Celine hold me closer to her, I can feel her scent and her face was just inches away from
me. She smirked and snaked her hands on my neck pulling me closer for a kissed. I respond to
her kiss as sloppy as it is. She bit my bottom lip and I gave her what she wanted. I was so into
our kiss and I instinctively push my front to hers and I can feel my groin starting to ached from
the anticipation. I kissed my way to her neck, biting and sucking "ahhhh" I hear her moan from
what I did this caused me to leave a mark at her flawless neck but I suddenly felt something that
is pulling me away from her and then a loud noise was starting to ached my ear..
I jolted from my bed, shutting off my alarm and feeling the wetness down there.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FCK!? Forgive for I have sinned.
Why the hell am I dreaming about those things. I shake my head to erase all the thoughts.
My alarm went off again signaling that there was only 30 minutes left before class starts. I
jumped out of bed and get ready.
As soon as I got dressed with my uniform, I ran out of my door and wait for my ride.
Upon arriving at the school my thoughts were still all over the dream I had earlier. Seeing
Celine entering the room doesn't help as well.
"Max.. what's with the long face?" Gideon asked as soon as I take my seat
"woke up in the wrong side of the bed?" Annie added
More like woke up wet.
I pursed my lip and settle with an I'm Fine reply. They just both nodded and a student
enter our room informing us the whole morning class will be free because there will be an
emergency meeting for the faculty and staff. Great! Just great!
Cheer erupted from the class. And I just slumped down still trying to think how my bed
feels under me.
I hear Gideon and Annie planning on where to go for the morning and I just don’t care
until they call out my name.
"Max, let's go. A No answer isn't allowed. "
"I was just going to ask where" I said
Celine laugh beside me, not noticing she'd come with us with some of her friends too.We
were at the Mall's Cinema. We decided to watch Annabelle even though most of us were afraid
but where's the fun if we would not try it right?
I sat at the side of the cinema then surprisingly Celine took the seat next to me followed
by Gideon, Annie, Jane, Ashley and Sue. I got popcorn and a drink while Celine got herself
chips. We started to watched the movie and they all flinched, I, on the other hand just laugh all
the time.
"hey!" I playfully slap Celine hands as I feel her slipped her hands unto my popcorn
"what!? hahaha I just wanna have some" she laughed and I can see her pout even though
its dark here. "fine" I replied giving her my popcorn. I feel giddy of the idea that we’d share
"yay!" she said as she put her head on my shoulder, I instantly froze at the sudden
contact. I am aware of the weird sensation I feel every time her skin comes in contact with mine
and THAT DREAM was still vivid in my mind. God.
I look over my shoulder and I saw Annie giving me a knowing look. a mouthed a What
and she replied with her mouth pointing to our position. Yeah, I know. I just shrugged. I feel
Celine tensed every time there would be a horrific scene. I feel myself laughing at her actions.
"Don't be scared. It won't come out the screen" I whispered to her, scenting her amazing
scent, the scent that makes me want to be close to her more.
"hold me" what?
"hold my hand. I'm scared" she whispered back, frightened is evident from her voice.
I hold her hand and boy, I feel that weird feeling again. We both hold hands until the end
of the movie. When the movie finished, we all decided to skip class since there will be just one
class left, might as well enjoy our day here.
We just went through every store in the mall and buy something that caught our interests.
we decided to go to the arcade for our last stop. Some of us went to them at the Dancing machine
to dance while Gideon and Jane went to the shooting booth. I on the other hand, wanted to play
basketball so I got my coins and look for that machine where you shoot balls and win tickets.
"mind if I join?" I am currently playing when Celine got one ball from the machine and
shoot it but she missed. "no" I said shooting the ball earning a point, she laughed. "why?" I asked
"you play basketball, pretty good huh? You're small to be a player though" she said laughing and
looking me up and down, or is she checking me out? No. Quit your imagination, Max! "judging
the book by its cover, are we? I just play for fun. I'm not those who play for competition."
"No. Just messing around you" she said while laughing at me, her eyes lit up every time
she laughed. "you play sports in junior high?" I asked inquisitively, I want to know about her
more. "Volleyball and running"
"that's where you got that body of yours"
"what about it?"
"you're sexy"
"n..nothing" you are so sexyyyy I just want to say that to her but it seemed to be
inappropriate since we were not so close. And she may misinterpret it, I don’t want to sound
creepy too.
The whole day was fun though I wanted it to be just Celine and I. I don't know but
whenever I'm with her, I feel like I don’t need to hide my scars. I feel like I am exposed to her,
that I don’t need to pretend to be that oh-so-perfect type of a person. That I can be myself
whenever I’m with her.
But my walls are still at it.