Paxton Flynn
"It was a nightmare!" I wailed face palming.
"I know. I saw everything." Landon said giving me what is supposed to be a helpful pat. "You couldn't just shut up."
"Is it more worse than me being stuck with Pamela Austin?" Ryder asked looking like she's gonna puke.
Landon and I shared a look before answering together. "Yes!"
"Oh." Ryder said and I mentally face palmed. "It's not that bad. You guys could become friends, you know. It takes time."
"Um, Ry, have you met Sebastian Crown?" Landon asked raising a brow.
"Y-yea when I was going into the Clinic and he was coming out." She said flipping her hair proudly.
Landon rolled his eyes, "I've been on the team with him and we've never said anything to each other. For three months. And don't say I don't try. I say hi to him everyday, he ignores it. I compliment him and he replies —"
"— I know." He and I complete then high fived each other.
"Tch whatever Pax gonna be the one to get him to be friends. If anyone can do it, its Pax." Ryder says quite confident.
"This Pax?" Landon asks laughing. I shove him and turn to Ryder.
"Thanks for that bestie but I seriously can't. I'm a mess around him and even I don't want to be friends with him."
"You mean you don't want to be just friends with him." She corrected and I blushed looking away. "Pax can do it."
"Ok let's get down to business then." Landon says bringing forth his pinky for a bet. "A 100."
"A 100?" Ryder asked taken aback by the amount to money, she surely couldn't afford. I looked at Landon wondering where his brain ran off to.
"Yeah Pax can do it so, a 100." Landon said smirking.
Ryder looked at me sighed and looked back at Landon. "When they shake hands and smile before exams, you pay up. When I don't, I will."
"Deal." They linked Pinkys and shook hands.
"I can't believe you guys just made a bet on me, in front of me." I say running a hand through my hair. "I'm going home. Bye.
"Bye Pax." They both said and we all separated. I walked to the bicycle section under the tree, Landon walked to his car and Ryder made her way over to the bus.
What a day.
"I'm home." I shout removing my backpack as I entered our warm abode that smelled like the woods and food.
"Oh how lovely Paxton, should I pop a cannon in celebration?" Percy asked coming out of the kitchen and faking an accent.
My junior brother Percy Flynn, named after the great Percy Jackson and just because of that he sees himself as a god. Yep, my annoying little brother is as stuck up as the lead cheerleader in every Cliché book and did I mention annoying?
"Shut up," I say shoving pass him. He laughs following me into the kitchen.
"I don't see the need to announce your arrival every time you come home. Its pointless, childish and nobody does that anymore."
"I do." I see my dad bent down to remove something from the oven. "Hey Dad."
He looks up and smiles when he sees me. "Hey, how you doing?"
I chuckle, he's distracted by whatever it is he's baking this time. And when he bring it out, I see that it's brownies. I lick my lips immediately reaching out for one. "I'm fine, but I'll be better with this."
Dad slaps my hand away, "Don't you dare. This is dessert and are you planning on eating with such a dirty hand?" He looks at me like I deserved to be fried for attempting to commit such an offense. "Go go go, get out of here both of you."
Percy and I sigh together. "Yes dad." We turn around to go and Percy reveals two stolen brownies. Giving one to me as we hurry upstairs to our room.
When he's not being a jerk, he can be really cool and fun.
"Guess what happened to me today Pax." Percy says hopping up on top his bed.
I saw a foreign cloth on my bed that clearly doesn't belong to me and when I lift it up, its Percy's boxers. I fling it to his face. "Broke another record in the gaming world?"
"No, not yet. I just broke my last one yesterday, the excitement isn't even gone yet. I know I'm a genius but even us need rest." He says throwing the boxer to the floor, thankfully on his own side.
I rolled my eyes, "Ok then, is it about a girl?'
He grinned and I chuckled. I know that grin anywhere. " Janis Tetrazzini?"
"Yes Yes Pax, you got it." He exclaimed and I'm like, 'I didn't even guess yet.' "Janis kissed me today, out of the blue. Gave me her number and told me to call her. I'm like the most loved guy in school right know, you should see me."
"I am seeing you." I say finishing up my Brownie. "Why did she do that?
"Because she's finally seeing me for the awesome guy that I am. Reciprocation of feelings Pax, I've loved her since forever." He sighed falling on the bed dreamingly.
That I can agree on. "Well congrats, are you gonna call her?"
"Duh but that gonna be late in the evening. There's something romantic about the dark." He says smirking to himself. "Well what about you, anything exciting other than good grades?"
"Not really," I thought hard and the bubblegum chewing egoist was conjured up by my mind. "I was paired with Sebastian Crown for the rest of the year, in chemistry class. Nothing exciting there."
"Then why did you mention it?" Percy asked teasing me. "You're paired with the Sebastian Crown? That boy has all the girls in school crushing over him. Even the Asians that I thought were cool are all 'oppa this, oppa that' its annoying. And he's your crush too... wait does that mean he's gay?"
"I don't know Percy. I think he's not." Percy gives me a confused look and I turn around prepared to take a quick nap, "it's just a misplaced crush."
"Anyway, best of luck bro. Some of my good charms would rub off on you soon." He says but I wasn't paying attention anymore.
When I awoke from my quick nap, dad and Percy were already setting up the table for dinner and Tricia was back from the babysitters, running up and down like the four year old she is. I was about to help out at the table but Dad and Percy had everything under control so I settled with keeping my hyper little sister in place.
We heard the rustling of keys by the door and soon the door opened up to reveal someone that put a smile on all our faces.
"Mum!" Tricia yelled jumping off me and rushing into the hands of my obviously tired mum.
"Patty my love, how are you?" Mum asked lifting Tricia off the floor.
"I'm super." She yelled then burst into a fit of giggles. Then as if knowing Mum deserved an explanation, she turned to Dad pointing an accusing finger. "Daddy gave me brownies."
Mum shot dad a disapproving look and he raised his hands up in surrender. "I thought they'd wear off before dinner." He watched her run off, "they didn't."
Percy and I watched Tricia climb up the table and jump off. Percy caught her in time and we shared a look. "Hash brownies?"
"Tommy!" Mum yelled eye wide.
"No, no. Normal brownies, I swear." He glared at us and we burst out.
"You boys too big to give mum a hug?" Mum asked and Percy and I fell into her embrace, only to come off a second later.
"You reek of pills." I complained.
"Not a hugger." Percy complained and mum fixed us a look that said 'wow, this ungrateful boys.'
After mum took a bath, we all sat down and had dinner together, going over our rough and easy day. Tricia was still hyper so we all watched a horror movie as she drank some chocolate drink dad made for her.
I think Dad spiked the drink with sleeping pills, not sure but he winked at me. Whatever he did worked like magic because Tricia was fast asleep minutes later and peace was restored.