Your Perspective
We managed to make our way back to the studio. I, being the fangirl I am. Bolted in there faster than you could say Nutella.
"WHERES LITTLE MIX!!" I shouted out of breath.
"They left about 20 minutes ago" My brother replies throwing his duffle bag over his shoulder.
"Come on, let's go back to the hotel and chill" I nod in disappointment.
On the way out of the studio, I was stopped by 1/5 of fifth harmony. That's right, I remembered their name.
"HEY! y/n" her raspy voice hollered.
"What up LoLo circus"
"I was wondering. Maybe you wanted to hang out with me at my hotel room?" I can see the hopefulness in her eyes, so I thought why not put a smile on her beautiful plump lips- wait no, I mean adorable face.
"Hotel room? I thought you guys had a house?"
"Yeah but it's too far away from the area so we stay in the nearby hotel where you're staying"
"Oh cool. I'll text you when I can come over" I reply catching up to Ian.
"Wait!?!" She shouts. I sigh and turn around.
"Did you forget something?"
"Yeah your number" she replies timid.
"Oh right," I pull out my phone and hand it to her and she mimics my actions.
I put my contact name down as. Super hot Latina???.
"Really y/n?"
I take a look at the name she gave herself and laugh. It was, Green eyed Bae???.
"Look who's talking mrs green eyed Bae, heart eyed emoji/hearts emoji/-"
"Okay I get the point" she interrupts causing us both to laugh.
"You know. I'm gonna have to thank Normani" I say locking eyes.
"Why?" She asks looking from my left eye to right.
"Because if she hadn't locked us down in that basement. I wouldn't of gained another amazing friend"
Lauren's Perspective
"Because if she hadn't locked us down in that basement. I wouldn't of gained another amazing friend" y/n says and my smile that I didn't realise was there dropped slowly.
"See you tonight Lauren" she winks leaving me disappointed.
Ouch Friendzoned. My heart literally just stopped. If this is what it feels like to be in that zone. I want to crawl in the corner and die because this shit ain't a dreamland. Why do you have to do this to me y/n. I barely know you and I went from attacking the crap out of you to slowly falling for you. You are something super hot Latina dancing emoji/heart emoji.
Your Perspective
Ian and I were just chilling in our apartment waiting for room service, well I was chilling and he was talking to his fiancé on the phone. I heard a knock at the door and I instantly got up from the couch and ran to the door. I was starving, sue me.
When I opened the door, I was met with a pair of soft brown eyes.
"Hi," she greets.
She was holding a cart with food on it and I assume she payed the room service guy to let her bring it to me.
"Hey? What are you doing here?"
"I thought you might be hungry and I looked at what you ordered. You're not gonna like it soooo, I got you this" she says pulling out 2 boxes of pizza.
"Thanks camzilla come right on in with that delicious creation" I wave her in and she excitedly strolls in.
"Iannnnnn Camila brought pizzaaaa" I holler making Mila giggle.
I get enough plates from the cupboard and place them on the table.
"Here you dish the slices and I'll be right back"
I leave her to do as told and walk off into my room. I throw a few things around until I find my beat pill. I then grabbed my iPod and made my way back into the kitchen.
"Here you go babe" Camila says handing me a plate.
Did she just call me babe? I shrugged it off because it was probably a normal thing for her. I placed the pill on the table and turned it on. I then pressed shuffle on my iPod. Clouds by One Direction came on.
"I love this song. You have good taste, normally whenever the girls play music it's either Beyoncé or like a top charts song. They never play one direction" Camila rambles and pouts at the end of her sentence.
"It's alright. As long as you're with me, we'll blast 1D so loud the boys will hear it and fly all the way to LA to see who was playing their song"
We both laugh at that but it soon dies down when I find Camila staring at me with so much admiration.
"What?" I chuckle out.
"Nothing," she replies and continues staring.
"Why are you staring?"
"I'm not. I'm admiring your beauty"
"Well then I guess you can stare all you want because that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me" I say smiling.
"You don't ever hear it from your boyfriend?" I blush at her words and look to the ground.
"Oh I don't have a boyfriend. I've actually never been in a relationship" I say avoiding eye contact.
"Really!?! But you're so beautiful" she breaths out and I could feel her breath linger in my atmospher.
I look up and our faces are only inches away. The song I promise by Ciara comes on and I smile because Ciara was on of my fav celebs when I was younger. Her songs were just so relatable.
I see Camila start to lean in while staring at my lips. I was shocked, I could barely move. It was like my body wanted to feel her plump lips against mine. But then in a way, it felt wrong. Soo, I turned my head so that her lips would hit my cheek.
"I'm so sorry y/n. I-I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine cam. You were caught up in the moment. It's just, I'm not looking for a relationship" I could see the disappointment in her eyes.
"Just yet," what can I say. I didn't want her to fell like complete crap.
"I'm still trying to identify myself. Just wait a while. I think I'll find me sooner then expected" she nods and slouches.
"I should probably get going. The girls are probably wondering where I am" she says grabbing her belongings.
"They don't know where you are?" She shakes her head and walks to the door.
"Let me take you back" I offer.
"I don't want to trouble you"
"It's fine, I was supposed to meet Lauren anyways. She wanted to hang out. You should join us"
"You really want me to join you?" I hum and pull out my phone. I tap on Lauren's contact name and send her a text.
Coming over now and so is cam-dawg
Green eyed Bae???:
I thought it was gonna be you and I?
We don't wanna be like them we can make it till the end
Nothing can come between you and I
Green eyed Bae???:
Aw your no fun? be over in 5
- Kisses A
Green eyed Bae???:
I seriously don't know what to do with you?
I laugh at her last text and grab Camila's hand. It must of supposed her because I swear she gasped a little.
"Ready to go?" She nods and leads the way to Lauren's hotel room.
"Room service" I holler in a Spanish accent while knocking.
I hear footsteps coming closer and I take a step back.
"I didn't order any- oh hey" Lauren greets looking at me then down at my hands which are linked with Camila's. I quickly pull away not wanting her to get the wrong idea.
"C-come in," she stutter and moves to the side.
"Why thank you señorita" she rolls her eyes and soon follows behind me. I swear she was staring at my butt.
"So. What's the plans for tonight?" I ask collapsing on the couch.
"You sure know how to make yourself at home. But anyway, how about we watch a movie?" Lauren suggests.
"That seems a little boring don't you think? Come on! Let's do something exciting!" I say enthusiastically.
"Well you sure have a lot of energy" Camila giggles.
"Well duh I'm a dancer who's still going through puberty. I have more energy then a child on Christmas"
"That reminds me. How old are you?" Lauren asks curiously.
"15," I reply with a seriously face.
"You're kidding," they both say in complete shock.
"Yes I'm kidding. I'm actually 24" both of their eyes widen and I can't even anymore.
"Okay okay I'm also kidding. I'm actually 18. No joke" Camila scoffs and hits me playfully.
"Why thank you I know I have a nice ass. I can tell Lauren agrees with me" I smirk and Lauren goes red.
"All jokes aside. Let's do something fun. How about we invite the girls over and do something as a group," I suggest.
"Okay. Ally's in her room so I'll call her out. Camz go get Dinah and mani" Camila nods and leaves the room.
"Let me go get Ally"
"Can I do it? I really need to move around" she nods and I go to the room Lauren says is ally's.
I knock on the door twice but no answer. I go to open the door but it's locked. I huff but eventually pull out a bobby pin from my hair and begin picking the lock. Once I hear a click I swing open the door.
The sight right in front of me scares me. Because it's probably the weirdest think I've ever seen.
"What the fuck?!?"