I never wake up with an alarm clock beside me. I wake up at the sound of my mom
shouting for the nth time to get us get up and prepare for school. But now is different. I excitedly
fix my bed and turn to my drawer to decide what I’m going to choose to wear today.
It's my first day as a senior high school student!!
You could probably see the excitement there.
I settled with a black pants and black shirt, putting everything on my backpack. See, i
came from the province and it wasn't my first time in the city but twas my first time exploring
alone these busy streets and noisy hallways.
I never missed to eat breakfast. That gives me energy for the whole day.
As I entered the gate, flocks of students came into my view. Students who seem popular
and rich, the geeks, the loners and emos. Oh! and don't forget the couples that were both hugging
each other as if we have snow at this time of the year, June.
It was hot, at least for me.
Different faces I’ve seen and I could tell they have their own stories to tell. Well, let me
tell you something about me.
I'm Max, 17, probably not your oh-so-typical teenager. I graduated high school with
flying colors, but for the record, I’m not into books and I’m not into studying too much I just felt
like i need to pas-- well, that's a lie... I was so used to recognitions, to activities that gives me
more knowledge and honed my skills, I love joining camps and social groups. I mean, it's a need
to establish some pride for yourself in this time. So yeah, I am too engrossed to study here so I
can be a better version of myself.
The sound of the bell brings me to my consciousness. The principal had given some
instructions but I was too busy finding some familiar faces I’ve seen from the camps I get to join
"you're in a different class!?" an exasperated voice speaks from my side. Well, I’m not a loner.
Four of us from my old high school moved here as well.
I faced Julia and gives a small smile.
"yes, but we'll be still seeing each other most of the time. Your room is just five rooms
away from mine." I reassured her.
I've known Julia since freshmen year, she's also one of my churchmates along with
Amber, Cj and Cris. Amber and Julia have the same class together as well as Cj and Cris.
"we'll have to meet up at the canteen at around 12, yeah?" Amber chirped and we all nod
and part ways as I find my homeroom. The room i will be in for the next two years of my life.
I go with the mob while a student probably my age is leading us the way. I've done my
research about the place and all so I just go with the flow, when someone pinch my side.
"heeeey! You're here!!" I looked up and see who it was and i recognized him to be one of
my friends outside school. Gideon. He looked thin but good enough. His smile grew as he
noticed I was eyeing him.
"You do remember me, right?" he asks bewildered.
"Of course, I do. Who am I to forget that smart boy who always finds his way to let his
excellent thoughts out?" I remarked. That's true. Gideon is one hella competitive guy. And that's
what I liked about him, he's gay too and I don't have any issue with that. I find it comfortable
with these people.
"Hahaha your little smart ass and your smart mouth. So, hope we have the same class"
He said giving me his schedule.
And was I so lucky I have him in all of my classes. I got to make more friends, i laughed
at my own thoughts but it excites me.
The day went by just listening to people speaking and some of them instructing us on the
guidelines and regulations of the school, which I am aware of already.
Tomorrow will be the start of the class and I need to have a good rest now.