Book one:Obedient mistress --Some people are meant to be together. Despite all the obstacles they face life finds a wa...
A new beginning
Naomi's P.O.V
I paid attention to the sound the train was creating while I was traveling back home to see my parents. Since today is the second anniversary of Emma's death I felt as they expected me to be with them, although they would never confess it.
They understood how overwhelming it is for me to come back, to be reminded of all the memories that I can never leave behind or overlook. That is why they never got angry with me for not visiting once in the past year.
I desperately required the peace, especially after brake up with Alex. When you assume somebody is your soulmate and the time reveals the disappointing truth that they are not it crushes you. That is when a massive void was carved in my heart, thicker than Mason ever made.
An unexpected tone of my ringtone made me shiver, as a sudden comeback from my imaginary world was more than bitter.
I answered the phone although I haven't known who it was, because the number was not in my contact.
"Hello?" I said while going through my hair with my hand because I knew I looked like a mess, as if the caller would be able to see me or know what I looked like just by the tone of my voice.
I couldn't hear anything from the other side, which made me think someone is prank calling me.
"Hello? Mason, is that you?" He was the first person I thought of after listening to someone silently breathe for about half a minute.
"Of course, he is the first person you think of." I've recognized Alex's voice and got excited at first, until I remembered we broke up. I was stunned that he called me after we haven't heard for months.
"Alex, is that you?" I struggled to make my voice sound like I was mad at him, because the way he was speaking was more than hostile.
"Oh, so you remember me! Wow, I haven't expected that..."
"Ugh, what do you want?" The pictures of our never-ending fights came to my mind, making me put a hand over my eyes in despair.
"That's not a way to talk to someone you loved."
"What way? I just asked why you called..."
"Yes, but you asked that in a threatening way, like I am your enemy or something..."
"What are you even talking about?" I looked through the window at the trees I previously looked at with such a harmony in my mind. Now those pictures in front of me that shifted at the identical pace appeared much more bitter.
"Would you talk that way to Mason?" That is what I was waiting for. That name. Mason.
"There we go again..." I put my hand down and lowered my elbow from the window that I was leaned on. "That is the exact reason why we had to break up."
"We didn't break up. That would mean we had an agreement in which we both decided to separate from each other. But you know very well I was against that. And I still don't accept it. So don't say we broke up. You left me."
"Okay, that is why I left you."
"What, Mason? Ugh, like I don't know that..."
"No, it's not Mason... It's your obsession with him."
"Are you actually calling me gay right now?!"
"You never stopped accusing me whenever I said his name! I was going through a divorce, you can't forbid me to say his name once in a while..."
"That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard! I had more patience with you than any man would, trust me. And you're obsessed with him, not me. Otherwise you would just forget about the guy."
"Listen, Alex. I don't know how to tell you this, but... You're insane. Trust me, I know. I guess I'm just an expert in captivating idiots. I've been through this once and there's no way I'll go through this again. No matter how crazy Mason is, you're ten times worse." I hung up.
This conversation has completely stolen my peace of mind that I have strived so hard to keep, but without much fortune at the end.
I got back to tapping on the window with my fingers, which sometimes seemed as I have really touched the trees we passed by.
A man came out of nowhere and stood beside where I was sitting.
"Do you have a free seat?" It was odd to me that he still hasn't found a place to sit, while we have been driving for half an hour."
"Of course." I thought the question was odd because that seat didn't actually belong to me. I rapidly moved my books and the bag I was holding in my lap.
He nodded as a sign of gratitude and took a seat next to me. I've instantly discovered that he uses the same perfume as Mason, which made this complete stranger desirable to me as nothing else could.
I wasn't even aware that while I was trying to get a bit nearer to him to sense him better, I came so close that he was uncomfortable.
"You must be sleepy." He chuckled watching me trying to look natural after I have just humiliated myself as never before.
"I'm sorry... Yes, I've been traveling a lot." I knew that was a lie, but he didn't. Was I supposed to tell him that I was sniffing him because his perfume reminded me of my ex-husband? Sometimes a lie is a way to go.
"Wow. Tolstoy." He glanced at my lap with a smile of amazement on his face.
"The book you're reading. I've never seen a woman that enjoys reading. Well, besides magazines and all that other garbage..." He seemed delighted like a woman reading even a title of a significant book has done a tremendous achievement by that.
"Well now you have. You think women can't read serious books?" I raised one eyebrow trying to get him to persuade me in whatever his theory was. "You think men are smarter than women?"
"Just the opposite. I believe women are superior to men in nearly everything."
"Well now I have seen what I've never seen before too. I only hope that you're sincere and not saying that to make me like you."
"No..." He strongly denied. "I would never expect you to like me." When he said that he stopped, speculating if he said something foolish or not. I giggled at the way he looked so silly, while still in a package of a hot guy in his late twenties and on top of that with Mason's overpowering scent.
"You don't have to worry about that. I don't care for a lot of people."
"Well, to be honest... I wouldn't mind being put in that tiny minority of people you like." At this point I've felt like he crossed the line, when he leaned closer to me and again I was hit by the scent of Mason's masculine parfume, warning me to back away.
I just remained mute expecting that he will do the same and it will all stay at one everyday chat of two strangers.
"I'm sorry... That was inappropriate. I have no idea what I was thinking. Please forgive me for my bad manners." He scratched the top of his knee.
"No, it's fine." I looked through the window again and discovered it started raining. I would much rather be alone out there in the rain than here at the unpleasant company. But I must admit, there was something about that man... Both captivating and repulsive at the same time.
"My name's Liam." He offered me his hand. I looked at it for a moment like I am about to shake hands with my greatest mistake and wondering if I should do it or not.
"I'm Naomi." I shook hands with him.
"Naomi." He repeated it and stared at the distance like the name suddenly recalled him of something or made him daydream about our future together. I was anxious it might be the other one. Not because I wasn't attracted to him, but because we met in an odd way and this is all just going too rapidly for me.
But in the end, we probably won't see each other ever again, so what difference does it make if I tell him my entire life story right now? I was desperate for someone willing to listen to me anyway.
"That's a nice name." He let out after a brief pause.
"Thanks." I wish he would get a phone call or something and quit speaking to me. He seemed too curious for my liking.
Suddenly the train stopped. By noticing the familiar buildings I realized I have finally arrived at my destination.
"Well... Goodbye." I announced while picking up my stuff and standing up from my seat as he moved to let me come out.
"Such a coincidence!" He said excitedly. "I'm getting out here too."
It was strange to me that he carried nothing with him. He was wearing a suit like he's going for a business meeting, but I doubt he would go there by train.
"Oh... That's great." I said wondering if the word great was a little too much.
I got off the train carefully peeking behind every once in a while to make sure he wasn't following me. As I said, I am a magnet for idiots.
But this one seemed like he had something genuinely decent inside himself.
Now wasn't the time to think about the stranger in the train or question anything either of us said, but a time to get prepared for all the people I might face when I go to town.
I was thinking so much about Mason this past year, wondering if he is gappy with Lisa or not, and if he misses me. Despite everything he has done to me I was never able to kill that little piece inside me that cares for him and his feelings. I would have to kill myself first.
Most of all I was thinking about Jacob, if he started crawling or even walking yet, if he had said his first words... Despite being afraid I might run into Mason I have made a decision to go to Lisa's place and ask her to see Jacob, even for a second.
I'm sure a lot has changed since we have all seen each other the last time, but we have also changed and we are no longer the same persons we used to be.
Maybe they will be able to forget whatever they think I've done them wrong and forgive me.
I don't believe anyone has deserved it more than I did.