New school day and it was already lunchtime, the lessons before were just fine. Mina, Sana and Momo were at their favourite spot.
"I'm still hungry." Momo moaned.
"Take mine." Mina offered her food to her.
"I'm not that hungry, plus I'm going to the library."
"Why are you going to the library?" Sana asked.
"I need to study for a test that's coming up." She packed her things and went to the library.
"I always wonder what she does as her free time." Sana said.
Momo nodded whilst stuffing food in her face.
Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were in the library, it's technically their usual spot since nobody goes there or even the rooftop.
"Chaeyoung, can you give this book back in."
Dahyun pulled a book from her bag.
"Why don't you take it in yourself?"
"I'm teaching Tzuyu maths."
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and did what she was told.
As she went up to the librarian to return the book, she saw someone familiar.
'Is that Mina?' She asked herself.
She closer and it was Mina.
'Okay Chae, you can do this, just talk to her.'
She took a deep breath and had the courage to walk up to her.
"Mina?" She said.
The girl turned around to face her.
"Hi Chaeyoung, is there something you need?" Mina said politely, but inside she knew she kind of hate that she's in this situation.
"I know we've just met, but I want to get to know you since we're sitting next to each other in our Home room."
'I know I don't like her...but she's kind of nice.'
Mina thought.
"I'll start talking to you, but when nobody is looking at us."
"I'll find a way." Chaeyoung smiled and Mina smiled back.
"Is she troubling you?" A voice asked.
"Not at all Dahyun, she's just talking to me." Mina replied.
"That's hard to believe, she can't talk to beautiful girls." Dahyun teased Chaeyoung.
"Dahyun!" Chaeyoung nudged her to stop.
"You think I'm pretty?" Mina asked Chaeyoung, but she stood there frozen on the spot.
"See, can't talk to beautiful girls."
Chaeyoung got so embarrassed that she pulled Dahyun away.
'She's cute when she's flustered... wait what am I doing?' Mina then went back to her studying.
"What's your problem?" Chaeyoung angrily said.
"I was only joking." Dahyun smiled cheekily.
"That was embarrassing."
"Yeah it was." Tzuyu held her phone up.
"I took a video of it."
Chaeyoung sighed and sat back down.
"At least she's going to talk to you." Dahyun tried to cheer her up.
Momo was minding her own business, until she saw Sana writing a letter to someone.
"What are you writing?" Momo was puzzled what she was looking at.
"I'm writing a letter to Tzuyu." She answered.
"Can I read it?" Momo took the paper from her and read it out loud, it reads:
When I first saw you my heart started to beat faster,
I couldn't seem to get you out of my mind,
I don't care if you are a millionaire,
I know you are a caring person inside.
"Wow Sana, that's touching, when are you planning to give to her?"
"I'm going to leave it in her pocket." Sana sealed the letter in an sealed envelope with Tzuyu's name on the back of it.
"But she won't know it's going to be by you." "That's the point, I'm not going to tell her."
It was the last lesson of the school day, there were back in the class room.
Dahyun started to talk to Momo as Chaeyoung did say to talk to her, Mina and Chaeyoung seem to get along a bit better as they were discussing their traits with each other.
On the other hand, Sana is trying to put her letter in Tzuyu's pocket.
She was rethinking if she should do it or not, she kept hesitating.
"You can do it." Momo cheered her on.
'Just dropped it in.' Sana thought to herself.
At last, she dropped it in. She felt accomplished and had a little celebration with Momo.
Little did they know Dahyun was watching the whole time.
While Sana accomplished what she's going to do, Mina and Chaeyoung got to know each other better.
The bell rang making the other students leave in a hurry.
"I had fun." Mina said.
"Me too, it's good to talk to you." Chaeyoung spoke before leaving with her friends.
"You seem to get along." Momo said.
"And Sana seems to be happy."
Sana squealed with happiness.
"Another good school day." Tzuyu jumped onto her bed.
"It was." Chaeyoung blushed.
"My baby cub is talking to her crush." Dahyun squeezed her cheeks.
"I thought you have your self defence lessons." Tzuyu said.
"I'm free today." Chaeyoung replied.
Tzuyu stood up and hung up her blazer on her wardrobe, then something fell out.
"What's this?"
Chaeyoung picked it up.
"It's like a letter for you."
Inside Dahyun knew who it was from, but she acted she has no idea.
Chaeyoung opened it and read it out loud.
"When I first saw you my heart started to beat faster, I couldn't seem to get you out of my mind, I don't care if you are a millionaire,
I know you are a warm-hearted person inside.
Tzuyu took the letter from her.
"This person has good handwriting." Dahyun pointed it out whilst looking over.
"Must be another crazy fangirl." Chaeyoung shrugged.
"No, I've never got a letter like this." Tzuyu was still immersed, she never took her eyes off of it.
"It's a change for someone to write you a letter and not barge into your house." Dahyun joked.
'Who is this?' Tzuyu thought.