After what I've heard from Lisa, that Mason is lonely and miserable I drove straight to his villa. Perhaps that was stupid. I knew it was, but if I am truly the reason he has lost everything the least I can do is check how is he doing.
My unbearable guilt didn't let me return to Atlanta without seeing him first. I was only afraid I might catch him with another woman. Maybe this whole situation has changed him but I can't be sure of anything.
I parked the car in front of the fence and forgot that now I wasn't able to open it straight from my car anymore. I came out of the car and looked around to see Mason or any other way to get inside.
"Great. This is just great."
Suddenly I saw the front door open, and my heartbeat so fast it was able to escape my chest and go into the space.
Mason came out, he also didn't look like he used to. His beard was now even bigger, and he wasn't wearing a suit like he always used to. I've been married to him for a year but I have rarely seen him in a t-shirt. It looked good on his though. He also wore black jeans that I wish were just a little bit tighter.
I knew he was happy to see me, but he refused to smile until he walked all the way to the fence. Then he smiled at me like he wasn't sure if this was a dream or not.
"Naomi..." He only said my name, but I was able to get so much more from that.
"Mason." I looked down unable to stand looking at him when I remembered I was the one that caused all of this.
"Wow. You're even more beautiful than I remember." Perhaps it was from the shock that he forgot to let me in.
"Thanks. How are you doing?"
"Do you really care?"
"Yes. Why wouldn't I?"
"So it means you still love me."
"Ugh, I... Um..."
"No, sorry, sorry... I was just... Would you like to come inside?"
"Well... That's sort of why I came here."
He pressed a button and the fence opened. Now we were standing in front of each other able to see everything better.
"Welcome back."
"Thanks, but I won't be staying."
We both came inside the house and I was shocked to see it almost empty. All the furniture was gone. We went into the living room where he had just a couple of chairs.
"Please, sit down."
I sat down hoping that the chair won't break because they looked very fragile and insecure.
"So, what brings you here?"
"Well I wanted to... It's just..." I couldn't make myself speak because I felt so desperate when I saw him in this state. It would just make it worse when he speaks because his voice and his attitude haven't changed a bit. As if he didn't accept this as a permanent thing and he knew that sooner or later he will get everything back.
"Did you come here to see me in all of my glory? Does it make you satisfied when seeing me this low?" He surprisingly wasn't saying that like he was judging me for what happened but more like a joke on him as he was constantly showing around with his hands. "Because it's okay with me if it does. You know I'd do anything for your satisfaction." He winked at me.
"Well, I see some things never change."
"Come on, Naomi. Admit it. You still love me. That's why you came here."
"I'm afraid it's time for me to go now." I stood up, he stood up right away too. He looked scared of me leaving for some reason.
"But you just came... Is it because of something I said? Because if it is, I apologize. I know I can be a jerk sometimes..." Standing this close to him was making me want to step back, but I knew I wasn't able to do that because of the chair behind me.
"It's not because of you. I just... I'm leaving back to Atlanta in a few hours so I want to say goodbye to my parents." I figured telling him where I'm going wasn't the smartest idea.
"So you're leaving. Again..."
"Yep. Sorry, Mason. I really gotta go..." I stepped to go out but he grabbed the back of my head and kissed me.
I managed to push him away from me.
"What the hell are you doing?! What's wrong with you?!"
"Well I thought... I thought you just needed a reminder of how things used..."
"You didn't think at all! Wow, I can't believe how stupid I was to believe you actually changed and coming here was a huge mistake."
"Naomi, I'm sorry. How many times do you want me to say that? What do you want me to do? Just say it! I'll do anything to get you back. Anything."
"But I don't want you back. Not the Mason I just saw..."
"Oh, so it's about that! I knew it! It's because I'm poor now! I always knew you were with me just because of my money. Otherwise why would you be with someone so much older than you?" He was saying as I was walking to the hallway. When he said that I turned around.
"Shame on you for saying that, Mason. Shame on you."
"Say that I'm wrong! You've just proved it by leaving! If I had money you would all be all over ma again! You're all the same!"
"Ugh..." Taking all of these insults from him was heartbreaking. I never thought he felt this way about me."
"What? You have nothing to say?" His voice was calmer now that he saw I was just looking down unable to say anything.
"You know what, Mason?!" I looked up at him again. "You are an animal! And I don't blame you for that at all. I just wish I was able to stop going to the fucking zoo..."
I went outside. He wasn't even bothering to come after me and call my name. I was glad he didn't do that. He would only humiliate himself more.
But still I didn't regret coming here because if I haven't, I would always be asking myself is he alright and blaming myself for what has happened. Now I knew this had nothing to do with me.
His obsession with me has to end because even though he did change he didn't change for the better.