Siana'a pov
School starts soon! Yay! No. I walked downstairs after I got my life together. "Hey familia." I said "Morning love bug." Mom and dad both said at the same time. "So school is starting, where am I going?" I asked grabbing a apple. "Private school." Dad said "Is it an all Caucasian people going there?" I asked trying so hard not to sound disrespectful. "No honey there will be other melanin people there." Mom said shaking her head. "Oh and Reece is going to be there love bug." Dad said I groaned and drop to the floor. I heard footsteps and saw my mom and dad peeking over the counter. "Tell us what happened now." Mom said I groaned again and got up. I started telling them what happened they simply laughed at me. "It's not funny, he left without saying goodbye. And that makes me mad." I said "Well school starts next week, here's 150 and the keys to the coop. Have fun." Dad said handing me the keys and money. "Thanks daddio." I said hugging him. "You're welcome, oh and don't forget to clean the attic." He added as I walked out the room. I groaned because I forgot about it. "Okay I'll do it when I get back." I called out as I went upstairs grabbed my shoes and a hat. I left out the front door and got in the coop. I drove to the mall and got some clothes that I need. I got a text phone my mom saying that I can't wear regular clothes, I have to wear a uniform and how they already sent it off and will be to the house by Monday. I have to wear a uniform?! I wanna go to a public school now. I bought some little boots and than went to get some food from the food court. I went to get in line but ran into someone. "Hey watch-" I said but looked up and saw Reece. I rolled my eyes and went to walk around him. He grabbed my arm sending sparks through me. "Are you still mad?" He asked I snatched my arm away from him. "I'm pissed that you left and didn't say goodbye..hi can I have a number 4 no tomatoes." I said angrily to him but smiled at the girl taking my order. "Would what you like to drink?" She asked "A water please." I said she nodded and told me my total. I went to hand her the money but Reece beat me to it. "I can pay for my own food!" I hissed and shoved past him. You're probably like why is she being so rude to him. Let's say you're "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" gets a text from some random person than leaves without a goodbye or I'm leaving! That's very sus! "Thank you." I said as I took the bag from the lady. I grabbed some sauces and went to a table. Reece followed me and sat down. "Reece go away." I said even though i didn't want him too. "No we need to talk about this." He said pulling out his food and so did I. "There is nothing to talk about." I said "Look I'm soon to be alpha and you soon to be luna, we can't let little things like this get between us." He said shit that's right. He's going to be the alpha of his pack and I luna! His parents are going to be pissed lol I don't care. "Next time I'll say I'm leaving or bye when I'm about to leave does that make you feel better?" He asked eating some of his Chinese food while I ate my chick-fil-a. "No not really, it's still weird that person was texting you." I said shrugging. "I deleted the message." He said he said pulling out his phone. He showed me and sure enough it wasn't there. I even scrolled to make sure. "Okay." I said giving it back. "So you aren't mad anymore?" He asked I shook my head no. "Nope." I said eating some fries. Normally girls would eat all proper in front of a boy but lol not me. I don't care, if I'm hungry I'm going to eat. "So did your parents tell you about the private school?" He asked I nodded. "Yeah they did." I said licking my fingers. Reece laughed "What?" I asked looking at him. "You're cute when you eat." He said I covered my face and blushed. "I am not cute when I eat." I said wiping my fingers on a napkin. "Sí muy hermosa mi amor." He said in Spanish causing me to blush more, he sounded so sexy when he talking in Spanish. "Eres tan encantador." I said back he smiled. "Are you ready for school?" He asked "No, because I don't like school." I said "This is our last year love, I'll pick you up Monday morning be ready." He said "Okay. I'll be ready. When do we get our schedules?" I asked "This week end they mailed them out already." He said i wanted to try his food. "Can I have some?" I asked. "Didn't you just eat your own food?" He asked "Yeah but I'm still hungry." I whined. "Here." He said handing me his fork. I took it and ate some of his food. It was good, he smiled and I grinned. School will be fun, Reece gave me his number and told me to call him later on. Of course I called him later, I had to that's my hubby. Don't tell him I said that.