Camila/YouYou are the sister of Ian Eastwood. Ian is offered a job as the choreographer of Fifth Harmony and Little Mix ...
Chapter One: Excited For Little Mix
Ian's Perspective
I was currently laying my head on my girlfriends stomach when I got a call from my manager.
"Hey Ian, good news. I got a call a few minutes ago from a manager of a girl group and they offered you a job as their choreographer for their new upcoming tour"
"Thats awesome. Who's the group?"
"Their name is Fifth Harmony but their also on tour with Little Mix so you'll be helping them out too"
"Sweet. When's the tour?"
"In a week so spend as much time as you can with your family till then"
"Okay Mark see yah later man"
"Who was that babe?" My beautiful girlfriend asks.
"That was my manager, He got me a choreography hook up. Im going on tour with these 2 girl groups" I reply throwing my phone somewhere.
"Are you gonna go? I mean 2 girl groups, that means you're gonna be surrounded by at least 8-9 girls who are shaking their asses in your face and probably grinding on chairs. I don't think I'm comfortable with all those pretty girls shaking it up all on you" My girlfriend panics.
"Don't worry babe. I only have eyes for one girl and thats you" I say pecking her nose and returning to my previous position.
"You better believe it" She warns playfully earning a giggle from both of us.
"I love you Megan"
"And I love you too Ian" She replies pecking my lips.
"I wonder how Y/N's going to react to this" I whisper.
"Ha you better be prepared" Megan whispers back.
Your Perspective
"Mija, El desayuno está listo y su hora de levantarse , Ian viene a llevarte al campamento urbano" My Mother yells from downstairs.
I slowly get up while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Está bien mamá dame 10 minutos" I yell back.
I quickly get my stuff ready and I'm downstairs within the 10 minutes I said I was going to take.
"mirarte mi hermosa hija" My mother comments. I smile and retrieve my strawberry pancakes.
"Hey what about your beautiful boy!?!" My brothers voice asks shocked but jokingly.
"Hey!" I squeak shoving my breakfast down.
"Good Morning my beautiful Mamá" Ian greets placing a loving peck on our mothers cheek.
"And Good Morning Princess" He greets pecking my head just before taking a pancake from my plate.
"We gotta get moving because I have important news to tell everyone at the studio so take your food to-go" Ian orders.
"Thats a little impossible when you just ate the last of it dork" I state rolling my eyes before grabbing the rest of my stuff and racing out to his car.
On the way there I notice Megan isn't with us.
"wheres Meg? I thought you said she was coming today?" I ask curiously.
"She's at home" Ian replies, not making eye contact once.
"Why?" I ask.
"She was a little upset with the news I gave her yesterday. She was okay at first then something clicked I guess but Im sure she'll get over it. Don't worry" Ian explains.
We finally get there and I bolt out of the doors. This is sort of a normal thing for me. We get here, I race inside then I warm up so that at 10:30 Im on time for break which is usually when I go on twitter and stalk Little Mix who is by the way, If you couldn't tell. My absolute fav band in the world. My passion for dancing comes from them and Chachi Gonzales, I've already met her and danced with her which was one of the best days of my life. But, now all I'm waiting for is to one day dance with or choreograph for Little Mix.
I was snapped out of my dream when I heard a loud clap, which caught everyones attention.
"Alright so um. Last night I got a call from my manager saying that he got me a job to choreograph for a band" Ian pauses for a while then sighs before continuing.
"He has confirmed that i'll be gone for at least 8 months so that means I won't be able to teach you guys in a while" I hear everyone groan which makes me smile a little on how much these people look up to my brother.
"Yeah I'm sorry about this but Its a once in a life time opportunity and I feel like I need to take it guys" We all agree and join in on a group hug.
You see, everyone here treats each other like family. Thats probably why its a little hard for some of us to cope with the situation.
"Y/N I need to talk to you in private" Ian Informs.
I nod and follow him to his office.
"Why did't you tell me earlier?" I ask.
"Because I have a little more news to add on to it. Listen. So I know that when you wanna grow up you wanna be like me and you know run like a dancing business, Well being the genius I am I thought I would pull a couple of strings just to get you a little step closer to fulfilling that dream" Ian says making me confused. he must of noticed that I wasn't following because he chuckles.
"What Im trying to say is. I got you a work experience job as my assistant" He says. My eyes go wide with excitement.
"REALLY!?! THATS SO BOSS" I shout in excited.
"Wow save your energy because thats not the only exciting thing....So you remember how I said I was going on tour with a band?" He asks. I nod and he continues.
"Well its not just any band............Its LITTLE MIX"
Right about now, I'm currently jumping, screaming and cheering.
"calm down princess the tours not till another 6 days so spend them wisely, but keep 2 of them open because you, ma and I are going out for them. I don't really care what your do with the other 4 days" Ian shrugs.
I run up to him and give him a bear hug.
"Thank you thank you thank you" I repeat squeezing him.
"love you too princess now go and dance with the other groups because you won't get to see them for a while" I nod and exit his office.
IM GOING ON TOUR WITH LITTLE MIX........................