I am currently in our English Lit class but my mind still wondered on what I overheard
the last day. I knew many people who are gay but why does it intrigue me knowing that Celine
may be into girls.
I was pulled from my thoughts when the chair next to me move and someone sit on it.
Looking up, I see Celine sitting in the seat and giving me a small smile.
Before I could ask any questions, I’ve noticed that all our classmates were grouped into
"We're partners for this report" she said and smiled at me one more time. Our teacher
gives us a piece of paper on what we will be working on next week. Celine had the paper and I
instinctively moved my chair closer to her. And only for a moment, her hand graze mine sending
electric currents through my body. Seeing her flinched makes me think she felt it too.
There is an awkward silence between us. We focus both on the instruction of our teacher
of when and how to do our reports and that our seating arrangement will remain by the end of the
year... Oh crap!
I looked over my shoulder to see her and was caught off guard when I caught her looking
at me. We both laughed awkwardly, yes, it is indeed awkward.
But being brave, I started the talk.
"So.." I trailed off, wow that’s being brave Max huh. "..will we do this in the library after
class or.."
She finished my sentence by saying…
"I hate libraries, can we do this at my place? I mean, it’s a ten minute-walk from here. Is
your place nearby?" She asked
"no, your place would be great." I smiled and focused my attention at the front
School finished at five in the afternoon but i still have something to do at my club so I
told her to just wait for me and she agreed.
"will wait for your downstairs, yeah?" she asked while fixing her things on her pink
"yes, be there in 30"
After 30 or 40 minutes I spotted her to engrossed playing something on her phone.
"aah!!" she squealed "you btch!! I almost had a heart attack!" she said holding her chest
"I'm sorry" I began laughing "but you should see your face" I still laugh while she just
glared at me.
She walked past me rapidly and I run after her, worrying I may offend her or what.
"heyyy! I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I stopped when I almost bumped at her. She stop by a
food cart, I did not notice we were out of the campus already.
"Buy me 5 squid balls and a chocolate drink" she ordered with a pout. How adorable. She
was pointing on the food cart that were full of different finger foods, there were many choices of
food and it seems delicious too.
"but--" I didn't finish my sentence anymore when she pouts at me once again while
holding my hand, there's that electric current again. I can feel it tingling from my fingers
travelling to my whole body. I instantly pull my hand off of her grasp and just nodded.
"yesss!" She fists bump in the air and jump gullibly
We arrived at her apartment the moment we finished our food. The cool wind of
September makes me nostalgic. I looked at her while she's busy finding her key, the blows a little
of her hair but she still looks beautiful. I can smell her lavender scent and it make me want to
hug her, I can find calmness just by her scent.
"hey, get in" She said leading me to her room
The place is quite big for one person. The walls are painted white and other things are
mostly in black. A mixture of white and black will you see as an overall of the place. I did not
expect her room to be this... clean. Not that I judge her but seeing her being so carefree at school
makes me think she's the type of girl who messes with everything on earth.
After an hour and a half of brainstorming and weighing everything for our report, we had
come out with a plan and sort things out already. We will just start then will finish it off,
everything was all set. We talked about certain things too not only our projects. We both are into
politics, and art but she's more into music and science. I on the other hand is more on poetry.
And i am quite amused on her way of thinking. She seemed to know what she's doing. She may
not seem to boastful of her intelligence but damn, this girl has a brilliant mind and its a major
turn on for me. Intelligence is sexy.
We were on our way outside; it was already eight in the evening and I decided to go
home. We exchanged our goodbyes but I was startled when she hugged me, her scent lingers
through my nostrils giving me that calmness once again all the stress and exhaustion I’ve been
feeling the whole day disappear just like that.
"Take care Max. See you tomorrow." she said giving me a smile.
There is something in her that makes me do things I’ve never done before and it scares
me much as it excites me. and I don't know why.