Sebastian Crown
Another boring day in a really boring school. And I know that every student see school as boring but this is not the case. This school is really boring. Like boring boring.
Nothing exciting or interesting, everything and everyone were just meh. Teachers forming to know all and trying to be controlling as if teaching determines how much stamina you have in bed.
Students sticking theirselves into labels and clichés because if there's a little change the world would turn upside down and everybody's head would change position. Ugh, it's annoying.
My former school was not so different but my friends were. We were exciting, the bomb even. But my stuck up father couldn't take it anymore. The camels back broke when he found out that we redecorated the principals office. It wasn't even a big offense and we were helping the poor man. How can he not suffer from stroke when he's stuck in the same thing, and same colour for more than twenty years.
Everything in the poor man's office was red. Of all colours and he was really annoying and since we were sent into the office most of the day, we redecorated it. Sure, he had a mini heart attack after but I'm sure he secretly liked the change. After that, Dad bundled me, my mum and four sisters sending us over here to live a 'normal' life. Normal my ass.
My eyes focused on the wannabe military man that called himself a chemistry teacher. He was probably kicked out of the military school and is now stuck in a small town, small school, living the dream. I wonder what will happen if I just crow out loud like a hen. I smiled to myself, he's reaction would be worth it but my dad's own won't be.
I mentally tsked at him, rolling my eyes. What difference does a sitting chart make to the world? Without it, everybody was sitting at wherever they pleased. Grouped with whoever. We still learnt the same thing and whether this chart exist or not, many of us aren't going to carry whatever we learn here to the university environment. Its ends here, after the stupid gate.
Without the chart, students still grouped and scored the same marks. At least then some students worked with their friends and probably had fun in this fated boring class. Now he was separating friends and putting a frown on people's faces. The worst part is that, it won't last. Before this week runs out, many people must have bonded with their partners forming another friendship.
The only thing I see him succeeding in doing is creating a moody, argument filled class for at most two weeks and we probably won't learn anything. Because we're too busy trying to understand or piss off our new partners.
Its all part of the I want to make a difference bullshit. He isn't the first to come up with a sitting chart and watch it fail its purpose and he wouldn't be the last. Just teach, give your assignments and let your students live in peace. How hard is that?
"Sebastian Crown," I peaked up at the mention of my name. "And Paxton Flynn."
Who the hell is Paxton Flynn and what kind of name is that? Sounds preppy. Let me guess. Its either an insufferable jock or incorrigible nerd. Worst, both.
"Sir?" My eyes turned to the little guy by the corner who spoke and I recognized him instantly. Its the guy from maths class. The good looking guy.
Don't get me wrong I didn't recognize him only because he's good looking, I recognized him because he is good looking and different. I thought coming to this school would at least stop people especially the girls from fawning over me but no it didn't. They still did. Everywhere. I got people looking at me, talking to me, winking at me, jumping to sit with me. Its flattering but tiring. I know so many people would love that but I don't. I really just want to be on my own.
So my point is, only this little guy for the first time in history didn't want to sit with me. And it's not because I kissed his girlfriend or broke his nose. I don't think we've even meet before. I would surely remember a face like that. He didn't want to sit with me and after some girl refused to switch, he switched with another girl that freaked me out all through maths class. That single act made him interesting.
"You didn't hear me Mr Flynn?" The boy nodded. "I said your seat mate is Sebastian Crown. Now switch seats immediately."
"But Sir," he started and I paused from packing my bag, narrowing my eyes at him curiously. "I-I work alone. I've always worked alone, I don't need a partner."
Wannabe solider narrowed his eyes at him, not liking the interruption one bit. "You'll work better with a partner and you have one now whether you like or not."
"Put then we'll be uneven." He spoke out desperately and I smirked, he's got guts. And he really doesn't like me.
The teacher crossed his hands, daring him to come up with another excuse as he replied. "We've got a transfer student. We are uneven with you working alone."
He looked around desperately and when our eyes met, I winked. He turned back to the teacher red and looking like he is close to a panic attack. "Then can't it be another person?"
"No Mr Flynn, go to your seat or give up this class right away." The teacher barked marking an end to the excuses. I picked up my bag and moved to the assigned seat. Soon the little guy joined me.
I think I could hear his heart beating, I'm not completely sure. He was looking at everywhere else but me. What's with him? I chewed on my gum and blew it. He winced. And I smirked. Something tells me I'm gonna start looking forward to chemistry classes.
"Um... Hi, I'm Paxton Flynn." He introduced finally breaking and tired of the silence.
"I know. Cool name." I said turning to look down at him. He wasn't so short but at 6" I was taller.
"T-Thanks. Your name is cool too. S-Suits you." He stuttered.
"I know." I replied and he gulped deciding to remain silent.
A minute later.
"So Chemistry eh? Do you love this subject or what? I mean what's not to like, its mixing chemicals and all. Magical." He said nodding with a smile. I didn't respond.
"My other seat by the window, from where I use to work alone, it's really airy and sometimes when I'm working--"
Oh, I know now. He's the I'm nervous, I can't shut up guy. I wonder what's to be nervous about. Its not as if I've ever murdered someone.
Not yet.