1 year and a half later. Io 16 yrs. old.
Io's P. O. V
Io. Io. Don't you wanna play with us. We want you so badly. Lexi and Dereck are both naked as new-born babes. Lexi is kissing Dereck hungrily on the lips, while Dereck pants like a bitch in heat, drool is escaping from the sides of his mouth. Both their erections are at full attention, dripping with precum. The sweat on their bodies looked liked dewdrops off a wild leave. This is so hot. "we know it turns you on ". they both said at the same time. I felt my pants tighter at the front, so painful. They both started to walk to towards me with a predatory look in their eyes. "why won't you play with us huh". Lexi says in my ear, while putting his hands around my waist. "don't you wanna cum iolani". Dereck says while placing his lips on mines. Oh fuck this is so hot,. "Io. Io. Io. Oh. Iiiiiiii...........
Beep. Beep. Beep. Shitty. Not again. Not afucking gain. I raised up as fast as lightning running straight for the bathroom, shedding my sleeping clothes I hopped in the shower to take a cold bath. This is the millionth time, I've woken up with a hard on from my dream about my dads. This is ridiculous. I hate when this happens, but as I've said it happens a lot, I just don't like that I have to face them after sinning like this. It makes me feel so guilty. Just like jacking off to your best friends photo. So ewwww. Having enough of the cold water I made my way to the sink and gave my mouth a quick brush and proceeded to my bedroom. After fixing myself for school I made my way downstairs, laughter was the first thing I heard outside the kitchen. "oh Lexi, not in the kitchen". I'm sure that's Dereck said. "awwwww come on no one's here". Lexi replied. Oh yeah no Ones here. Before they got more into their heated session I decided to show my face. I don't know why I felt so jealous of them, I wanna find someone I can kiss and hug and the full works. Clearing my throat I walked in, sitting by the island the two, still oblivious of my presence. " Mmmmmmm good morning ". I said quietly. "Lexi stop Io's here “Dereck said pushing him off. "Sorry you had to witness that so early". Lexi said fixing his clothes that were all ruffled. While he fixed I noticed that his stomach was showing a little, his abs were on display. I stared so hard I think I was weirding him out. "uhhhhhhhhh are you okay baby you're spacing out again". Dereck said snapping me out of my shameless staring. Thank gods for the spacing out. "so what do you want for breakfast?". Lexi asked me. "I'll settle for cereal. I said. The both of them turned at the same time, one getting the bowl the other the cereal and milk. Their like waiters or something pfftttt. I just stared, theirs bodies were to die for especially Lexi. He had that jock type bad boy body. While Dereck had the swimmer boy type built. But I don't mind having someone with both those features. Remind me again why I'm checking out my dads. Whatevs allot of people do that right?. "Here you go love "Lexi said. "do you want us to pick you up after school or can you manage by yourself any things fine ok". I know I'm old enough to get home on my own, but I just like their company. They make me feel, like I'm a gem. I feel complete in their presence, but don't tell anyone.
"Helloooooooo is anyone up the Queen has appeared bow before me bitches" the most irritating voice said. "Jenna it is to early for this "I said to my best friend. "watch the language while you're at it to ma'am and good morning by the way "Lexi said. "good morning mister Monroe, misses Monroe ". Jenna said snickering, so she like refer to Dereck as a women, seeing how he is the bottom in the relationship. "good morning to you to Jenna". Dereck stated.
"well kids we've got work to do, see you later k baby". Lexi said kissing me on the forehead while Dereck settle for a kiss on my cheek". "I will ". I said blushing furiously. I watched as they made their way up the stairs and out of sight.
"Man you are so whipped ". Jenna said. While holding her mouth to stop her boisterous laugh from being heard. "I'm not, you bitch ". I said.
"PLEASE spare me the deets, you’ve have gots the hots for your Dads hun, don't deny it I see the goo goo eyes you look at them with". Jenna continued to say. "it's not healthy Io, you've got to tell them". She said. Yeah I might have a crush on my dads, but I'm not gonna jeopardize the relationship I have with them now. I don't even know what it is I feel for them. They took me from a tough spot. "I don't have a crush on them Jenna, just drop it before we're late for school ". I said in a no none sense voice. "OK okay no need to be bitchy". She whined. We walked out the door, but not before me yelling out to dad and mom that I was out. Yes I call Dereck mom and dad.
By the time we made it to school it was already time to head to class, sad thing is Jenna's locker isn't close to mines. "Io I'll see you at lunch okay ". Jenna said. While giving me a big hug before running down the hall way and disappearing. "OK I'll see you.... ". I trailed off, she didn't even give me time to respond. All alone again huh. I got my books from my locker and straight to class I went. Let's see what subject do I have first. Urrrrrggghhhhhhh why Pre Cal. Well let's get this over with.
Knocking on the door I entered upon hearing the teacher answered. "Mr Monroe you're late don't make it happen again, take you're seat". So much for not getting grilled. I took a seat by the window and pulled out my notebook and just focused on what Mr jazz was saying. Teeeheeeee Mr jazz, I wonder if he likes jazz, that's such a weird surname for someone to have. Why Mr jazz. "Ioooooooooo. Ioooooooooo. ". Huh is someone calling me?. Then came a loud. Bang!!! Bang!!!! Bang!!!!!. " I suggest you pay attention in my class or you would likely be spending ,after school in detention is that clear Mr Monroe ". " Yes sir". I said. He's so scary.
Precal came and went physics came and went, and now I'm in my way to meet Jenna and the rest of the gang. Walking to the cafeteria I spotted them right away. " hurry up slowpoke!!!". Jamie said. Jamie was the second person to talk to me when I first came to the clover field High. I was about to get dumped in a bin and he saved me after that it just went smoothly. Plus I don't think anyone with a good head on his shoulders would challenge someone a whole lot bigger than them. "I'm coming I’m coming ". I said whispering. When I reached Jenna was digging in her food while China and Marley were quarrelling about something. Quick detail. China and Marley are both guys. "So you guys heard about the party this weekend". Marley piped up. Party ?what party. I thought. This boy and his info. Don't know how he gets them so quickly " what party Man are you throwing one ". China adds. "No, but the school slut is ". He said. " Man what did you do to get an invitation though". Jamie said laughing, everyone knows that Marley is a whore. I took out a book reading quietly to myself not paying them any mind. " Man I didn't do anything, but she wants me I can see it in her eyes she wants the D". Marley said. "A grandma could watch you and you'll say the same thing ". China shot at back him. " What about you Io, are you going?, maybe you can look for a sexy boy toy". Jamie said giving me the wink eye. "Or are you still crushing on those sexy dads of yours? ". I almost choked on air and gave Jenna the stink eye. " Haha hahaha wth Io you like your dads" China said trying hard not to laugh. " I....... I..... Don't that's untrue ". I said trying to lie and blushing at the same time. "Awww www our baby has a crush. Omg". Marley said. Huh so the cat's out the bag. " guys can you just drop the topic I don't have the energy for it ". I stated. " OK OK we'll drop it for now, but in a serious note you've got to go the party ". They start, now my friends are gonna spend the rest of this lunch convincing me to waste my time on a stupid party. They don't know I rather be home watching Lexi's sexy ass or Dereck’s curvy body. " No I'm not going and that's final". I retorted. Hmm why is it so quiet, I looked up to my friends and they indeed had wicked smiles on their faces. " OK then Io, but what would the Monroe’s says if they know their son was having filthy dreams about them huh". that was Jenna. The bitch had the balls to black mail me. Mwahahhahahaha, she doesn't know that's not gonna work on me. “Go right ahead bitch I dare you ". I stated. She pulled out her phone and punched in numbers, holy moly she's gonna do it. " Helloooooooo? Jenna is Io alright what's the matter ". I heard my mom's voice come on and I started to panic. " OK OK I'll go I'll go Jesus fucking Christ don't tell". I whispered shout. " Sorry Mrs Monroe wrong number, yeah he's fine, OK I will byeeee ". She cuts off and gives me a triumphant smile. " So you’re going, we'll pick you up k hunz". China said smiling. Why are my friends so manipulative.
The bell rang and soon it was time to go back to class, I had P. E with China and Marley. We all said ,Later, to Jenna
until we met up , after school and headed for out respective classes. " So there's this guy in the next class, that's so hot, I think he likes me ". China said. I watched him with a curious eye. China is a really awesome guy with a huge build just like Jamie he's a boxer. Dimples, Black hair blue electric eyes, he's eye candy but not my type. " So are you gonna make a move or scare him off like cruella De ville". Marley asks. China has this issue where if a guy or girl likes him and comes up to him, he scares them off with a glare that could cut a man's head off. I feel so sorry for the person on the receiving end. " What's the point in acting interesting if you're gonna scare him off ". I asked China. “Well......that’s the point ,it's fun". He said. Completely serious. Well I got my answer.
P. E consisted of running and doing squats and all that tiring business. By the time class was over I was ready to reach home and sleep on my bed. Making out way to the showers, I waited for everyone to leave, but I forgot Marley and China were with me. " So are you just gonna stand their and watch like a weirdo?, or take a shower? ". Marley asked me while stripping his t-shirt and shorts. Wow he's so ripped. I stared shamelessly. " Like what you see cutey". He said. " Want to give him a show". China asked. Not hiding the freaky side he had. “Oh oh this is bad” . Sure! let's do it, so he can add it to his list of does ". Marley said winking at me.
They both started kissing one another aggressively, biting and nipping. Marley started backing China into the shower. While he turned it on . China was up against the wall while Marley, was sucking on his neck. Pants and groans were heard and let me tell you it sent a shiver down my spine and a heat straight to my crotch. China started to stroke Marley's cock, while they grinded on one another. Is this how Lexi and Dereck feel when their doing it. Does it feel so good. I asked myself. Why was I bringing them into this. I saw China take his index finger and pushed inside Marley's entrance and he moaned and groaned. Wow their so good. When they both came, I also did on myself. Embarrassed was and understatement for how I felt. I just placed my palms over my face to hide how I felt. " a www www hub don't feel embarrassed that's natural " Marley said coming towards me. I came on myself, so shameful. "yeah he's right you'll experience those things, just give it time ". China said. " wait have you ever kissed anyone ". China asked. " wait on second thought don't answer that I already know ". Wth, I glared how does he know I've never kissed anyone, I've kissed lots of people. Lexi and Dereck, on the cheek. I’m so pathetic. The next thing I wasn't ready for was a toe curling, cock raising, tongue twirling kiss from China. It was the most pleasant feeling I have ever had. " well that's two things to add now ". Marley said. My friends are so weird.
School ended and I waited for mom and dad to pick me up. Only Dereck pulled up to the curb and I hopped in. " hey hun how was your day". Mom asked me. " it was alright, where's dad?. I asked. " well Lexi’s home asleep". " OK". I said quietly. " Is something wrong love, you're awfully quiet". Mom said. Maybe this can be the time to tell him how I feel about them. But what if they send me back. Huh. It's so frustrating. "I'm fine just tired is all". I replied. The rest of the ride was spent with me checking out mom and maybe getting caught to.
When we reached home, while mom parked the car I made my way inside. On my way up the stairs, not watching where I was going I slammed into Lexi in his towel, some reflexes he had cause he grabbed me around the waist before hitting the floor. " Wow are you OK love, hurt anywhere ". He asked. I was to busy blushing to answered him. " I'll take you're silence as a no". Man I'm gonna get a heart attack some day.
When he left I went to my room and laid down. Fuck I was so tired. I just started thinking about Lexi and Dereck the situation I’m in. How am I gonna solve this problem. Maybe I can get a boyfriend. Yes that's gonna help. I don't see them accepting any other form of love from me other than, how a son should love his parents. What do I do with this feeling. It's getting stronger day by day. How they interact with each. Finish each other's sentences, how Lexi licks his lips, the mole at the side if his right eye. Or Dereck's morning voice, or how he kisses me on the forehead. Oh how it sends shivers all over my body. Tomorrow I'm gonna look for a bf. Just like that I feel asleep. In between I heard I was being called for dinner but I didn't respond to tired.