It was the first day of school, students came pouring in meeting their friends they haven't seen for a month. Two girls, Mina and Sana, were sitting at a table bench waiting for their friend, Momo.
"Ugh, how long?" Sana sighed and laid face flat on the table.
"Give her time, it's the first day of school." As soon Mina said that Momo arrived.
"Sorry I was late." Momo apologised whilst getting her breath back.
"Why were you late?" Sana asked, sitting up from her position.
"Traffic." She said.
"You mean you woke up late." Mina clarified, knowing she was lying.
"Same thing."
Suddenly they heard people screaming from the entrance of the school, a group of people gathered around. A woman dressed in a black suit pushed them away, as she did this they knew who arrived.
"Son Chaeyoung." Momo announced, crossing her arms.
"The most popular girl in school." Sana spoke.
"I don't get why people love her so much." Mina continued, "They only want her because she has money and can make you famous."
Sana turned to her, "Doesn't mean she has a bad personality."
"Plus, there are a lot of girls who would love her personality." Momo butted in.
"For example, you Mina." Sana pointed at the girl who gave her a confused look.
"I don't want to date yet, I want to graduate first. Plus I'm surprised you guys are not falling for her."
Sana and Momo laughed.
"Because we have someone on our minds, right Momo?"
Momo nodded her head in agreement.
"Don't tell me, it's Chaeyoung's friends who just joined at the end of last year." As Mina waited for their response they nodded their heads.
Mina stood up with her books and rebuked, "Unbelievable!" Then she decided to go inside the school.
Chaeyoung was in a private room with the door blocked out and only her bodyguard was allowed in. In the distance they could hear faint screaming from the halls, Chaeyoung immediately rolled her eyes.
"I hate that everyday I have to live like this." She said whilst sitting, leaning her hand against the wall.
"Miss Son, why don't you try to talk to one of them." Her bodyguard spoke.
"Jihyo please call me Chaeyoung, also they only want me because of my money and my looks."
Jihyo gave her a motherly smile and put her hands on Chaeyoung's shoulder, "But not all of them are like that."
Chaeyoung shrugged her shoulders gently.
"Miss Chou and Miss Kim just arrived now, they'll meet you on the school roof top." Her bodyguard announced.
Chaeyoung nodded as they left the room, Jihyo leading her to the roof top.
Out of nowhere, Chaeyoung accidentally bumped into someone making them drop their books.
She quickly apologised and picked up the book,
They both looked up and Chaeyoung frozed, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. A girl with short silky black hair, a girl who looked so beautiful that she couldn't believe how cute she was to be a human.
"Can I have my book back?" The girl spoke, Chaeyoung was still holding onto her book.
She let go and the girl walked off.
"Chaeyoung?" Jihyo gestured her to follow.
They arrived at the school roof top where her friends, Dahyun and Tzuyu stood waiting with their bodyguard. The trio are well known because of their parents and they are quite rich. They met each other way before Dahyun and Tzuyu came to Chaeyoung's school, each of them got along with each other.
Chaeyoung was over the moon when she heard that her two best friends are coming to her school.
"You took your time." Dahyun stood with her arms crossed.
"I'm just fashionably late." Chaeyoung chuckled.
Tzuyu went up to her and checked her face.
"Why are blushing and feel so hot?" Tzuyu asked.
Chaeyoung hid her face and lied, "I was running up the stairs."
"She fell in love with someone." Jihyo annunciated, while she stood with her hands behind her back.
Chaeyoung glared at her.
"Tell us Chae, who caught your eye?" Tzuyu was eager to know, so did the others.
"I don't know her name, though she does look like a penguin."
Dahyun stopped her and was almost about to burst out laughing, "Hold up, you're telling me you fell in love with Myoui Mina."
"I guess, you know her?"
"Know her? I practically known her my whole life." She said while still laughing.
The others were still confused, but Dahyun continued.
"I've known her since we were kids, she usually comes around my house, we live down the road from each other."
"So you're telling me you've known this girl for years and never told me about her!" Chaeyoung raised her voice.
"One, you didn't know she exist until now and two, you said you didn't want to date anyone." Dahyun explained.
The bell rang and it was time to go to their Home rooms.
"I think we should go." Tzuyu suggested.
"Actually, Mina is in our class." Dahyun said.
"That means I can sit next to her." Giving Chaeyoung the idea.
"I guess, we'll lead you three to your classes." Jihyo offered.
Chaeyoung respectfully denied, "It's okay Jihyo, I'll be fine, you can go."
"Same with you Jeongyeon." Dahyun said to her bodyguard.
"You have been dismissed, Nayeon." Tzuyu said to her bodyguard.
They bowed and left them to go to their own Home room.
"I like sitting at the back." Sana put her feet up and sat comfortably.
"I can just snack when the teacher's not looking." Momo smirked.
Mina sat at the furthest at the back, with Momo and Sana in front of her on her left and right, leaving spaces next to them.
The room became a wild party when Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and Dahyun walked in, each student were shouting out:
"Come sit next to me!"
"Marry me!"
Stuff that are quite demanding.
Mina looked up and saw them standing there, Dahyun smiled and waved at her, but Mina gestured to her to stop.
Chaeyoung started to walk towards the class, each of the students were hoping that she would sit next to them. She kept walking towards the back of the class and her friends following behind.
Finally sitting down right next to Mina, who was just reading her book.
Sana and Momo had a shocked expression on their faces.
'Does she notice I'm here?' Chaeyoung thought, she watched as Tzuyu sat next to Sana and Dahyun sat next to Momo.
Both Sana and Momo were screaming internally, almost dying.
Everyone was staring at Chaeyoung, some were jealous of Mina, though she doesn't care. Chaeyoung kept looking at her still admiring her beauty, she unexpectedly turned back to Chaeyoung and looked at her.
Chaeyoung felt flustered and flinched.
"You've got something in your hair." Mina said while picking something from her hair.
Their faces were close, close enough that it looks like their were going to...
"OOH!" The class shouted as they watched, both of them pulled apart and looked at the front of the class where their teacher arrived.
"Settle down, I know it's the first day of school but we're here to learn." Mr Yoon spoke.
The class settled down.
"You guys better get used to who your sitting next to, because this is your partner for the whole year." He announced.
Sana's thought, 'OMG, I can't take this.'
Momo's thought, 'Have I just died?'
Mina's thought, 'Ugh, I'm sitting next to her.'
Tzuyu's thought, 'I'm fine with that, plus she does look cute.'
Dahyun's thought, 'I'm stuck with this girl, her hair does smell nice.'
Chaeyoung's thought, 'This means I have a chance to get to know her.'