Your Perspective
This is really killing me, like literally these girls are a nightmare. Except for that Normani chick and that Polynesian who might I add is hawt. At least those two listen and can actually pay attention. Same goes for the shorty, little miss ray of sunshine.
"No no no. It's hip hip, point point, sway sway, back and turn" I order Camila and Lauren? I don't really remember all their names. Is that bad?
"I can't do this. I need support, can you at least be a real teacher and actually hold us while we do this!" Lauren snaps frustrated.
"Oh I'm sorry. Would you like some help, maybe a drink of water? Suck it up huni if you want to be a dancer or at least decent, this is what it takes" I growl.
Lauren gasps horridly.
"Oh I'm sorry to disappoint you maybe if you would stop being a bitch and get your head out of your ass then maybe all of us would be professionals by now but no, you have to go all diva because you don't get to teach your precious little mix. News flash sweetheart you're stuck with us and whether you like it or not you're teaching us" Lauren argues almost screaming in my face.
Wow. I didn't expect this, especially from her.
"Fine" is all I say.
"Fine? What do you mean by fine?" Lauren asks unsure whether or not I'm playing.
"I mean fine. I'll help you but only on one condition" I reply.
"What is it?" Lauren asks curiously.
"You help me sneak into that studio next door and I'll help you with the routine and I mean properly, which means that if you need close up attention then I'll give it to you" I explain.
It's not long till I get an instant reply.
"No deal" Camila says.
"Deal" Lauren says.
"Huh?" I ask.
"Camz what are you doing?" Lauren asks confused.
"No deal. She is not meeting Little Mix and that's final" Camila debates.
"Who the hell are you to tell me who I can and cannot see" I snap at Camila.
"No y/n you are not seeing them and that's final" Camila replies crossing her arms.
This bitch, who does she think she is, my wife? Hell naw I'm about to go all ape shit.
"Oh and I suppose a little fan girl like you is gonna stop me" I tease.
"If you wanna play dirty I will. You don't wanna mess with me Eastwood because I will fight fire with fire and everyone knows when you fight fire with fire, it makes a bigger fire which means that this won't end well, so I suggest you listen to me or shiz is about to go down" Camila taunts.
Oh no she didn't, that's it I've had enough. She has crossed the damn line.
"You listen to me Camilla or whatever the fuck your name is. Sorry for cursing. You have no right to be telling me what to do, you are not my girlfriend, wife, or even friend for that matter so don't tell me what to do, this maybe your tour but all this is mine and my brothers choreography so I'd watch your mouth because these are some of the best damn dance moves you could ever lay your hands on. I have had enough of this, I'm going to see my fav people in the world right now whether you like it or not!!" I scream.
At this point everyone has wide eyes including me. I then hear a scream come from Camila as she tackles me to the ground.
"Get off me!!" I yell. She then straddles me and gets ready for a punch. As her fists were just centimetres from my face. I see Stephen pull her off.
"What the hell is going on!?!" He shouts. As I was about to speak, Ian along with 4 beautiful girls come barging in.
"Y/N What the hell did you do!?!" Ian yells.
"I didn't do anything she came at me!!" I defend myself.
"You called me Camilla" Camila cuts in.
"oh I'm sorry I pronounced it wrong, what I meant to say was gorilla" I smirk only making Camila more and more angry.
"Come on just one punch, she deserves it" Camila says while struggling to get out of Stephens grip.
"That's it!! Enough. You two will stop this right now!! You two no, all six of you will get along and be friends by the end of today or else. All 6 of you will go out and take the rest of the day off together, to bond and by the end of the day you all better be singing kombya around a fire and holding hands because if you don't, you will not be opening for this tour" Stephen says pointing at me.
"Wait what? Opening for this tour? What do you mean by that" I ask.
"You heard me right. I saw your videos with that chachi and Megan girl and you seriously impressed me along with your brother. I want the both of you to open for this tour" Stephen replies.
As I was about to freak out, he stopped me.
"But! Only if you get along with fifth harmony only then will I offically let you open for them and little mix got it" I nod vigorously.
"Good now go out and spend the rest of the day with them" Stephen commands. I sigh and groan before grabbing my jacket and leaving the room.
"5H ASSEMBLE!!" I shout as I continue to leave the room. This is going to be a long day.
Ian's Perspective
"So you want us to open for the girls?" I question turning my attention to Stephen.
"About that, I haven't really discussed it with Simon but I'm 100% sure that he'll agree with me once he sees you and your sister dance" Stephen replies.
"If we do somehow get through to Simon. Can we like arrange what we do? Can we have like have back up dancers or something like that?" I ask hopefully.
"I perhaps but just not too many, we have a small budget. We can barely afford you and your sister" Stephen chuckles and I nod chuckling with him.
"I'm just gonna make a quick phone call" I say and exit the studio.
I pull out my phone and start dialling my fiancés number
(Ian, Megan)
"Hey honey"
"Hi baby, I got exciting news"
"What babe?"
"I just got told that y/n and I are, well might be opening acts for the tour"
"That's great, how's y/n?"
"You won't believe me when I say this but she literally got into a fight with one of the girls"
"Did anyone flirt with you?"
"Just one bu-"
"Then I'm okay with that"
"You're amazing you know that"
"I strive to be"
"Well I have to go. I love you Megan"
"The feelings mutral, bye h