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Chapter Nine: #The3Amigos

Camila's Perspective

"That's a wrap. See you girls tomorrow" y/n says rushing out of the room.

I wonder why she was in such a hurry. Just as Lauren was about to leave, I stopped her.

"I know what you did"

"I have no idea what your talking about" she replies trying to get passed. I put my hand in the door frame so she can't escape.

"Really because I keep wondering how the heck Austin knew where we were" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Maybe he put a tracking device in your phone"

"You see that's how I know you texted him and told him where I was because you made an assumption and everyone knows you hate those" I say keeping my tone the same.

"What's your point Camila"

"My point is. I'm falling for y/n hard and somehow your getting in the way of me having any chances with her. Until today, thank you for making it so much easier. Adios" and with that I left. I wanted to leave her shocked but also in the know.

I want her to know that I will stop at nothing to be with y/n. She's different. And what makes it even better is that I know she won't break me like Austin did. Because she's never been in a relationship which means that as soon as we're together, she'll know what it feels like and never want it to end. She'll know what it feels like to feel loved.

But I have to give her space first. I have to make her fall for me before I make a move. I got to make her want to want me.

Your Perspective

"That's a wrap. See you girls tomorrow"

I bolted out of there and ran straight to Ian's studio.

Yes they're still in there. Ugh why can't I see their beautiful faces. If you girls just turn around a fraction- OMFG I JUST SAW THEIR FACES IN THE FLESH. They look so stunning.

As I was admiring their beauty, the door I was leaning on swung open making me dance plant on to the floor.

"Ow" I groan.

"Really y/n" I hear my brother say.

"Ah so this is the infamous y/n. I don't know if you remember but I tweeted you. Im Jesy" a familiar voice says and I look up to see the one and only Jesy Nelson holding our her hand. I take it and she pulls me up.

"I was wondering when we were going to meet you" she laughs.

I can't speak. I literally can't move. The Jesy Nelson is literally talking to me.

"You alright love?" Perrie asks but I don't respond.

"Are you okay? Your not gonna faint are you?" Leigh Anne asks looking at me with a concerned look on her face.

I nod in no. And they nod unsure.

"I-it's n-nice to m-meet you" I stutter badly.

"Aw you're cute" Jade giggles and I swear I heard an angel. I can't believe this is happening.

"We have to get going but we should hang out come time?" Jade asks and I nod vigorously in a yes gesture.

She giggles again at my gesture and kisses my cheek before leaving.

No. Freaking. Way. Jade Mother Fvcking Thriwall just kissed me. On the cheek. I can still feel it. This is the best day ever.


When we got back to the hotel I collapsed on my be with the biggest smile on my face. I decided to pull out my phone send a tweet.


Best Day Ever!!! Finally met @LittleMix oh and @CamilaCabello97 Becky Who???

I switched off my phone then grabbed my things together before heading into the shower.

Once I got out I unlocked my phone to see I had a few mentions. I tapped the first one which was from Jade.


@Y/NEastwood I enjoyed meeting you. Can't wait to hang out - Jade

I eternally fangirled then opened up the next one.


@Y/NEastwood Aiden must really feel like an idiot right about now??




I'm still laughing at the "bitch does it look like I care no" ?





I still can't get over the "say it don't spray it" #WordsToLiveBy #HomieOfTheYear

After that I gained over 50k more followers. Most of them were Harmonizers but I wasn't complaining.


@FifthHarmony I officially love Harmonizers and Mixers now #Blessed

I tweeted that at around about 7 then put my phone on charge brides Megan called me for dinner. Today was a good day.


"Wakey Wakey sleepy head"

"Go away Megan It too early" I groan.

"It's 1 in the afternoon"

"Oh. I'll be up soon" I wave her out but I don't feel or hear any movement.

"Don't you have to go to the studio today?"

"No the girls are at the studio" I reply fully waking up.

"What do you have planned today?"


"Why don't you make a video today? I can collab with you if you want" Megan suggests.

"That'd be cool. My camera and stuff are in my backpack. I'm just gonna call up chachi and see if she wants to join" Megan nods and goes off to set up the stuff.


Hey bo I'm shooting a video with Megan wanna join?

??Cha Cha Señorita??:

Hell yeah be there in 10

"She'll be here in 10 meg" I holler.

"All good the cameras set up" she hollers back.

I walking into the living room and she's done a pretty good job.

"Well done. I knew you were good a something" I joke.

"Whatever loser" she say ruffling my hair.

"Got an idea of what you want to do for the video?"

"How about a q and a?"

"It's your channel it's up to you"

"Q and a it is then"


I'm doing a q and a guysis so tweet me your questions with the # TheThreeAmigos

Once I tweeted, Megan and I waited for chachi to get here.

About 5 minutes later chachi came through the door without knocking of course.

"I'm hereeeeee"

"We knowwww" Megan and I said at the same time with a careless tone.

"Finally. Since your up, press record will yeah" I ask.

"No probalameo" she replies pressing play and jumping on the couch.

"What's up guysis and girlies its your girl y/n and I am reunited with my lovely amigos say hola"

"Hola" they both say waving to the camera.

"So I tweeted you guys to give us some questions with the # TheThreeAmigos and by the sound of my phone going off I can tell you responded so let's get right into it" I pause to catch my breath and continue.

"But first I wanna let you guys know something. If you didn't know already I was recently offered a internship as a choreographer for Fifth Harmony which I am really happy about. Another thing is something I want Megan to takeover"

"Well about 5 days ago a certain someone proposed to me see look" she says pointing to the ring in her finger.

"Mhm and I already a feeling that she's gonna make me her flower girl"

"Omg how did you know" she jokes and I nudge her.

"Anywaysss @MrsEastwood love the name. She asks, who is your favourite member of fifth harmony?"

"Well mine is Ally because she knows why" I joke winking to the camera.

"Mines Laurinah because lauren has awesome eyes and Dinah dresses to impress" chachi says.

"I don't want to leave anyone out so I like normila because it's funny when they gang up on Lauren all the time" Megan says and I agree.

"On to da next one. This one is from @MixingHarmonizer97 they ask, Little Mix or Fifth Harmony? And 5SOS or One Direction"

"Gurrrrl are you seriously gonna ask me to choose because skirt no. I am a apart of the harmonising mixing directioner Fam okay. Don't make me choose between my babies" I say fake crying.

"Out of the girl groups little mix and out of the boy bands one direction" Megan says.

"Basically the opposite of what Megan just said" we all laugh at that one. Ah chachi.

A few questions later and we decided to wrap it up.

"Alright last question and this is from @CamrenShipper101 they ask, if you could date anyone from little mix or fifth harmony who would it be and why?"

"Mine would be Dinah so I can where her snapbacks" chachi says.

"I would date.......Ally because she's little and cute" Megan says.

"Okay I would date Normani from fifth harmony because then I would have a excuse to lick her abs andddd I would hands down date Jade from little mix because she's Bae and I heard she likes dancers so wink wink" I say.

"Thank you guys for watching give it a thumbs up because your awesome and stunning, also subscribe if you haven't. Keep going East," I ended the video and smiled.

"That was interesting" Megan says walking to the kitchen.

"Yeah it was. I wonder what kind of feed back its gonna get" chachi replies. I agreed and plug my camera into my Mac.

"Bring on the editing" I say cracking my knuckles.


2 and a half hours later and I finally finished editing and posting.


The videos up guys shout out to

@FifthHarmony and


Things got interesting.

Once I tweeted out that the video was ready I set all my electronics to charge and fell asleep listening to the 1975. I like their music, sue me.

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