Jaden’s P.O.V
I shivered involuntarily and tried to gauge whether this girl had a psychological problem or this house was indeed haunted. I looked into her eyes and didn’t see any emotion, they were so dead. Mr.Martin just sat there in shock and in silence.
“Christine” I said, “when you say you killed him you-”
“I took a stone and crushed his head with it” and she laughed again.
“Why Christine?”
She now grew quiet and looked around as if afraid. “She told me to do it”
Christine just clamped down her lips and refused to speak. Mr.Martin called for the housekeeper to take Christine away. He turned to us and said, “I had no idea”
“That is ok Mr. Martin, have there been any other anomalies?”
“No its just that Christine has gone all strange, she keeps to herself, she hasn’t been eating properly nor has she been sleeping. She stays up all night talking to herself.”
“Mr. Martin” said Tristan, “don’t take this the wrong way but have you considered getting her professional help?”
“I did. But one session with the therapist and the therapist said that she was fine and that moving to a new place must be taking a toll on her, she was completely different in front of the therapist.”
We stared at each other, this was really puzzling. I looked at Rebecca and she looked equally bewildered.
“Rebecca do you sense anything?”
“No that is what is bothering me! It’s like I can almost sense it but I can’t be sure”
Mr. Martin stared at us trying to figure out what we were talking about. Tristan seemed to be talking to someone in low whispers and all of us realized it must be Josh and he must’ve made himself visible only to Tristan so as not to startle anyone else. I tried diverting Mr. Martin’s attention.
“Mr. Martin, do you know anything about the history of this place?”
“Not really, the only reason I bought this place is because I got it at a steal bargain. It had been with the local bank. The previous owners had mortgaged it, I guess.”
“Oh ok, we need to investigate your home, let’s see if we can find something”
“Sure, if you need help I’ll be in my study. What do I do about Christine?”
“Nothing, let her wait in her room.”
I turned to the others and said, “Ok listen up, we need to find who the previous owners were, so Tristan, Josh and Giselle team up together and try and figure that out, the history of a place helps a lot. Rebecca and I will look around the place and see if we find something.”
All of them nodded and Rebecca and I went to explore the house.
“Well” said Rebecca “where do we start from?”
“Attic, always the attic” I said and Rebecca nodded. We made our way upstairs and stopped outside a room when we heard some noises coming from inside the room.
“No Ayleen, he is my daddy!”
What Rebecca and I heard next made our blood freeze. It was a raspy, disembodied voice.
“So what? He is going to hurt you. Do you want him doing the dirty to you?”
“No” sobbed Christine.
“Then you will have to do it and don’t tell those four people about me. They must not know I am here” I motioned for Rebecca to keep quiet and bent down. I peered through the keyhole and saw that Christine was sobbing and clutching at her hair while I saw another girl opposite her. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I couldn’t see the face of the girl. It was covered with her long hair. She reached out to pat Christine’s head, “Don’t cry Christine it will soon be over”
“What if they come again and ask about you?”
Ayleen didn’t reply and just put a finger to her lips and whispered,“shhhh.”
She turned to look towards the door at the same time I moved away from it. I made a move to go inside the room but Rebecca stopped me and mouthed, “she’s gone.”
Rebecca and I tip toed away from there and continued upstairs.
“Jaden” whispered Rebecca, “she is evil, very evil.”
I turned to look at her and she had turned pale and clammy. There was a trickle of blood flowing from her nose. I cussed and once again offered her my handkerchief which she took gratefully. We proceeded towards the attic.
As soon as we entered I started sneezing. It was really dusty and cobwebs hung low from the ceiling. I guess they hadn’t had much chance for cleaning. We stepped in and started looking around. After a while of moving a few boxes Rebecca gave a yell.
“What is it?” I asked her, my heart was pounding hard.
“Jaden, check this out.”
I walked up to her and realized that she was holding an ouija board.
“Do you think that Christine summoned this girl’s spirit?”
“I have no clue, we will need to check out the history of this place to be sure. I mean what if she accompanied Christine from somewhere else?” Our conversation was interrupted by a blood curdling scream.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooo! No! Stop!”
“Giselle” said Rebecca and both of us ran down the stairs. I clutched the board tightly to my chest. We went back to the room and saw Tristan lying on his back, he was knocked out cold. While Giselle was seated on the sofa, her hair had come undone and when Rebecca approached her she snarled. Rebecca gasped and took a step back.
Giselle looked up and what I saw made my blood run cold. Giselle was pale and breathing heavily. Her eyes had gone black from blue and she was smiling in a scary way.
“Shit! Becca she’s been possessed”
“That’s right!” said Giselle in a man’s voice. “This little slut has been possessed; do you want to know what my plans are for her? Do you?”
“Stop it!” I yelled, “Let her go”
“Or what? Are you going to hurt me little ghost hunter?” the thing made Giselle pout. “Besides she is used to let spirits use her body and the dirty little slut does that for money!”
“Stop it! She is a medium”
“Same difference” the thing said yawning as if bored with this whole conversation.
‘Why are you here?”
“Oh you tell me. I was minding my own business and suddenly I hear someone chanting, ‘any spirit passing by please come here’. I mean come on that was literally an open invitation saying come hither and screw me” the thing made Giselle poke her tongue out.
It was creepy to watch her transform so drastically in front of my eyes. Yes I had seen possessions before but I had never known the person before they were possessed. Giselle was like a friend. It creeped me out to no end. I saw there was blood trickling from Rebecca’s nose again.
“What do you want?” I asked him.
“I want the little tease who called me here. Get her to me and I will leave your friend”
Suddenly Giselle was struggling as if she had an inner turmoil and her eyes were blue once more. “oh you will leave me and you will leave me now” she said gritting her teeth. She seemed to be struggling and then she suddenly lurched forward. I stopped Rebecca who went to pick her up. Giselle got up on her knees shaking.
“Damn! I hate it when they do that!”
“Giselle you ok?” asked Rebecca looking frightened. Giselle wiped her lip and nodded, “We should check on Tristan though.”
I shook Tristan and tried to wake him up but he wouldn’t budge. I removed the first aid kit and took out some smelling salts from it. I placed them near Tristan’s nose and he woke up a few seconds later. He saw Giselle and he jumped back.
“What the hell! She attacked me man.”
“No she didn’t, a spirit took control over her body and she couldn’t help it.”
“Seriously?” he asked in awe.
"Then how did it go away?”
“I have had years of practice as a medium. There are a lot of spirits who act stubborn and refuse to leave. I have learnt how to throw them out of my body, but this guy was evil, the only reason I could do it was because I took him by surprise!”
“Well we aren’t taking another chance. Giselle I have put an amber stone in your bag, keep it in your pocket at all times please, if you feel an unpleasant presence I want you to take it in your hand and chant the strongest protective prayer you know. Got it?”
“Where’s Josh?” asked Tristan.
“We don’t know” said Rebecca “he wasn’t there when we got here.”
Tristan shrugged and said, “I guess he must’ve gone to find something to help us.”
“What did he mean by he wanted the little tease who had summoned him?” asked Rebecca.
“I was thinking about the same thing” I replied.
“Do you think that he was talking about Christine?” asked Tristan after we updated him on what had happened while he was passed out cold.
“No” said Giselle.
‘How do you know?” asked Tristan
“Because I could hear his thoughts”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“When he was in my body, I could hear his thoughts. He was, well I don’t know how to say this but he was aroused”
“What?” exclaimed Rebecca and Tristan.
“Well yes it was like whoever he was thinking about turned him on”
“Whoever could that be?”
“I don’t know because all he kept calling her in his mind was ‘little slut’.”
“Oh God!” we turned to see towards the door to see Mr. Martin standing there looking pale. I wondered how much had he heard.
“Is it- did that thing try to hurt my daughter? Did he rape her?” he asked frantically. Well that answers my question, he had heard everything.
“Mr. Martin, does the name Ayleen ring any bell?” I asked
“Yes! It was the name my daughter took while introducing me to herimaginary friend, why?”
“Because she isn’t imaginary”
“Oh God!” he paled and started hyperventilating. “You mean that every night my daughter has been talking to a ghost?”
“Yes, Rebecca and I saw her talking to her today. She keeps threatening Christine and I think you should be careful. She was trying to get Christine to hurt you”
“What? Why me?”
“We don’t know but we are trying to find out, till then you need to be careful. I suggest lock her door from outside.” He nodded and rushed to do as I told him. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was midnight. It was going to be a long night.
“Yes Giselle?”
“I just figured out who summoned Mr. Evil”
“Someone made Christine do their bidding.”
“It was another spirit”
Just as she said it there was a loud crashing sound from upstairs and all of us ran to see what had happened.