Paxton Flynn
"Why do you keep looking at that one spot on your note?" Percy asked being a busy body as he lifted dumbbells.
"None of your business." I snapped closing the note and throwing it to the far end of my bed. I was rerere-reading Sebastian's note to me today. I think I've mastered every curve there is to his handwriting just from looking at it too much.
"What's got your boxers in a twist?" Percy asked smiling a knowing smile and showing off as he switched dumbbells to a heavier one.
I watched him. My little brother was having more muscles than me. That's no surprise because he exercised daily and went for morning jogs. I, on the other hand did nothing. My only form of exercise was riding my bicycle. That's stressful enough as it is. I wonder how Sebastian's muscles would look. He surely had them, I could see the outline of his abs and biceps through his clothes. They'll definitely be a feat to see and touch...
I was brought out of my thoughts when a pillow slammed right into my face. I glared at Percy, "what's wrong with you?!"
He smiled, "I don't do incest, stop staring at me like that. If my hotness is too much for you, I'll go stay with Tricia."
"Shut up, idiot." I threw the pillow back at him. "And I wasn't staring at you, that's disgusting. Who do you think I am?"
"A horny sex deprived gay dude."
That's it! I pounced on Percy tackling him to the ground. We both struggled and struggled and finally I had him pinned in an uncomfortable position.
"Boys, mind yourself up there!" My dad yelled from downstairs.
"Sure." I answered back and Percy tapped the floor three times in defeat. I released him and he got up with a huff.
"That'll be the last time I lose to you." He said determined as he increased his weights.
"Don't over exert yourself." I warned going downstairs for a drink. My brother is so right though, I am a horny sex deprived gay dude. I can't remember the last time I kissed a guy. Oh wait, I can. Another one of my big mistakes in life.
And now the only guy on my mind is Sebastian. A kiss from him would probably taste like strawberry, that seems to be his favourite gum flavour. And I'd be removing the pink colour - placed there by his chewing gum - off his lips. That'll be wonderful. I think Sebastian Crown is gonna be a great kisser and great everything too.
I felt my boxers tightening around me and when I looked down my eyes widened. "Shit shit shit." I cussed running back upstairs and into the bathroom before any of my family- God forbid, Tricia- sees me.
I need to get laid.
"Sebastian!" Ryder called out, causing a fry to get stuck in my throat. Ryder smiled her evil smile as she got off her seat. "Sebastian!"
"Take it easy man." Landon said hitting my back to stop me from choking. I coughed the fry out and swallowed some water.
"What's Ryder doing?" I asked eye wide, too afraid to look back.
Landon looked up narrowing his eyes, "linking arms with Sebastian Crown."
"Why the fudge is she doing that?"
"I think she's bringing him over to seat with us." Landon said.
"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh."
"Ok don't freak out, much. She is bringing him over here." He said before I had the time to flee, they were already in front of me.
"Hi guys, I brought Sebastian over to have lunch with us. Isn't that great?" Ryder asked in an extra chirpy voice avoiding eye contact with me.
"Welcome man," Landon said and I snapped my eyes up to him, he just shrugged in response.
"Ok, sit here." Ryder said sitting Sebastian right next to me and then Landon, then herself.
"I'm making Flynn uncomfortable." Sebastian said getting up.
"No no, Paxton doesn't mind. Not at all." Ryder said, I glared at her and she focused her eye on the pie in front of her.
"So... Sandwich huh?" Landon said trying to start up a conversation in the awkward silence.
"This is useless," I said getting up the seat. "I'm going to class."
"But we still have 15 minutes!" Ryder called after me.
"I've got to revise." I said walking out of the cafeteria. I'm not mad at Sebastian, its just too awkward. I can't make eye contact and having him close to me in class is enough heart trouble as it is. I just want to stay away before I get overwhelmed by all this feelings.
"Hey," someone jumping up in front of me and making me bump myself into them. I took a step back, looking up from my lashes to see, Sebastian peering down at me.
"Um... hey?"
"You should finish your lunch, I won't sit there anymore." He says.
"What's left of my lunch is already in the trash." I say to him.
"Then I'll get you a new one?"
"I'm filled up Sebastian, why are you here?" I ask crossing my arms in front of me.
He scowled then shrugged about to leave but he stopped again. "How's your lip?"
"Healed up."
"Cool," he said walking away and running his hand through his tousled dark hair. I did same before making my way into chem class.
I did revise, for the next 15 minutes and when Mr Stuart and the other students arrived, I was more than ready for the practical we were to do. Mr Stuart instructed us on what to do and gave us the limited time required for it. It was a qualitative analysis and it should be easy.
I haven't said two words to Sebastian since the class started and I planned to keep it. I was good at working alone anyway.
"Let me help." Sebastian said speaking up for the first time. He has been looking at me and he seemed fascinated by the pipette.
"No, thank you." I answered concentrating in what I was doing. just the right about of acid...
"I wanna help, I wasn't asking. We're to do this together."
I looked up at him, "together? Oh now you remember together?"
"Quiet, the both of you. Work with your hands not mouth." Mr Stuart warned glaring at us, the moment his eyes lowered back to his book, Sebastian spoke up again.
"What do you mean by that?"
"All this time, you've been chewing your gum while I do the work and now you want to help? You didn't think of that when you walked out of the class yesterday, leaving me all alone?" I whispered harshly at him.
"I left because it was obvious as daylight that you didn't want me here." He countered, "not after your lip injury."
"I wouldn't have died, so quit the excuse. You walked out the other day too, what's your excuse?"
"For the last time, shut up, both of you." Mr Stuart warned again.
"Let me make up for it then?" He said.
"It's Paxton!"
"Whatever," he said reaching for my note book.
"No," I said pulling my book back but in the process, my elbow hit the beaker with rolled down taking the pipette with it.
The smash silenced the whole class and everybody turned to us. Mr Stuart looked at the mess and fixing us with the most stern look ever, he said the four words I never thought I'd hear.
"To the principal, now!"