Siana's pov
I rolled over and felt nothing next to me. Reece was gone and now I'm semi-lonely. I got up and turned the big screen off and put the couch back. It was cold, so I took the blanket with me. I saw my parents in the kitchen like yesterday. "GOODMORNING!" I yelled smiling. Mom jumped and dad spilled the coffee on himself. "FUCKING HELL!" Dad yelled as it burned through his shirt. "Goodmorning." Mom said softly as she handed dad a napkin. "Sorry.." I said Mom and dad seemed weird this morning they aren't talking to each other. I examined my mom from a distant. I looked at dad, something was definitely up. "Are you guys going to send me back to the adoption home?" I asked Mom dropped the plate she had in her hand, it shattered as it hit the floor. Dad choked on his food and spilled his coffee again. "No love bug we would never do that!" Mom said as she came over. Dad sighed and stood up he came over to me too. "Are you guys fighting than?" I asked sadly I hated it when they fight. "We did, last night. We wasn't on the best terms last night. You're dad wanted to keep you grounded while I didn't. He said that you don't get enough punishment." Mom explained. "I do get punishment.." I said looking at dad. "Key words not enough." He said "But I lowered it to just this week. You only have 3 days, you're welcome." Dad said "Really?" I asked excitement in my voice. "Yes love bug." He said I hugged him, I grabbed mom too. "Group hug." I said smiling. They laughed and hugged me back, they kissed my head or my forehead. We all pulled away and mom started cleaning up the pieces of shattered plate off the ground. "Reece left you this." Dad said and pulled some paper out his pocket. I took it more like snatched it from him. " didn't read it did you?" I asked looking at him. "No I didn't, he said it was for you so it's for you." He said as he sat back down at the table, his white shirt stained for coffee. I left the room after I excused myself than went upstairs to my room.
Dearest Siana,
I've told my parents about you, they don't approve. They hate your pack and the people in it, as of myself I think You're pretty cool. So are your parents. I don't care what they have to say, you're my mate. You're the one for me and they can't keep me away from you. Leave your window open tonight, I'll stop by and visit.
His parents hate my pack? They don't approve of me?! They haven't even met me! I folded the paper violently. If only I wasn't grounded I would show them a piece of my mind and fist. I sat in my room and started doing random stuff. I wasted like 2 hours by making little paper people and doing some poetry. It was dark now and time for dinner. We all ate and chanted about our day. "I can't be grounded again, I have nothing else to do. I'll be good! Can I please get off punishment? I'll do anything!" I said "Clean the attic?" Dad questioned raising his eyebrow. The attic was filled with stuff and would take me forever to clean. "Yes! I'll clean the attic if you take me off punishment!" I said dad looked at mom and they were taking through mind link. "Fine, if you clean the attic your off punishment." Dad said I squealed. "Yess!" I said throwing my hands in the air. They laughed at me, I finished eating than got up and skipped into the kitchen. I rinsed my dish "Goodnight love you guys." I said blowing kisses at them. "Goodnight honey." Mom said "Goodnight love bug, we love you too." Dad replied as I went upstairs. I waved to Bruce the guard who nodded and stood guard by the dinning room where my parents were. I went into my room and plopped on my bed. I sighed and slid under my covers I was tired. "Don't forget your meds." I heard moms voice call from my door. I told her okay and got up, I walked into the bathroom. I pulled my hair into a bun and pulled open my medicine cabinet, I take meds. I have anxiety sometimes and because of what my parents did to me when I was little made me a little let's say paranoid. If I don't take my meds I have let's say panic attacks. Some days I don't need them others I do it's weird. I grabbed my glass cup that sat near the sink and filled it with tap water. I took the spill and swallowed it than drunk down the water. I went back into my room and laid down. I had to get up and turn the light out, but kept the closet light on and cracked. There was s knock on my door. "Who is it?" I said rolling over to face the door. "It's pops." Dad said I laughed. "Come in pops." I said the door opened and my dad peeked inside. "Just checking up on ya, take your meds?" He asked "Yes dad I did, mom reminded me." I said he nodded than looked at my closet seeing the light was on. "Love bug they can't get you here, you know that right? You're safe." He said stepping into my room. I sighed and closed my eyes. "I know, it's just.." I said I felt him sit next to me. "It's okay, I know." He said brushing back my baby hairs. "Try to sleep." He added I nodded. He kissed my head than got up and left. I laid there for what seemed like hours, Reece seemed like he would never come. But finally when I heard little knocks on the window I knew it was him. I got up and walked to the window, it was raining? I lifted my window up and let him in. His scent hit my nose, it like walking outside on a sunny day and smelling flowers instantly. "I didn't know it was raining." I said closing the window and locking it. "It just started." He said pulling down his hood. "Mind if I take my stuff of?" He asked "Sure." I said sitting in my bay window. He walked into the closet and took off his jacket along with his shoes. He naturally turned the light off. "No! Turn it back on!" I said standing up quickly. "Oh sorry, I didn't know you." He said stepped out of the closet and toward me. "Yeah it's a child hood thing." I said as I relaxed and sat back down on the bay window. Reece joined me, I looked out the window. "When I was little my parents weren't so nice, my dad would lock me in the closet in the dark and my mom would drown me." I said I laughed slightly. Funny telling someone this, he must think I sound crazy. I shook my head "Now that I'm grown up, I'm still afraid of the dark and hate baths and deep water." I said "You're adopted?" He asked "Yeah." I said pulling my knees to my chest. I saw a flash of lightening and the rumble of thunder in the distance time to get away from the window. "I afraid of thunder storms." I said yelping as I saw a flash of lightening. I got up and and ran over to my huge bed and jumped in. Reece chuckled at this. "Thunder can't hurt you love." He said walking over to the bed. I patted a spot next to me and he climbed in. I had jeans on and they weren't comfortable, I quickly got up and ran into the closet pulled out some shorts. I changed into them and ran back to bed. I jumped and landed on top of Reece purposely, he groaned. I smiled down at him, he beamed. He turned a little so he was on his back, I straddled his waist. He reached up and cupped my cheek gently. Sparks shot through me, I leaned into his touch. "You're so beautiful.." he said "Pssh whatever." I said knowing my face was red, I rolled my eyes. "Show me your pearly whites." He said brushing his thumb on my cheek. I shook my head trying not to smile, I'm a goofy person. "Smile for me love." He cooed I shook my head again and squeaked when he started tickling my sides. I started laughing, I fell off of him and onto the bed. He got on top of me and started tickling me more. I was laughing so hard I was crying. "Smile, and I'll stop." He said moving his hands directly on my stomach and tickling me. I burst out laughing and smiled really big. "There it is." He said stopping. I had to catch my breath, he smiled down at me as I was still laughing a little. I perched myself up in my elbows and looked up at him. He leaned down and I continued to look up at him. "Can I-" he went to say. "Kiss me?" I said finishing for him. He nodded. "Go for it." I said blushing and smiling softly. He went to kiss me but we both stopped, when we heard footsteps.Reece quickly got off of me and laid next to me like he was sleeping. I rolled over so I was laying on my side facing the door. I heard my door creak open "I told you he was here, i smelled him. Mothers know." I heard mom said I smiled slightly and let out a sigh. Reece rolled over and let his arm hand loosely around my waist. "He better watch his hands." Dad hissed "Go away.." I mumbled as I pretended to be sleep. "Okay sorry." Mom whispered than closed the door. I heard them walk away. I sat up and Reece was actually sleeping. How? Boys I tell you. I grabbed his face and leaned down, he opened his eyes slightly than grabbed my arm. He pulled me down toward him a little more. Before I could speak, his lips were mine. Butterflies swarmed my stomach, all senses were lost. I was on cloud 10 not 9 but 10. My heart beat sped up a little but it slowed down. His lips were soft like velvet, and he tasted like strawberries, I love strawberries. I pulled away slowly, I instantly missed the feeling of his lips on mine. I wonder if he missed mine too. "I do." He said. I looked at him confused, he chuckled. "Mind link." He said "We have that?" I asked he nodded. "We do, all mates have it, love." He said I laid next to him. "Tell me more about it tomorrow." I said resting my head on his chest. "We aren't going to talk about they kiss?" He asked "It was a 10, amazing." I said than I closed my eyes and went to sleep.