Jaden’s P.O.V
I stared at Ben and asked, “Are you sure?” He nodded and said “yes.”
My knees felt weak and I sat down on the couch staring at my mom’s photograph. Why hadn’t she moved on? Why was she still here? More importantly why hadn’t she contacted me yet? I thought back and recalled the day she died as if it was yesterday.
She had gone for an exorcism and told me she’d be back soon but she never came back. What came back was her empty shell. I didn’t know what had happened to her except that it was a case of the hunter becoming the hunted. I sat there for a long time thinking about the funeral and my father or the man who called himself my father.
My jaw clenched as I thought of him. He couldn’t come to terms with mom’s gift or mine; he would mock at us, the only way he knew how to deal with the craziness. But he loved the money that she got from it and spent it on alcohol and gambling. He would even search for cases for her and accompanied her on some. I guess it was too much for him to take. He was aware of what my mother could do before they got married but witnessed her cases only after. I shook myself up and realized that Ben had watching me all this while.
“She’s your mommy?”
“Yes” I whispered.
“She is a really nice lady, very kind”
“Yeah that’s my mom, hey listen, did she say anything else? Did she have a message for me?”
I shrugged it off, first I needed to help Ben and then solve the whole mystery around my mom. I opened the door to the garage and got into my blue mustang. Ben got in next to me and put on his seat belt. I looked at him in amusement as he steadfastly ignored the fact that the belt was going right through him.
“Mommy would be really angry if she found out I didn’t wear the seat belt”
I just nodded and made my way to the city hospital where Ben said that he had been admitted. I pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car and followed Ben.
“I was in room #51” he said running excitedly. I hurried to keep up with him and suddenly skidded to a stop in front of room #51. There was a nurse in there and she was changing the bedsheets.
“Excuse me?” I approached the woman, her name tag read ‘Meg’.
“Meg can you tell me where is Ben?
“Ben? You mean the kid who was brought in with a brain hemorrhage?
“Yes, that’s the one.”
“Who are you?”
“A family friend”
‘Oh! Oh dear I am so sorry but he passed away yesterday, there were complications in his surgery.”
I feigned surprise and grief. “Where are his parents? I must give them my condolences”
‘They went home but they will be back later in the evening to collect his body”
I nodded and turned to see a terrified Ben.
“Am I dead?”
I groaned internally, I had completely forgotten that Ben was standing behind me. I motioned for him to follow me.
I stood outside the hospital and tried to think about how I would break the news to Ben when he suddenly exclaimed, “Carnival! Jaden can we go to the carnival? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?”
Alright, I thought to myself, he’s gone into denial but the good news was that he hadn’t turned violent! I wasn’t looking forward to spending the afternoon explaining to a kid that he was dead so I said, “Ok.” I anyway had time to kill until his parents arrived. As I was heading to my car someone blocked my way. I looked up to see a tall guy about my age with messy brown hair, brown eyes and a light stubble. He had shadows under his eyes, I was about to ask him what the hell is problem was when he spoke up.
‘Hi I am Tristan, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“What is this about?” Why would I talk to a stranger who was alive?
He hesitated and looked to his left, “umm look I know it sounds weird, I mean you don’t even know me, but it’s about the kid with you.”
My eyes widened and I looked at him in surprise. “Yeah I can see him too.” I nodded and motioned for him to come aside, “How did you know about Ben?”
“Oh man! Do you have any idea how relieved I am right now? Finally I have proof that I am not crazy!”
I scoffed at him, “Of course you are not. There are many people like us but I have to admit that after me you are the first guy I know who can see ghosts, usually it’s the women who are more intuitive”
“Jaden! Carnival!”
I turned to see Ben frowning at me, he was standing near my car. I turned to Tristan and said, “Listen don’t sat the D word or the G word in front of Ben. He is in denial” Tristan nodded, hanging on to my every word eagerly.
“How did you find out about Ben again?”
“Oh Josh told me”
“Who is Josh?”
“That would be me” said another boy appearing to Tristan’s left.
“Jaden meet my ghost friend a.k.a guardian angel Josh”
“Wow. Nice to meet you Josh”
“Pleasure is all mine”
‘Ok so I am taking Ben to the carnival do you guys want to join me? You could fill me in on the way”
“Hell yeah!”
We drove in silence to the carnival. As soon as I had parked the car Ben rushed outside and ran ahead of us. We jogged to keep up with Ben, passing a lot of colorful stalls. There was smell of hot dogs, cotton candy and popcorn in the air. A lot of kids who were riding the rides were yelling on top of their voices.
“So what do you know about Ben” I asked Tristan as I kept Ben in sight. He was running with a purpose, like he knew where he had to go.
“Well the reason that he hasn’t moved on is because something happened to him during his surgery that was not supposed to happen. There was some foul play.”
‘What happened?”
“I don’t know but Josh is trying to find out.”
I saw Ben running inside the fortune teller’s stall. Tristan and I followed him inside but stopped short when we saw Ben talking to the fortune teller. What was this the national psychic’s day? Everyone seemed to be talking to ghosts today.
The girl stopped talking and then turned to us and smiled, “I have been waiting for you guys!”
Tristan and I looked at each other in confusion. How would she know that we would end up at the carnival? Better yet how did she know who we were? And she looked really ridiculous in that outfit. For one she was tiny and the outfit was ridiculously large for her and another it was so cliché. The beads, the turban, the gem stones. “Ok I don’t know how to say this without sounding weird but there’s no point beating around the bush. I can sort of see the future, interpret dreams and see ghosts. I saw us meeting some weeks ago. Oh I am Rebecca by the way.” She added as an afterthought.
I stared at her in awe and saw that Tristan was doing the same. This girl was a powerhouse! If she really could do all the things she said she could. She went on, “I foresaw that we are going to meet today but what I hadn’t seen that you would have two guests with you as well”
“Lady I know I am dead, Josh spoke up, “no denial here”
“Yeah and we are trying to help Ben” I said.
Tristan and I sat down opposite her and explained everything we knew. Tristan told us what Josh had told him about Ben and me and then how we had come here and Ben had run straight into her tent. Rebecca sat with her head in her hands and muttered “Fate”
“Its fate. We all have come together because of it. I have seen that the four of us are going to work together”
I raised my eyebrows at her. “Four? You mean Josh?”
“Nope Giselle”
At that moment a pretty blonde entered the tent panting. She took in the scene in front of her and said,
“I take it she sees ghosts as well?” Tristan asked and Rebecca nodded.
“Oh wow” said Giselle, “it has actually happened, hasn’t it?”
Rebecca nodded happily and I asked, “What’s happened?”
‘Well” said Rebecca giving us all a wide smile, “the paranormal investigators have met!”
“The who?” asked Tristan and I in unison. Rebecca took a deep breath and said, “Ok let me start at the beginning.” All of us nodded while Ben fidgeted around Rebecca’s tent. Josh had disappeared, he would return as soon as he saw Ben’s parents returning to the hospital.
“A few days ago I had a vision that the four of us were going to meet. I saw that we all had something in common but something different too”
“We all see ghosts but I can see the future and interpret dreams as well.” Then she pointed at me and said, “Jaden is an exorcist and has more knowledge about the supernatural world than all of us put together’
“Giselle can hold séances which means she can become a medium for the spirit world and help them reach out to their loved ones who can’t see them nor hear them.”
“Tristan has his own guardian spirit who can get him any information he wants about the spirit world.”
We all stared at each other in amazement, I was really impressed she had been dead right pun not intended about Tristan and me. She continued and we listened to her, “Not everyone who can see ghosts can exorcise them or be a medium or have a guardian spirit. Hell nor can you see all the spirits or ghosts all the time but I can. I can always sense a spirit whether they choose to reveal themselves or not we are four very special people who were destined to meet. We were mean to use our abilities or gifts to help a lot of people.”
We sat in silence sizing each other up. I didn’t have any doubt in my mind. Hell I was the last one to doubt something like this, I saw ghosts and exorcised them.
“Jaden she saw you forming the paranormal investigators” spoke up Giselle, “a group of people who help or investigate any reported paranormal activity.” I looked up at them startled, because a few months ago I was on a quest to find people like me. However it had been difficult to find such people. I had to finish what my mom had started and now I had found three exceptional people to help me.
“Why am I the one to start this organization though?”
Rebecca shrugged and said, “Because you’re the only one with money” I nodded and said “So let’s help Ben. He’ll be our first case as Paranormal Investigators”
Rebecca and Giselle beamed at me. Tristan looked as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing or seeing. I didn’t bother asking Rebecca how she knew I was rich. The girl seemed to know everything! Mom had left me a fortune and I used it well. She had taught me to not to take it for granted and use it wisely. I glanced aside to see Ben playing with some beads.
“Ok” said Tristan, “so what do we know so far?”
“Nothing much, Ben was taken to the hospital after he fell down. He had to undergo a surgery and he died during the surgery” I said mouthing the word ‘died’ and continued “The nurse said that there were some complications but Josh says it was foul play”
“Hmm did you speak to his parents?” asked Rebecca.
“Nope, they weren’t there but they’ll be going back for his body tonight”
“Did you speak to his doctor?”
“Nope I wanted to speak to his parents first.”
“Well” said Tristan, “Josh will let us know as soon as they reach the hospital”
“So I guess we just have to wait and watch” said Giselle and all of us waited in silence.
Giselle’s P.O.V:
As we waited I observed the two boys, I quiet liked the brown haired one, and he was really cute with chocolate brown eyes. Tristan I said his name in my head it was a charming name. The other guy Jaden was hawt! He had black hair that had the just out of bed look and silvery grey eyes. Smokey eyes are what he had. His face was marked with a lot of lines, which told me that he had been through a lot of hardships. It also meant that he had more experience than any of us. Suddenly the ghost boy Josh appeared.
“They’re there it will take them about an hour or so to sign all the papers and take his body”
All of us got up and hurried out. Rebecca pulled off her garb, she was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt inside. She rushed out and got someone to mind her stall. We all got into Jaden’s car and reached the hospital in about 15 minutes. Jaden and Rebecca walked up to the receptionist while Tristan and I hung behind. I was discreetly checking him out; he had this distinct look of a rebel around him. He also had dark shadows under his eyes which made me think that he was a junkie. Rebecca and Jaden joined us.
“Guys they are speaking to the doctor who was in charge of Ben’s case. Once they’re done we’ll talk to them” said Rebecca.
“How?” asked Tristan raising an eyebrow, “we can barely go up to them and say, ‘Hi we hate to break this to you but your dead son has something to tell but we don’t know what it is”
We all stared at him, “What?” he asked defensively.
“Yeah well a little sensitivity would be appreciated” Jaden spoke up. Tristan scoffed and Becks spoke up,
“He is right though, what can we tell them?”
“We’ll improvise” said Jaden. All of us including Ben and Josh went upstairs to wait outside the doctor’s office. We all stood outside the door that had a name plate on it ‘Dr. Blake. Neurosurgeon’. Suddenly Rebecca clutched her head and moaned, I rushed to her side, “Becks are you ok?”
“Too many” she whispered, “too many angry, restless and confused spirits” and lifted her head. Her nose was bleeding I slapped my hand to my forehead. I had completely forgotten that hospitals had this effect on her. There were too many ghosts and spirits here.
“What is wrong with her?” asked Jaden. He immediately pulled out a kerchief and placed it under Rebecca’s nose, it had started bleeding profusely. I quickly explained to him what hospitals did to Rebecca and he said. “Take her outside and wait”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Go now!”
I took Rebecca’s hand and pulled her from there.
Jaden’s P.O.V:
I watched them go and Tristan spoke up, “Is she going to be ok?”
“I guess”
“So Paranormal Investigators huh?” he grinned at me and looked as if he had got his birthday, Christmas and new year’s gift all at once. I smiled at him and shrugged.
“I don’t believe you!” we heard a woman yell from inside. She was sobbing hard. I glanced at Tristan who looked at me bewildered. The door burst open and a woman ran out.
“Leigh!” a man yelled and ran behind her. He looked really distraught; Tristan followed the couple while I stayed back. The doctor came out looking really worried.
“Dr. Blake?” I asked.
“Dr. Blake I wanted to ask you a few questions”
“Not now. I am really busy, you can take an appointment with my assistant.”
“It’s about Ben” I watched as his whole body language changed. He became defensive and paled. He gritted his teeth and asked, “What about Ben?”
“He was brought in with a severe injury to his head right?”
“That is correct”
“Severe enough for you to perform surgery on him?”
“Yes. He had a swelling in his brain and there was internal bleeding as well.”
“I see how did he die?”
The doctor licked his lips and said, “There were complications”
“What complications?”
“I am sorry but are you a member of the family?”
“I am a family friend”
“Be that as it may I can’t disclose the details to you. Now if you’ll excuse me!” he huffed and walked away.
“Oh you are excused doc” I smiled as I saw his office was open. I got inside quickly and saw Ben’s file lying on the table. I quickly stuffed the file inside my t-shirt and peeked outside the door. No one was around, I got out and walking quickly towards the exit. I figured Tristan would meet us out there. I saw Rebecca and Giselle huddled outside.
“You ok?” I asked looking at Rebecca.
‘Good now start walking everyone” I said and walked away quickly from the hospital and the girls followed me.
“What’s the matter?” asked Rebecca.
“I stole a file”
“WHAT?” yelled both girls in unison.
I stopped near a photocopy shop. I removed all the papers and handed them over to a teenage guy there. The guy had a severe case of acne!
“I need a photocopy of these. Keep the papers in the same order.”
I quickly explained to the girls what Tristan and I had witnessed.
“Where is Tristan?” asked Rebecca.
“He went after Ben’s parents”
“Where is Ben?” asked Rebecca.
I looked around and smacked my forehead; “Shit, I don’t know maybe with Tristan?” Just then the boy came up with all the photocopies. I carefully arranged the originals back into the file. The three of rushed to the hospital and found Tristan, Josh and thankfully Ben sitting on the bench outside the hospital.
“Dude where the hell did you guys disappear off to?”
“I’ll explain later but first what did you find out?”
“I followed Ben’s mother and well she was crying. She kept saying that something was fishy. The doctors want to wrap up Ben’s case quickly. I mean they literally insisted that his parents should bury his body ASAP. They said crap about how soon his body would start decaying and all. I mean seriously? Seriously? With today’s technology they actually want them to believe that? There’s definitely foul play involved”
“You think?” I asked sarcastically. Just then Josh spoke up, “Whatever it is the mayor was involved in it”
“What do you mean?” asked Giselle in astonishment.
“Well I saw the doctor pass us and I figured he had somehow evaded Jaden. So I followed him into the men’s room and he whipped out his-”
“Gross’ said both the girls clapping their hands to their ears.
“Oh please! You girls have got dirt on your mind, he whipped his phone out-” he had to stop again as Tristan and I doubled over in laughter.
“Oh God! I am dealing with 15 year olds! Listen up! HE said and I quote ‘Mr. Mayor they are asking questions! You said that you would take care of this, a lot of people are asking questions!’ unquote.” We all stared at one another in amazement. What could the mayor have possibly done? We needed to talk to Ben’s parents and we needed to do it now.
“Ok” I said, “girls try and talk to Ben’s mom. I guess we could get her to listen to us meanwhile, Tristan and I will talk to his dad and try to find out what the mayor has to do with all of this.”
Everyone nodded and made a move when I stopped them.
“Guys we need to exchange numbers; it’s helpful when we’ll need to get in touch with each other.”
Everyone exchanged numbers and as soon as Ben’s mom stepped out the girls approached her. Tristan and I entered the hospital once more we had to replace the file. We walked discreetly and I realized we were on the same floor where Ben’s room was. Ben had stayed back with the girls, he was slowly accepting the fact that he was dead. I slipped into room #51 and placed Ben’s file on the bed. I ran out quickly with Tristan. We headed outside once more, the girls were nowhere to be seen which meant that they had at least got Ben’s mom to listen to them.
Tristan and I sat in my car and switched on the light inside. We went through all the reports thoroughly. I rubbed a hand over my face tiredly. It was 9.00 p.m, I was tired and hungry. All that I could make out from the reports was that Ben had been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm and during the surgery there were complications, Ben’s heart stopped and they had to cut him open and try to manually start his heart but they couldn’t and Ben had eventually died of heart failure. Try as I may I could not find any loop hole in their reasoning. But I had to be sure so I called my family doctor up.
“Hey Dr. Johnson, Jaden here”
“Hello Jaden I hope everything is alright?”
“Yes doc. I have a quick question for you”
“Ask away”
“If a child was brought in with a brain aneurysm and he was being operated on would it be a possibility that he could suffer from heart failure?”
“That depends; did he have an aneurysm as a result of an injury?”
“How old was he?”
I turned some pages and said, “10”
“Well yes Jaden there is a fair chance that could happen. The poor child must have already been in shock.”
“Alright. Thank you doc.”
“Jaden, is everything ok?”
“Yes doc. Just needed the info for a family friend”
“Ok then, goodnight”
I turned to Tristan and said, “Well if what they say has actually happened, then there’s no foul play”
“But there is!” Josh appeared between us.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!” yelled Tristan and I.
“I said quit doing that Josh!” yelled Tristan while I massaged my chest.
“Look the news in the spirit world is that there was some foul play. That’s the only reason Ben hasn’t moved on”
“Why don’t they tell you what has happened then?” I yelled in frustration.
“It does not work that way”
Both Tristan and I rested our heads against the windows and jumped as Tristan’s phone rang.
“It’s Giselle” he said glancing at the phone.
“Well answer it”
“Hullo?” he listened to her for a moment and said, “Ok we’ll be there”
“They’re in the hospital cafeteria. They want us to meet them there.” We got out of my car and walked towards the cafeteria which was situated in a building adjacent to the main hospital building.
“Let’s go and while we’re at it we can find something to eat”
We made our way to the cafeteria and found Rebecca consoling a weeping Ben’s mom while his dad looked stunned and Giselle looked on helplessly while Ben just hovered behind them wringing his hands.
“Mrs. Burke this is Jaden the one whom Ben sought out.”
“Hi- er she knows?”
Giselle and Rebecca nodded.
“How?” I asked stunned as Tristan went to grab something to eat.
“Ben told me to tell her that he only pretended to not like the toy engine they gave him on his birthday because he had asked for a bicycle. But he was delighted with the engine too.” Said Rebecca.
“Oh” I said understanding that was something only his parents would know apart from Ben, I had to give it to Rebecca, she was a smart girl.
“Also I think you should take a look at this” said Giselle pushing a paper in front of me. I glanced at it and saw it was from two days ago. I read it and then re-read it when finally my eyes widened with comprehension.
“Holy shit!” I exclaimed.
“Indeed” said Mr. Burke bitterly.