Waking up to the smell of urine and cigarettes was always the first thing, that would greet Io on early mornings, the unnecessary yelling of the housemother, the bickering of the senior kids over chores, and the additional screeching of the mischievous toddlers. Yet this always puts a smile on his, for this means he has lived to see another day. To welcome new found opportunities.
" Io!! Get up. You lazy son of a bloody whore, watcha think I'm running? a motel, this place isn't gonna get fixed by itself, get up you lazy sleaze bag!! ". My housemother yells loudly enough to wake up the angels in heaven. Ready? ready for what? I asked myself. Hmm guess it's time to leave my comfy sanctuary and start this troublesome day. Sighing, I walk to the bathroom and take a glance at the man or should I say kid in the mirror. Short, salt and pepper curls, mismatched eyes, colours of the loveliest Caribbean Sea and the sky on the cloudiest day. And don't forget every teenagers worst nightmare, Acne!!. Like the rain, spoiling the joy of a sunny day. It can make the most confident person, esteem low in a matter of minutes. I stopped spacing out about my facial faults and proceeded to get my bathroom rituals done. After quickly rushing out the shower, from my biggest fear the (cold water). I walk to my matchbox of a wardrobe and picked out some clothes. Fit for a hobo on a happy day.
"Well now that I'm all ready, let’s see what has the housemother actually doing her job" Io said to himself. On his way down he is met with the bustling of the children in the home. Cleaning, mopping, dusting the and actually trying to bring the colour of the godforsaken home, and that could only mean one thing. Io thought. Adoption Day. The day the kids always try to act like their blood related and not always trying to kill each other, like their the most precious angels on the face of the earth. Io snickers to himself at the thought of his housemother acting all gooey and mushy like she actually gives a damn about them, and not the big fat check she'll collect. He is brought out of his thought by Chandler, one of the older boys also living there. Inwardly groaning to himself he turns to face him. "Io help yourself to cleaning the washrooms, Mrs Akamin (the housemother) says the folks will be here by 10 o clock on the dot". He says rather obnoxiously. "AYE AYE sir, on the toilet duty sir. I nod faster. Io always thought Chandler was scary, but getting to know the lad had shared the light on many things about him. For instance his huge build is the only thing intimidating about him, and that looks can very much be deceiving.
"I hate toilet duty. Io thought says to himself. Of all the things to do cleaning toilets, well at least, it'll be one lean mean clean machine ". He laughs to himself.
********** *******************************
1 hour later
Finished all finished. I though to myself, while my mind is occupied with the people who might be on there way here right now." please Christ above. Please let someone adopt me today, that's all I ask a chance to be in a stable home". I pray while clasping my hands tightly and closing my eyes. I take a look at the banged up unknown watch on my hands and decided it's close to the time, to go out there to meet all those future parents. Doing a recheck of my appearance in the mirror and not liking what I see. I quickly ruffle my Hair and made sure to cover one of my eye with the long bang in front of my face. Don't want the parents being freaked out, might risk the chances of getting out of here. When I made my presence known I was shocked to see both he older kids and younger ones sitting waiting patiently. I swiftly took a seat and waited for the appointed time.
Not more than a minute passed and people started to pile, from the average looking Joe's, to the walking 100 dollar bill couples. Even some sex couple a made their way in the mix. Suddenly the place started to get heated And a thought came to mind, that this is the pressure you feel when being adopted. Having to compete against the kids you've maybe known all your life, everyman for themselves, who can be cuter, who’s smarter. The younger you are the higher the percentage of you being adopted. What the heck best just to sit back and wait no sense in being all cute and cuddly. Just as relaxing sounded like a good idea, the evil witch of the West decided to open her yap. "Hello good day everyone I'm Ms Akamin, she says sounded sickly sweet. The caretaker of all these lovely kids, so let's get right to the point. There are 30 kids here ranging from toddlers to teens, you may take a look and interact with any kid or kids of your choosing. You future parents will be given 15 minutes of alone time with said kid. Please note documents are already signed by the orphanage foundation that only needs your signature if adopting on the spot. That's all I wanted to say please enjoy and I wish you the best in choosing ". She finished looking rather happy for whatever reason, even to the point of being creepy.
Minutes have passed and I'm just sitting there like a big log. Along with Chandler and a few of the older ones kids. It's kind of sad because I already know they might not get adopted. Their gonna live out the rest of the their lives in this home, maybe leave, get a job or end up in a not so happy place. Or I can also be wrong and they end up being millionaires.
Who I am kidding?, with this brave face and broad smile, these people are looking for the adorable ones. He thought.
Being completely oblivious to the couple advancing his .