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Chapter Ten: Intimidations

I am soo sorry that I had the chapters mixed up......here's chapter 10 and 11.

Dinah's Perspective

I was on my phone when I got a notification on Twitter from y/n.


The videos up guys shout out to

@FifthHarmony and


I went straight to her channel and clicked on her recently uploaded video.

"What's up guysis and girlies its your girl y/n and I am reunited with my lovely amigos say hola"

She's so cute.

After about 2 minutes into the video, she said that her fans tweeted her some q and a questions.

There were a few but one In particular caught my attention.

"Alright last question and this is from @CamrenShipper101 they ask, if you could date anyone from little mix or fifth harmony who would it be and why?"

"Mine would be Dinah so I can where her snapbacks" chachi says.

I like this chachi. She has good taste.

"I would date.......Ally because she's little and cute" Megan says.


"Okay I would date Normani from fifth harmony because then I would have a excuse to lick her abs andddd I would hands down date Jade from little mix because she's Bae and I heard she likes dancers so wink wink" y/n says confidently.

I bet mani would have liked hearing that. Mila and Lauren might not though. You're probably thinking how I would know that, well it's because I know Camren better then anyone else and I know when they have a crush.

"Thank you guys for watching give it a thumbs up because your awesome and stunning, also subscribe if you haven't. Keep going East," y/n says wrapping up the video.

"Hey Dinah whatcha watching?" I hear Mila ask me from behind.

"Nothing" I say before quickly closing the lid of my laptop.

"Okayyyy" she says unsure before collapsing on her bed.


"Yeah cheechee?"

"Do you like anyone?" I ask facing her.

"Maybe. Why do you ask"

"Just wondering. Are you considering asking this person out?"

"No. They don't want to be in a relationship just yet. So instead of pushing myself to ask them, I'm just gonna wait for them to come to me" she explains.

"And what if they don't?" I question.

"Then I'll make them so jealous that they'll be begging for me" she replies.

Wow what? I never knew she could be so.........intimidating.

"Well, it's getting late cheechee, we should hit the hay" I nod and pull my covers over my body.

Tomorrows a mystery.


Your Perspective

Day 3 with the girls and it's actually not that bad. Although, Dinah has been giving me a questioning look the whole day.

"Dinah focus" I tell her. She shakes her head and nods.

"Sorry got distracted" I give her a weird look and continue to watch them dance. That was until Camren got lost in the choreography.

"What is going on with you guys today. Like seriously guys get your head in the game" I say clapping my hands.

"Oh so this is a game now?" Lauren asks eyeing me up and down. Oh so she wants to play this game now.

"I can make it if I want. Since I am the teacher" I smirk.

"How about we play strip" I suggest mischievously.

"W-what's that?" Lauren asks making my smirk grow.

"It's like a dance off. At the end of every round, the judges" I pause pointing to the rest of the girls.

"Will decide who wins the round, who ever loses has to remove a piece of clothing"

"I'm straight and I have a boyfriend. I don't think he would be happy with me stripping in front of my teacher and my friends" she argues nervously.

"It's not like I'm gonna do anything after and I don't think the others are planning anything. Right guys?" I ask turning to them. They shake their heads and I smile.


"I don't know. It still doesn't give me an excuse to make it seem right"

"Fine I'll just ask someone else to play with me"

"Any takers" they all raise their hands and I giggle at their eagerness.

"Fine I'll play! But, i want to play in doubles. And I dibs mani"

"Alright then. I want Dinah!"

"Hell naw I ain't revealing any of my goodies choose someone else" Dinah defends.


"Oh no I don't think the lord Jesus himself would like me removing my clothing for something non holy" I roll my eyes. That only leaves one person.

"Uh......Camila? Do you wanna play?" She shyly nods and I cheer.

"Game on team Laurmani"

"Break a leg y/s/n" (yours and Camila's ship name)

"Okay since you got Normani we get to pick the first song" they nod and I bring Camila into a huddle.

"I'll take the lead alright. I have an idea so go with it" she nods and shouts 'break' while clapping. I roll my eyes at her silliness and turn towards Laurmani.

"The song we choose is bad girl by usher" I say confidently. We wait as Dinah plays the song.

I walk up behind Mila and place my hands on her wrists.

"Just pretend your a puppet. Relax and let me take care of you" I whisper. I could see the goosebumps appearing on her skin.

What y'all know about a Super model......

Her body was stuck to mine like glue. We were dancing like it was only us in the room. I was impressed with myself.

Ooo work me baby shaking it the way I like I'm ready to be bad I need a bad girl get at me bad girl........

The music stopped and the room was silent. Until Dinah broke it.

"You two should just forfeit because that was sexier then Edward Cullen" Dinah comments and Mila and I blush.

"Hey! We still have to go" Lauren pouts.

"Yeah. Dinah! Hit that yonce" Normani orders and Dinah with no hesitation plays yonce by Beyoncé.

See me up in the club with 50-leven girls

Posted in the back diamond fangs in my grill

Brooklyn brim with my eyes sittin' low

Every boy in here with me got that smoke

And every girl in here gotta look me up and down

All on Instagram, cake by the pound

Circulate the image every time I come around

G's up, tell me how I'm lookin' babe


Boy, this all for you, just walk my way

Just tell me how it's lookin' babe [x2]

I do this all for you, baby, just take aim

And tell me how it's lookin', babe (how it's looking)

And tell me how I'm lookin', babe (lookin' babe)

[Verse 2:]

Drop the bass, man, the bass get lower

Radio say, "Speed it up, " I just go slower

High like treble, puffin' on them mids

The man ain't ever seen a booty like this

And why you think you keep my name rollin' off the tongue?

Cause when you wanna smash, I just write another one

I sneezed on the beat and the beat got sicker

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor [x4]

Like, like liquor, like, like, like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor [x3]

Like, like liquor, like, like, like liquor

By the end of Laurmani's dance. My jaw hit the floor. I stood there with my mouth wide open. I didn't know Lauren knew how to actually dance. Before Dinah or ally could say anything, I began to take my socks off.

"What are you doing?" Ally asked confused.

"Mila take your socks off, they won" I huff. She whines and removes her socks.


A few rounds later, Laurmani were in their underwear and oversized hoddie while Mila and I were shirtless and barefoot. Scratch that. I was shirtless, she had a tank top on because she wore like 4 t-shirts.

"I think we should stop" I suggest out of breath.

"I agree let's stop before someone walks in-" and right on damn que, Ian walks in.

"Why are you all half naked?" He asks confused.

"Shi- get out dude" I say covering my body.

"No way! You were playing strip" he laughs.

"Yes we were now leave!" I snap.

"Wouldn't make a difference because apparently Simon and Stephen wanna talk to us in about 30 seconds" my eyes widen and so do the other girls. Dinah quickly tosses us our clothes and we throw them on.

Just as I got my shoes on, Simon and Stephen walked in.

"That'd be all today girls. I wanna speak to y/n and Ian" she girls nod and leave the room.

I gulp. This guy really knows how to seem intimidating.

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