Momo and Chaeyoung were listening very carefully.
"I invited Mina to come to my house to ask her some pointers." Dahyun spoke first.
"It's not what we were seeing." Chaeyoung said angrily.
"I was giving her pointers on physical contact." Mina answered.
"Are you sure you guys don't like each other?" Momo asked.
"No, we're just friends, I promise you." Dahyun quickly said.
"You know I won't do that to you Momo." Mina smiled at her sweetly.
The two guilty girls felt bad, they knew they were wrong.
Momo left the house whilst sobbing, Mina went to her to comfort her and to take her home.
"I've messed up." Chaeyoung spoke.
"Yeah you did, you really think I would take your crush?" Dahyun yelled.
"I'm sorry, I just-."
"Don't say sorry to me, you've got to say sorry to Mina." She pointed at the door.
Chaeyoung was outside Mina's house since her house was up the street.
'You can do it Chae... tell her that you're sorry.'
'Who am I kidding she's going to hate me.'
She sucked it up and went to her door. As she knocked she could hear a conversation with her parents, though she didn't want to listen.
Suddenly the door opened, revealing Mina.
"Hey, Chaeyoung."
"Can I talk to you outside."
Mina closed the door behind her.
Chaeyoung breathed in heavily and spoke, "I'm sorry what happened back there, I was a bit jealous, I thought you and Dahyun were..." She paused.
"We've just met a few days ago, but the first encounter with you I fell in love with you, you're the first girl who I felt close towards."
Mina was taken aback from what she said, though she knew from the start she had a crush on her.
"I forgive you and from the start I thought you were self-centred, but I was wrong." She continued. "I haven't gotten any feelings for you yet, but I would like to get you know you more."
Inside Chaeyoung was ecstatic, however she kept her cool and agreed to what she said.
Chaeyoung arrived back to Dahyun's house with the happiest smile on her face.
"I assume things went well." Dahyun spoke.
"I still have a chance."
"Now that you've apologised, how should I speak to Momo?" Dahyun, asking for a favour.
"What do you mean?" Chaeyoung puzzled.
"She may be the one who thought wrong, but I want to tell her before she apologises."
"Just tell her that it was a misunderstanding and it was not her fault." Chaeyoung replied.
Dahyun thanked her with her help.
"Why are you so invested with getting someone to like you and Momo?"
Dahyun paused to think, but Chaeyoung already figured it out.
"Don't answer, I know why, you should be better at flirting." Chaeyoung shook her head.
Sana was comforting Momo as she was telling her what happened.
"I was just jealous... what I did was wrong, now I'm embarrassed to tell her I'm sorry." She silently sobbed into Sana's shoulder.
"On the bright side, at least Mina forgave you." Sana said.
Momo wept harder.
"Okay okay, tomorrow when you see her just tell her you are sorry." She instructed.
Momo wiped her tears away with tissues.
"What if she doesn't?"
"I don't think Dahyun would do that."
Sana smiled at Momo giving her a hug in the process.