Paxton Flynn
I spent all of lunch period in the library. I'd forgotten to write an essay and unless I wanted to drop drastically in my grade, I had to submit this immediately after Chemistry period, before Miss Joan starts teaching her students.
How could I forget such an assignment? I had my lunch with me in my bag but anytime I reached to eat it, my eyes would go up to the poster where 'No Eating In The Library' is posted and I'll remember strict Hansen the librarian and then I can't do it anymore.
After the bell went off, I delayed for two minutes to read through my work before bundling myself up to Chem class. The first person I saw as soon as I entered was Sebastian Crown, he was already on our seat, looking at the pipette intensely. I sighed, another day then.
"Good afternoon." I said taking my seat beside him. My nostrils immediately took note of his awesome body Cologne, really nice. Must cost a lot. I risked a look at him and he was still looking at the pipette. "Uh, its a pipette."
He didn't respond and I figured he didn't hear me. "It's a pipette." He then turned to me raising a brow. "I-Its used for-- for measuring in—"
"I know." He spat at my face, making me move back a little. "I'm not that dense."
"I-I didn't think or say you were dense." I defended eye wide at the indirect accusation.
"Shut up nerd." He snapped and I gulped shutting my mouth or trying.
I resolved to removing my things out of my bag. Then I stayed quiet. I turned to Landon and he was having a conversation with his seat mate. I could tell he was flirting from his body language and smiles. Ryder was a different case, from the looks of things, she and Pamela were measuring the table and choosing sides. From the glares, I don't think it was going right.
Great, nobody is available for me to talk to or even exchange eye sighs with. What I'm I supposed to do with my life now? And where is Mr Stuart?
"Will you stop doing that?" Sebastian finally spoke startling me.
"Doing what?" I asked wondering if my alter ego is on the lose again.
"Stop tapping your foot like that and chewing on your lip." He says pointing to my knee, and my lips. He looked at me, "first one is annoying, second one is... well, annoying to. An annoying habit."
"Oh," I mouthed placing my palm on my knee to stop the annoying tap and freeing my bottom lip from between my teeth. I blinked looking up at him, "how do you know I was chewing on my lip?"
"I'm not blind." He answered straightforwardly. I wasn't satisfied with the answer but I didn't want to ask more.
"Well, those happen when I have nothing to do." I say to him, but I don't think he heard me, because he just stays silent. Next thing I know, he flips my book back and opens a Page.
"Draw a superhero." He says pointing to the book.
"On my book?" I asked eye wide.
"Yeah, I didn't bring a book or would you rather draw it on my back?" He asked and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.
On his back? Bare back or cloth clad? I blinked, I must be drunk for even thinking about that. "No and my drawing sucks."
"Go figures." He replies.
I glared at him then sighed, its no use. I like him too much, him talking to me is yet to fully register in my heart. "And I don't doodle on my books, it's wrong."
Sebastian raised a brow, "says who? Military dude?"
"Military?" I realized he was talking about Mr Stuart and I chuckled, "no, not him. I've just always thought it was wrong. Doodling can get addictive."
He huffed, "whatever, when you think you're due for a change, I recommend Batman."
I smiled, "thanks."
"For recommending Batman?" He asked raising a brow.
"For talking to me, you don't talk with anyone. And yes, for recommending Batman."
"I had to stop the annoying bounce, it worked." He said, pulling out an untouched gum.
"No no, please don't chew that now." I pleaded raising a hand up.
"What? Now you're gonna be ordering me around?"
I gulped, then looked up with surprisingly big courage. "You ordered me, it's only fair I do same."
He eyed me for seconds before placing the gum back into his pocket, nodding. "Touché."
I smiled to myself but my smile dropped when I noticed that everybody else were now working on something. Landon's eyes were narrowed together on concentration as Caroline talked while pointing at the textbook. Well, his could either be narrowed in concentration or at her boobs. I sure hope it's the former. Even Ryder and Pamela were talking at the same time looking at different textbooks.
"What's everyone doing?" I asked looking around in confusion.
Sebastian looked around too but didn't have any confused look. "Working on some classwork the military dude assigned."
"Classwork?" I jumped off my near comfortable sitting position in alarm. "Why didn't you say anything?"
He just shrugged in response and this time I glared at him. Feelings or no feelings, he's a complete jerk. "What page?"
He raised his brow at me, probably shocked at my tone. And glare. "56?" He answered warily.
I gaped at him, "is that an answer or another question?"
He smirked, "its Fifty-six, you're getting red. Is this the part where I leave before you explode?"
If its possible I glared harder mumbling to myself as I flipped open the pages. "You could have just said something. We would have been through before everybody else, now everybody else would be through before us. And if I didn't ask, you'd have just kept quiet whiling away time. Who does that?"
"Breath." He said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't touch me," I snapped recoiling away.
"Fine, be like that." He said removing the gum from his pocket and into his mouth. "You didn't ask in the first place and whatever, explode away, I'm out of here."
He walked away stopping suddenly when he was halfway through the door. "And you should probably know that he also said to finish before he's back. Which would be about three minutes from now." He smirked, "good luck."
I think I'm actually going to explode. Landon and Ryder raised their brows at me and I just shrugged, turning back to the work at hand. Now not only do I have to work alone, I have limited time left to do so.
I hate him.