Their usual classes start today and MiSaMo had Dance on their schedule.
"Okay class, we'll get started in a moment." Their teacher said.
The girls were stretching together.
"Momo, you're up first to perform." The teacher told her and she nodded.
Momo choreographed her own dance and practiced everyday during the summer.
"Go Momo, hwaiting." Sana cheered her on.
She was dancing to Pentatonix acapella, Ariana Grande—Problem.
Her performance was the best, students were immersed into her dancing. She looked stunning each move was full of passion.
As she ended, the whole class clapped for her.
"Well done Momo." The teacher smiled at her.
A clap came from the door, it was Dahyun.
She had a friendly smile at Momo, which she melted inside.
"Ms Kim, didn't expect you here."
"I wanted to talk to someone."
The students began to crowd around her, Momo's heart was beating rapidly than before.
Dahyun pushed through the crowd to get to Mina.
"Can I talk to you?" Mina followed Dahyun to one side.
Momo felt something inside, mixed emotions.
"Momo?" Sana was about to continue, but she walked out of the room before she could finish.
"You wanted to talk to me?"
"Do you still have my necklace?" Dahyun asked.
Mina took the necklace off around her neck.
"You were always losing stuff." Mina teased her.
"Thanks, don't forget about today." Dahyun waved goodbye.
"I won't." Mina said to herself.
"Momo, what's wrong?" Sana asked almost out of breath.
"Nothing is wrong." Momo replied.
They went to the girls bathroom.
"I know something is up, is it Dahyun?"
Momo grasped the sink tight.
"I said nothing is wrong, leave me alone." Momo left the bathroom, leaving Sana alone.
"She'll be fine." A voice said.
"She'll get over it soon." Tzuyu spoke as she entered the bathroom.
"I didn't know y-you were l-listening." Sana stuttered.
Tzuyu smiled at her as she washed her hands, "I just came in at the wrong time, I'll see you around squirrel."
Sana felt flustered and was about to faint.
'I wasn't dreaming... was I?'
"Where are those two imbeciles?" Chaeyoung tapped her pencil on the table impatiently.
She was in science, she sat together with Dahyun and Tzuyu since they are doing a group experiment.
In the nick of time, Tzuyu came back.
"Now you're here, where's Dahyun?" Chaeyoung asked.
"She went to find Mina." She replied.
"Of course." Chaeyoung said and leant on the desk.
Tzuyu smirked, "Are you jealous?"
Chaeyoung was taken aback from what she said, "W-What... no."
"Sure, I saw your face when Dahyun talked to Mina." She teased her.
"I was not."
Tzuyu clearly see that she was lying.
"Whatever you say, Chae."
Whenever Tzuyu went up to go somewhere she kept checking people's writing, Chaeyoung saw this and felt suspicious.
"Why do you keep looking at people's work?" Chaeyoung said puzzled.
"I'm eager to know who wrote that letter." She said whilst looking around the room again.
There was silence in the room until a voice was shouting outside.
Chaeyoung checked to see what was happening.
"Tzuyu, I think that's one of your girlfriends."
Tzuyu came to look.
"It's SinB."
"Wasn't she your new girlfriend?"
"Used to be now." Then she went back to her seat.
"I will never understand you." Chaeyoung shook her head.
For the whole day it was fine, each of the girls had a good day. Now it's time that Mina went to Dahyun's house.
She told her friends that she's going to meet someone.
They arrived at Dahyun's house, as they walked in Mina felt some nostalgia.
"I forgot how it's like to be in a rich person's house."
"It's been a couple of years since I came back here."
They went to the living room and sat down to talk.
"Why did you want me to come here?" Mina queried.
"I want catch up with you." Dahyun said.
"What's there to catch up, I frequently text you when you were gone."
"I know, I want your thoughts about Chaeyoung."
There was a small pause.
"Okay, Chaeyoung sounds like a smart and nice girl, though there's something a bit off with her."
"Do you think you would date her?" Dahyun raised her eyebrow.
"I don't know, she's a nice and precious type, I thought she would be more self centred." Mina explained.
"Chaeyoung isn't like that, you'll know if you get to know her better." Dahyun said.
"Don't worry, I have."
"I'm not suppose to tell you this, but she kind of has a thing for you." Dahyun smirked.
"I've noticed when I first saw her face when I bumped into her." Mina laughed in return.
"Speaking of getting to know people better, I want to know something."
Mina was listening.
"How do I get someone to like me?" She asked willingly.
"It starts off with your personality, your love for them and maybe some physical contact." Mina answered.
Dahyun stood up, "Show me some physical contact."
Mina stood face to face with her.
"First, look them in the eye, grab them by the waist or around the neck." She continued. "Then get closed to them and maybe you'll be brave enough to give them a kiss.
Their eyes locked in place, Mina smiled at Dahyun.
Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door.
Momo was looking through the window, she saw Mina and Dahyun sitting on the sofa talking.
'And I thought I could trust her.' She thought.
"Momo?" A voice said behind her.
"Ch-Chaeyoung." She froze, "I'm sorry that I was looking through your friends window."
Chaeyoung stopped her.
"It's okay, I was going to see what she's doing as well."
They both looked through the window, they saw their eyes connecting and they were now leaning on each other.
'You son of a...' Chaeyoung didn't even finish what she was thinking.
Both Momo and Chaeyoung were infuriated, Chaeyoung was the first to go the door. As she pounded hard on the door, Jeongyeon opened it.
"Ms Son, what can I-?" Chaeyoung pushed Jeongyeon out of the way cutting off from what she was saying.
"What are you doing?!" Chaeyoung exclaimed.
"Chaeyoung, we were just-."
"About to kiss." Momo butted in, interrupting Mina.
"Chaeyoung, Momo, let us explain." Dahyun calmed them down.
They listened carefully.