"I'm sorry, I'm late" that was third time in a week I hear HER say that. Does this girl
realize our class starts at 7:30 in the morning not 8 or 8:30??
I know I’m being too overreacting, but I really am not the ones that wastes time. I better
be too early or on time than be late, I’ve learned that since grade school, being the leader of all
programs and activities, discipline in time is an utmost priority.
This girl just can't have a week of classes without being late!
"She doesn't live within the city, that's why." Annie whispered to my right ear. I am not
aware of what she was saying.
Oh, did I say that out loud????
"yep!" she replied popping the P. Annie has always been a nosy one. She was so friendly
that almost all of the people in the room were her friends. Including Celine.
Celine, what a lovely name.
"If she lives away from the city, why hasn't she considered moving here? I bet that would
be more fun. you know being away from your parents and all."
I laughed at what I said because that's what exactly I feel.
"I don't know. Let's try to talk to her during break, yeah?"
I just nod but felt a little nervous at the thought of talking to Celine. Why? I always talk
with everyone. weird.
- - - -
"heyyy guys!" Annie approached Celine's circle of friends. I'm not dumb to now know
them. Celine is at the center of their table, together with Jane, Ashley and Sue. Annie was part of
her circle too.
They exchange Hi and Hellos. Both Gideon and I sit with them bringing our lunch with
"Hey Max!" Celine address me. I smile and for a second I don’t know what to reply. I
think I am just struck because we don’t have any interactions before and her voice is so soothing,
I want that voice to call me everytime—
Dammit, Maxine!!
You've exchanged Hi and hellos to other students here, just say something!!! I mentally
scold myself.
"h-hey!" I replied. I barely talked to her, I realized that. I've talked to ger friends in the
morning and after class in the afternoon. Not her. Because she's always late and goes early after
class. Now that I am close to her, I noticed how long her lashes are, she has these big eyes that
screams beauty and a cute nose match with a plump lip. I also had the chance to listen as she
talked and laughed carelessly, and I find it amusing. Seeing that she didn't care for what she
looks like, not that she is ugly but the other way around. She is so natural... and intriguing.
We spent our lunch together, joking around and gossiping like what usual teenagers do.
We talked about our places too, I've learned that Celine's parents disapproved of her living her in
the city and because she always had meetings at their church. A religious one, huh.
Oh! Did I mentioned that I sat facing Celine and I caught her looking at me more than
once? Did I make her uncomfortable? Because I am.
- - - - -
Months have passed. My academic standing is better and I gain more friends. Heck, I
socialize more as much as I can. I can't go out with my books and I can't gossip with my papers
so might as well be friends with everyone.
After that lunch, we always joined them for 3 months now. More like our circle of friends
got bigger.