Siana'a pov
Today is the first day of school. I got up extra early and called Reece. I wanted to talk to him while I got ready. "Hello?" He answered he sounded sleepy. "Are you just waking up?" I asked brushing out my wet hair. "Yeah I am, I would still be sleep if someone didn't call me." He said, he made a grunting noise as I'm guessing he got up. "Should I flat iron my hair?" I asked "I say no but you'll probably do it anyway." He said "You're right." I said and plugged up my flat irons. I started brushing my teeth, it sounded like Reese was brushing his teeth too. I spit out the toothpaste and brushed some more. There was a knock on my door, I heard footsteps than I saw my mom. "Hey love bug, you ready for school?" She asked "I'm getting there." I said than rinsed my mouth and toothbrush. "Goodmorning, Mrs. lively." Reece said through the phone. "Goodmorning Reece." She said she winked at me and left. I rolled my eyes and smiled, I flat ironed my hair. "I'm on my way." He said "What?! How?! Why!!" I asked starting to flat iron my hair faster, I accidentally burnt my neck. "Shit!" I tells grabbing my neck. "SIANA ELIZABETH LIVELY!" I heard my dad yell. I teared up "Sorry! It slipped!" I yelled back. "Love are you alright?" Reece asked I heard him start the car. "Yeah I'm fine." I said my voice cracked. "It's okay love, I'll be there to kiss it better soon." He said "I burned my neck Reece." I said "Who says I can't kiss you there?" He asked. I blushed madly I didn't say anything. "That's what I thought." He said I quickly finished flat ironing my hair. "I'll text you when I pull up." He said "K bye." I said than hung up. I finished flat ironing my hair than I got changed into my uniform it was cute.I did my makeup and pulled my hair up into a bun. I heard the honking of a car out front. I grabbed my jacket, my purse, and my phone. I went downstairs and kissed my parents bye than headed outside. Reece got out and walked over to me. He hugged me, I gasped at the sparks. I relaxed after a while and snuggled my head into his chest. He smelled so good, it made my knees buckle. Reece caught me swiftly. "Are you okay love?" He asked "I'm fine, a little light headed I just need to eat." I lied smoothly. "Yeah, lets go to IHOP." He said lifting me up and placing me into the car. I buckled up and regained myself. "IHOP before school? Is this going to be an everyday thing?" I asked "Only if you want it to be and if I can get up at the same time each morning." He said as he pulled out the driveway and down the dirt trail. It was still dark out, it was like 5:56. "You look nice." I said to Reece has he turned into the main road. "Thanks love." He said I nodded "Do you have your schedule?" I asked "Yeah in my pocket." He said "Can you get it?" He added. "Why can't you?" I asked "If you want us to get pulled over than go, I'll do it." He said I looked out the back window and saw the coppers. Yeet! Ain't getting pulled over today. I reached into his pocket, he moved a little. I took it out and looked at my schedule and his. "We have Spanish 4, lunch, and gym together." I told him as I looked over it. "Spanish is going to be buen." He said I nodded. We drove into the city and to IHOP. I got out and brushed off my uniform, I pulled on my jacket and grabbed my phone. Reece grabbed my hand, I love when we touch. I love the feeling of the spark and tingles. I can't forget the swarm of butterflies in my stomach. We walked into IHOP and got a table. Of course we got a lady waitress. She's going to be all over Reece now. She smiled at us "How may I take your-" she stopped talking when she looked up and saw Reece. He smiled at her, she blushed. " how may i take your order?" She asked I kicked Reese's leg, hard he looked at me. Stop flirting with her! I said through mind link. I'm not flirting I simply smiled at her. He said back I rolled my eyes. "Can I have pancakes, with bacon, and scrambled eggs with cheese and apple juice as my drink." I said she nodded and scribbled down the order. She looked at Reece and said he wanted the same things as me minus the apple juice. He changed it to orange juice. "I'll be back with your drinks." She said as took the menu. "Thank you." Reece said and shot her another smile. I rolled my eyes so far back into my head I'm pretty sure I saw my brain.
"I'm just being nice, love relax." He said grabbing my hand that rested on the table. The girl came back with our drinks and left again. "Well stop being nice. I don't like how you're making her blush just by smiling. No one else is suppose to-" I was ranting and he leaned across the table and pressed his lips to mine. All the emotions toward that girl and about everything washed away. I grabbed his tie and pulled him closer, I didn't want the kiss to ever stop. His lips were like a breath of fresh air, like when your first open a chocolate bar and eat the first piece. So soft and it makes you feel warm inside. I heard someone clear their throat I pulled away slowly. He looked deep into my eyes, searching through my soul. He smirked and pecked my lips again. "Sorry to interrupt, here's your food." The waitress said than set our food down. "Thank you." I said smiling. I was really happy, Reece was smiling the whole time. We talked and ate, when we were done, we paid well Reece did and we left. We made it, and walked into school. We held hands, the whole way to first period. Girls would look at him and like throw cat calls at him. And I would say "So are you blind? Do you not see him holding my hand?" And we would keep it moving. "We don't have this class together but I'll see you 3rd period, okay love?" He said looking down at me. "Yeah 3rd period, I'll miss you." I said laughing. "I'll miss you more love, don't let boys talk to you. You curve them if they do." He said "Same goes for you playboy." I said he chuckled. "Playboy?" He asked "You're popular among the ladies." I said shrugging. "Go to class before you be late." I added. He nodded and kissed my forehead, I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. The bell signaling to get to class. "Bye." I said "Bye love." He said than jogged to class. I walked into class and the teacher looked up at me along with everyone else. "Ahh you must me Siana lively." He said I heard a few gasps. I looked around confused. "Yes that's me." I said "Your father is well know around here, he is still ruthless like he use to be?" The teacher asked "I do not know what you mean." I said "Oh sorry than, have a seat next to Simone." He said a girl a little darker than me raised her hand. She was so pretty, I went and sat next to her. "Hi I'm Simone." She said "Hi I'm Siana." I said back pulling out my notebook from my purse. "I didn't know hunter lively is your dad." She said "Yeah he and my mom adopted me when I really little. Best parents ever." I said she smiled. "You're pretty." She said I was shocked by this. "Thank you, you are too." I said smiling. "I didn't know werewolves go here." I added whispering. "Yeah not a lot, I'm a wolf. Half these people in the school are clueless." She explained. "Simone, Siana pay attention please." The teacher said we nodded and sat up a little. "Some people in this school are a racist so be aware, I'm dad's mixed and my mom she's white. So I was raised to love everyone. I come from a good background." She said I looked at her when she said racist. "I might have to hurt someone if they wanna throw some words around." I said she laughed slightly. "Trust and believe I almost to run it up with a few people, but my mate was there to stop me." She said "Ooo I heard mate, what's his name?" I asked as I started taking down the Chemistry notes. "Dominic, everyone calls him Dom for short." She said writing down the notes herself. "How about you anyone special?" She asked and nudged me when I started smiling. I blushed when I thought about Reece. "Ooh so there is is someone special.." she said giggling. "Yeah his name is Reece, I call him playboy because has of today he's popular among the ladies." I said "So is Dom, like they know he's taken. So like why are you trying? Do you want to get beat up?" She said I laughed a little to loud because all the girls turned toward me. "Uh hi." I said they turned around some rolled their eyes. "You should sit with me and dom at lunch. You're really cool." She said "Thanks. You are too. We are going to be good friends. I can tell." I said "Yeah I need a girl friend. Dom gets weirded out a little when I talk to him about my period." She said I snickered. "Me and Reece just found each other the day, we were having a huge party." I said "He didn't look at me at first, I was like Siana you find your mate and he doesn't look at you nice going." I said "Real charming." Simone said sarcastically causing me to laugh again. We did our work and the bell rang after a while. Me and Simone had next class together too. I was walking through the hall and saw Reece with some guy talking. "That's Reece." I said pointing he heard his name and looked around the crowd. I was shoved past and, I tripped over someone foot. I let out a little scream. "Watch it darkie." They shot out at me. "What they just say?" I asked Simone. "Don't worry about it." She said I heard footsteps than saw Reese. "You okay love?" He asked helping me up. "I'm fine, I just got shoved." I said he looked pissed. "By who?" He asked "No one don't worry about it." I said picking up my books and stuff. "Reese this is my friend Simone." I said introducing her. "Hello Simone, it's nice to meet you." He said shaking her hand. "Nice to meet the oh so famous Reese." She said looked at me. They let go and I laughed. "Whatever." I said "Yo Reece!" I heard someone call his name. It was the guy he was talking to before I was shoved. He pushed through the crowd. "Dom?" Simone said "Babe!" He said walking over to her. He picked her up and spun her around. She laughed as he set her down. "Dom meet Siana and I'm guessing you know Reese." She said hugging his waist. The crowd in the hallway started to get smaller. "Nice to meet you, she talked about you non stop." I said shaking his hand. Reese wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I let go. "Someone missed me." He said Simone blushed. "Kinda." She said "Reese what class do you have next?" Dom asked "I got history." He said "Me and Simone have found tech." I said "So do I." Dom added Reese pouted. "Aw is the playboy sad he doesn't have any classes with his friends?" I teased looking at him. "Shut it, I'll just get it changed." He said "Get to class!" A teacher yelled that was walking toward us. "Yeah get to class!" I said to Reese. I was pulled from under his arm by Simone. "See ya later playboy!" I yelled as we ran to class before we were late. "See ya later love." He called back with a smile on his face. I giggled and we got to class. I sat down next to Dom, I liked him he was goofy and silly. Perfect for Simone's serious and hard personality. "Okay class. Today-" Mrs. J started talking. "Watch this." Dom said "Dom no." Simone said "Babe we are just having a little fun." He said than threw a piece of paper at the teacher it hit her right in the head. I fell off my stool and onto the ground laughing. "Ms. lively, if you find that amusing than go sit in the office laughing." She said "I'm not the only one laughing." I said getting serious. Dom and Simone were laughing. "I don't care, office now." She said "Not unless you're sending the whole class." I said getting back into my stool. "She's right. That's unfair." Someone said I threw up the peace sign to them, they threw it up back. "Well I can't send the whole class, that was out of line Ms. lively don't let it happen again." She said "Roget that." I said she nodded and went back to the lesson. "Bitch." Simone said. I punched Dom's arm. Simone did the same. "Ow stop." He whined. "You almost got her sent to the office! On her first day! Her parents would beat her ass!" Simone told Dom. He shrugged. "Sorry." He said I laughed and shook my head. Private school can't be that bad, not with friends like these in my classes. *** We all sat in the courtyard, talking and eating lunch. The courtyard was beautiful, I could see why people sit out here. Me and Reece walked over to the fountain and sat down. Simone had to tell Dom something, me and Reece decided to give them some space. "Dom and Simone are really cool. I like them." I said to Reece. "I like them too." He said looking at me. I was looking at the windows and saw people in classes. "Alright y'all can come back over." Dom said I got up. "You have stuff on butt." Reece said "Well get it off." I said trying to get it off myself. He started wiping my butt off. "There." He said "Thanks." I said than started walking back to Dom and Simone. I felt him slap my butt, I turned to him. He bit his lip and winked I rolled my eyes smirking a little. I grabbed his hand "Keep your hands to yourself." I said as we walked back to the table. "And if I don't want to?" He said lowly in my ear as he grabbed my waist. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. Siana you are at school, you will not feed into him. I told myself "Reese stop." I said pulling his hands away from my waist. "Why?" He whined I turned toward him. I kissed his jawline "Because we are in school." I said than walked away. "So if we were out of school would it be different?" He asked I laughed as I sat at the table. "Maybe." I said as he sat next to me again. Simone and Dom smiled at us. "Y'all are cute, you little horny mofos." Simone said I screamed and covered my ears. "I hate that word." I said "Horny?" Dom asked I squeaked and nodded my head. "Why?" Reese asked I let my ears go. "It's just so weird." I said "You're weird." Simone said "Look who's talking." I said she laughed. I smiled shaking my head, this school year is going to be fun.