New day meaning a new time to put things right, even though both Momo and Dahyun were nervous to talk other.
The 3 rich girls were at the school rooftop demanding Dahyun to apologise to Momo.
"Just tell her." Chaeyoung told her.
"I can't, I don't want her to hate me more and make things awkward."
"She's not going to hate you, she's going to hate the things about you." Tzuyu teased.
"You're not helping Tzuyu." Chaeyoung said.
Suddenly they could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. The girls braced themselves as they assumed that fangirls and fanboys were coming up.
When they got up it was just Sana and Mina.
"Hey guys." Mina waved.
"Hi Mina." Chaeyoung blushed as she waved, Tzuyu nudged her.
Sana was following Mina behind her, trying to hide herself.
"How did you find us?" Tzuyu asked.
"We saw you guys just standing here from the bottom and decided to come up." Mina replied.
"Where's Momo?" Dahyun inquired.
"She's at the dance studio, she's just practicing." Sana finally spoke.
"I've got to go." Dahyun rushed downstairs to the dance hall.
"I imagine she is going to talk to her about what happened last night." Mina said.
The two girls nodded.
"Well I'm going, I still have to find that person who wrote that letter to me." Tzuyu winked back at the two girls and walked off.
"Just tell her that it was you." Mina whispered to Sana.
"I'm too scared." Sana shook her head.
"You were the one who put it in her pocket in the first place."
"And I regretted it."
Chaeyoung stood there confused as the two girls kept rambling on.
"What are you guys talking about?"
Mina was about to say something, but Sana stopped her.
"Is it that letter that Tzuyu received?"'
Sana looked at Mina then to Chaeyoung and back to Mina.
"Yes." She said.
"I thought it would be, since I technically heard it from Dahyun."
Sana instantly hid her face in embarrassment.
"How did Dahyun know?" Mina questioned.
"She saw that Sana was putting something in Tzuyu's pocket and when the letter was found Dahyun told me that it was Sana after we read it." She explained.
"Please don't tell Tzuyu." Sana pleaded.
"Why not; don't you want Tzuyu to know it's you?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Yeah, but I don't want her to think I'm a creepy girl who gives her letter.."
The girls understood what she was saying... somehow.
"You don't want to be rejected." Mina said.
Sana nodded slowly.
They decided to go to their home room.
Dahyun quickly ran to the dance studio, she took a look inside and saw Momo dancing energetically to an English song called 'Havana'
Dahyun stood and watched, so immersed into her dance.
It may of took her a while for her to actually go in and apologised. The song finished, Dahyun took a deep breath and walked inside.
Momo instantly saw her, she grabbed her bag and headed straight for the door.
Dahyun grabbed her arm as she walked past; Momo didn't try to get out of her grip, she stood there waiting.
"I'm sorry." The pale girl let go of her arm as she spoke.
"I'm sorry for what you saw."
Momo came face to face to Dahyun and responded, "I should be sorry, I overreacted... when you joined I started to like you, in a way when any girls are near you, I felt jealous."
Dahyun felt a stern connection between her and Momo; when she saw Momo dance the first time, she had no idea what her feeling was.
The day when Momo, Sana and Mina had dance class (which was yesterday).
"I'm going." Dahyun said.
"Where?" Chaeyoung asked.
"To the dance studio to talk to Mina."
"You're not allowed to get out of class." Chaeyoung said.
"Have you noticed that teachers do not care if we're in or out of class?" Dahyun huffed and went to the door.
"Don't go for too long Chaeyoung might get jealous." Tzuyu grinned as the short girl pushed her.
Dahyun arrived at the dance studio, she decided to watch outside since someone was dancing.
Then she noticed that it wasn't any other person, but Momo.
She was immersed in her dancing, it was like she was in a hypnotic state. Suddenly she felt something that was different, she remembered seeing her the first time when they moved here.
Flashback to the end of the school year
Momo was dancing on stage, she was the last performer.
Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were at the front and two rows back were the rest of the audience, their bodyguards were standing at the side looking out for them.
Dahyun was watching Momo's performance intensely.
Her heart was beating faster on every move she did, not only she felt amazed, but a sense of connection.
She always wondered who she was.
Flashback End
"I always loved it when you dance." Dahyun spoke.
"But now I think I fell in love with you."