Siana's pov
I woke up after having a nightmare about my real parents coming here and killing my adoptive parents. I had to make sure it wasn't real or a premonition. I quickly slid out of my Reece's arms and sprinted to my parents room, I didn't even bother knocking I walked inside and saw them sleeping. I ran over to their bed and shook dad. I started crying when he wouldn't wake up, I shook mom now too. "I swear if you guys are dead, you need to come to life and love me. Mom I'm hungry." I said crying. "Wake up!" I yelled at them, my voice cracked. "Why are you yelling?" I heard a gentle voice say. I looked and saw my mom waking up. I launched myself over dad and hugged moms neck. "Mommy.." I cried she held me tightly. "What's going on?" I heard dad mumble has sat got up. Men are very heavy sleepers and mom soon as she hears a noise she's up. She must be really tired, that's the only time she sleeps heavy like this. "She had the nightmare again." Mom said softly as she stroked my cheek. Dad mumbled something like "Not again." Mom pulled me into her lap so I wasn't so much on my dad. I was to big to be in her lap but neither one of us cared. My legs were laying across dad, he looked at me with his tired old eyes and smiled softly. "We're okay love bug, we aren't going anywhere." He said "I's just scary." I said mom wiped away a few tears and kissed my temple. There was a knock on the door and I smelled Reece. "Yes Reece?" Mom asked "I was wondering what was wrong? I heard Siana crying, is she okay?" He asked from the hallway. When he said my name it made my stomach do flips, and butterflies surge around my stomach. That's the first time he actually said my name, that I know of. He always calls me love. "She's fine, she just had a nightmare." Mom responded dad was falling asleep sitting up. I laughed and got up. "Goodnight." I said than kissed his cheek, I kissed moms cheek too and said a goodnight. I closed the door behind me and walked back to my room. Before I got there , I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was pulled into a closet. "It's me Reece!" I heard him say as I started hitting him. "You scared me." I said lightly hitting his arm. "Sorry but look." He said and pulled out his phone. It was in the messages and one of the text said. "Hey daddy ??" i looked up at Reece. "I swear love it's not what you think." He said I grabbed the phone and sent back. "Who is this ?" I hopped up on one of the shelves. "Reece, how did they get your number?" I asked "I don't know, I was just going back to the room and it popped up." He said I can't even get mad, he's not mine. Well he is mine, but I can't do anything we aren't dating. Yes you can, tell me to stop texting me. When they see the word girlfriend they'll stop. Reece thought to me. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I nodded and started texting this person. "This is his girlfriend and you should stop texting him before we have some serious problems." I sent it and handed Reece back his phone. I hopped off the shelf and started walking back downstairs. "You aren't mad are you?" He asked is shook my head, I mean yeah I'm mad not oh my god why you blah blah it's more like jealously. "To be honest with you it's more like jealousy." I said as we cam into the kitchen. "You shouldn't be love, I'm yours no one else can have my heart. Only you." He said walking over to me. "If you say so." I said shrugging. "You're mad." He said "No I'm not it's just, I don't like it." I said as I started making myself some cereal. I didn't want to talk about it anymore, I think he caught that because he left the room and headed upstairs. I ate my cereal than went upstairs too, Reece was no where to be found. His scent led to the window. That bastard left without a goodbye! We gotta run it! I'm slapping him next time we see each other, when ever that will be. He needs to stop playing games with me.