I hate this, I hate him, I hate them, how could they, why would he allow this.
One of his men has been abducted, one of his brothers is not home, my life is in danger, his old lady is, well his Old lady is fine but that's not the point. The point is they shouldn't be doing this. This is preposterous, they should be focused on getting Hell Hound home.
Hell Hound, I'm so stupid I haven't even called to see if his fine, I've been away for 4 days, I've been with my brother for 3, I've been in this club house for 2 and for those 2 days these guys have been partying.
I mean I get it they know where there "brother" is but he is not safe. We should be trying to get him here and then party.
I haven't told Jamie but I'm hitting the road today. I have to figure out why Reaper says I belonged to him before, there is only one possibility that crosses my mind but if it were him I would have recognized him I mean I know its been years but I'm sure he shouldn't have changed much.
So I'm going to visit an old friend of mine, this friend has all my files locked away safely. Away from any curious person surrounding me here or at Inferno Wolfs clubhouse.
Alpha has tried to call me and I've ignored all his calls. I'm not ready, I know I told him that I would be here and always will be his friend but I cant do it my heart aches everytime I here or say his name.
People say we have to be reasonable with other you know gove some get some but indent think it works that way.
You can sometine give all of you and bot get anything back because the human population works that way. We are all selfish, you can say all you want that your not, but at the end of the day in some way, some more than others, we are all selfish.
And theres no reason to feel ashamed or discouraged because of it. Fuck it we cant go our whole life doing for others. Because if you do then who will do for you? Who will give you?
I have given him myself for years. No, scratch that, I'm being a hypocrite, he probably didnt even know, if he did he would have set me straight from the beginning.
He would have told me that was a one way train, no return from his end. But that would have hurt more, is that why I keep pushing him further and further away? Because I dont want to get hurt? Or is it because I dont want him to feel the same way? He deserves better? I'm not saying I'm bad. Or that I'm trash, but he, goddes his, perfect, he is the definition of happiness, love and sexy all in one.
It's like having unicorns, rainbows, and sunshine in a pot. Way to good to be true. Or in my case way to good to be mine! There is definitely a girl out there that can give him what I cant.
And I'm not about to step in her way.
I zone back in to the scene and cant help but flinch at the sound of music blaring, windows vibrating and women grinding on men. I take another shot, I've lost count but I know I've had enough its catching up to me my eyes start to get drowsy and my body relaxed. I cant remember when the last time I got drunk was. But fuck it I'm leaving tomorrow why not.
"Hey." I whip my head to my left and se the guy from the warehouse, the one that was holding Axes head. I can't seem to get a word out and I dont know the guys name but I decide that staring was enough to make him feel acknowledged. He smirks at me and extendes his hand.
"Vegas" is all he says, and I cant seem to figure out if it's an invite, a code word, or what he called himself. So I go for the most obvious. And shake his hand.
"Yeah I heard." He heard where? Who told him. I guess my face reflected what I was thinking because he laughed.
"At the warehouse. You gave a brief summary on why you where called Mesperyian. I like your style by the way." I smile at that.
"You did? I was so nervios! I didnt know if it was too much or too little. I was hoping you guys enjoyed it but most of your faces didnt give off the enjoyment type of vibe so I didnt want to ask." He chuckles and moves to look at the crowd.
"It was perfect. I'm sure you did better that any of us." Vegas and I talk for a while and then I pulled him to the dance floor and we danced on and off for most of the night.
"So why Vegas?"
"I tend to keep to my self. You know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, the guys thought it was funny. When I was prospecting they did alot of things that I still keep for them." My mouth formed an "O" and he smirked.
I wake up the next morning with a pounding in my head. With my chest constricted and unable to move. The plus side to this is I feel very warm. The down sime I think I'm naked, why would I be naked? I dint want to open my eyes because I dont want to see the reason for my nudity. Now I remember why I haven't gotten drunk in a long time.
I try to move but what ever or may I say who ever is holding me down is not making it easier.
"Stop moving Mesperyian." A very deep voice says from behind me.
God, dont open your eyes, dont open your eyes, dont open your eyes.
It might just be a dream.
I cant help it I open my eyes to see a skinny but muscled had wrapped around me I follow it and the first thing that catches my eye is the scar, fuck! Then brown hair. Piercings lots of them and then his eyes snap open and I'm meet with blue one shit. Please tell me I didnt sleep with him. I look down and lift the blanket. Boobs, just like I though, I'm naked, i look back at him and he has his eyebrow lifted silently questioning me. My eyes go wide, Omg I did! I had sex with Vegas. I didnt think he was my type but I guess drunk me thought wrong.
"Relax we didnt have sex. We came here to get away from the noise and ended up falling asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night and tou were, well you were like that so i covered you up." Relive fill my body and o exhale in a very dramatic way.
"Wow, no need to be that rude."
"Oh no, it's not like that."shit I'm so insensitive sometimes.
"Its fine, I'm joking, I would do you either." Wait, what? Hold up!
"Why" I blurt out with out thinking, he laughs at me for a little and I sit up covering myself and crossing my arms.
"Dont get me wrong, your beautiful, but I guess I'm just not intrested in that way." Well fair enough it's not like I'm intrested in him. At all.
I nod my head and get up heading to the bathroom to start my day off. When I step out Vegas is no longer here I get dressed and pack my things I have to head out if I want to make it tonight.
Making my way toward the front door I'm stopped be the sounds of wheels screeching to a halt, gun shots followed, windows breaking, people screaming. I was paralyzed while people ran around me, Jamie was yelling out ordes that I couldn't quite make out. I looked around frantically making sure there were no women or children that would need to be moved. But I had forgotten to make sure that I too was covered. It felt like warm at first as if my brain wasnt registering what was going on. Then it all came flooding, flesh tearing metal colliding with bone then my leg gave out I went face first to the floor my head now laying just outside of the door. And then my vision started to go black, my last thought was.
Why the fuck did I let my guard down. I knew he was coming he might have been late but i should have expected it!
And with that i was out.
I don't know how long i was out for but when i came too i didnt feel any pain. I was unnervingly relax. I dont know if my eyes were open or closed all I saw was black. It was hard to lift my arms and legs but I didnt really try my body was at this moment the temple of serenity. As calm as the sea before the storm. I know I wasnt on the floor because I felt the softness of shets the warmth of being wrapped in a quilt and the pillow below my head, but I also felt something cold on my ankle and although I wanted to see what it was I didnt have the strength or felt the need to do it all I wanted was to give in to the calm. Let it consume me completely, tame me to where ever it wanted to. And that is what I did, I relax sinking deeper into the blankets and once again letting go of what ever was keeping me conscious.