Pheeewwww that was close!!...when i reached on the road,i pulled out my phone to call my workmate and know how its going at work as am waiting for the cab.
"Hey how's everything there??" I asked him
"So far not so bad because we are having few customers at the moment." He replied me.
"Ohhh that's good to also on my way coming there right now." I told him.
"Oh journey then." he wished me well.
I was still talking on the phone when a black Mercedes Benz pulled right infront of me and i was still wondering who it is when the driver lowered the mirror and it was none other than Momo's dad Marvin the very person i have been avoiding this while...jeez!!!! this man is everywhere i go now what does he want from me???!.
I hang up the phone and pretended to be walking away from his car but he asked me,
"ain't you Momo's friend i bumped into a while ago in the house??....where are you heading to??" He asked me
Okay....This Marvin guy is really so attractive and i cant believe am just seeing it right now maybe because last time i didn't pay much attention to him when we first met and reason being it was night and we had no time to drool over each other's body features...we went straight to the business.
Oh my God he has got all these body features that make him look so hot and am sure if i was a flirt i would die to be with him but amnot into that and i don't know how to flirt with men.
But one thing was seriously bothering me and i don't know how its possible for him to be the father of two kids Momo and Morgan who are in their twenties and he still looks this young and hot damn!!....I don't want to get this weird thought that they might be vampires haha because I have watched quite a couple of movies...but if there's some hidden diet he's feeding on,i would definitely love to try it out cause i also wouldn't want to age so soon...I want to keep my gorgeous face and body for quite a long time.
"where are you heading to?? I can drop you off if you don't mind?" he asked again and he brought out of my stupid thoughts.
"ohh uhm actually am going to ****street....but my cab will be here in a few minutes so you don't have to bother yourself giving me a lift sir." I replied him as I looked in the road and praying to see any cab coming but its like Angels were on leave cause none of my prayers were being answered right now...its at this very moment that i wished i had some super powers and teleportation to be more specific.
"No...please don't call me me Marvin." He said.
"Ohh okay if you say so...Marvin it is." I replied with a smile.
"ohh by the way what a heading to the florist right after your stop to buy some flowers we shall use tomorrow at the burial...get in...let me drop you off after all your cab guy isn't here yet." He insisted on giving me a lift.
I had no choice but to get in his car and it was my first time to sit in a Mercedes Benz and i would be lying if don't say that it's really comfortable and so cozy inside!!..the drive was silent as i kept my eyes on the road but i could feel he glanced at me sometimes but i kept my eyes outside but later i decided to break the silence by saying,
"sorry about the loss of your wife." I told him
"huh!!??." He replied and he was quite shocked.
when he replied huh? i was like okay i shouldn't have opened my mouth at all.
"uhm what i meant is that sorry for the death of your wife." I tried to rephrase it again.
"Wait what???!!" He asked me
okay now this was getting he just pretending that he doesn't know whom am talking about or he's just messing with me right now??
"Momo's mom your wife...sorry about your loss." I tried to be specific.
"haha oh my goodness!??" He replied while laughing
Okay now i was getting pissed,what's so funny about that??! i didnt know that men don't grieve till now...i just folded my hands and focused on the road...I didn't talk to him again...sick can he laugh in such a moment who does that??
I think he noticed that I was mad and he said,
"uhm okay i shouldn't have laughed but i can't believe Momo told you am their father like their real biological dad!!" He broke the silence.
"come on she even called you dad back then in the house after we knocked each other." I told him.
"ohh now i see she didn't tell you cut the long story short...i am a kid brother to their late dad...he passed away when they were really young and if my memory serves me right Momo was about six years and Morgan five, i was just 12years by then but from that day onwards i was there for them and they always called me dad...and many people think am their biological dad and we have no time to explain to them how it came about so we let them think whatever they like." He explained to me
"ohh okay i see." that was my reply and now all my questions were answered cause there was no way that he is their real dad cause he really looks young....I don't know why i kinda smiled abit and i also told him to pull over as we approached my work place.
I thanked him for the lift and i stepped out of the car...i hope he didnt notice me smiling like a fool a while ago.