. Blake his rights. We went back to update the girls on everything.
“So that bastard induced heart failure in Ben so that they could steal his kidneys?” asked Giselle indignantly.
“Yeah, they’re all going down, Dr. Blake, Dr. Graham and the mayor and anyone else who was involved in this. Both the doctors are going to lose their license and the mayor, well he won’t be showing his ugly face here for more than a decade. They thought their evil plan would be a success what they didn’t count on was Ben’s determination to show the world the truth. Speaking of which where is Ben?”
“He is walking into the light’ said Jaden, smiling. I turned to look where he was looking and saw Ben waving at us, we waved back and then he was gone.
“My little boy is at peace now” said Mrs. Burke.
“Thank you so much for helping us” said Mr. Burke approaching our table, “if it weren’t for you children we would have never been able to prove the injustice done to Ben”
“It was our pleasure” said Jaden.
I sat there and felt a sense of contentment. I had never helped a spirit cross over before. I usually ignored them. Josh appeared in front of me and patted my shoulder, I looked at Giselle, Rebecca and Jaden’s sad but content faces and for the first time in my life I felt like I belonged somewhere.